My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 995: Reduction
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Chapter 995: Reduction

Chapter 995: Reduction

Camille's questioning left Page and Brody momentarily speechless. The two exchanged glances, while

Mr. Wesley, standing beside them, looked somewhat puzzled and asked, "What does this mean, Mr.

Armstrong? Haven't we already agreed on everything? Why is there someone else involved? Is your

daughter introduced to someone else?"

Brody furrowed his brows slightly, his expression clearly showing displeasure. He never liked it when

people questioned his decisions or went against his wishes. He narrowed his eyes and flashed a cold

look, but it was only for a moment before he concealed it. He turned to Mr. Wesley and said with a faint

smile, "Of course not. She's just making excuses. Both of you can rest assured. I'll make sure my wife

educates her properly. It's getting late today. Both of you should return to the hotel and rest. Tomorrow

morning, I'll personally bring her to meet you, and you can all head back to Chesen together."

Brody naturally had no intention of considering Camille's wishes, nor did he plan to explain anything to

her. He was determined to have his way in this matter.

Camille, however, subconsciously furrowed her brow as she glanced at the time. It had only been a

little over ten minutes since Ayan said he would wait outside for her. She was beginning to regret not

having asked Ayan to accompany her from the beginning.

She had never expected the Armstrong family to treat her this way, and their audacity stunned her.

Camille let out a cold laugh, her voice filled with a chilly edge. She looked at Brody and Page, her tone

laced with interrogation. "So, have the two of you arranged my second marriage like this? It seems like

you've been quite concerned. But since you're so eager, why don't you go yourself?"

Camille smirked, arching an eyebrow, and directed her words at Page.

Her words were abrupt and caught everyone off guard, especially the content, which left the four of

them momentarily frozen.

Page was the first to react, wearing a look of incredulous shock on her face. Her gaze remained fixed

on Camille as she asked, "What are you talking about? Do you even realize what you're saying?"

Camille chuckled, raising an eyebrow provocatively, and continued, "What about you? Do you know

what you're doing? If you want to act crazy, I won't join you. If you're causing trouble for me under the

guise of doing what's best for me, then please clean up your own mess and don't involve me and


"We're doing this for your own good. Why can't you see that? Or do you really believe he will remarry

you? Right now, he's only treating you well because of your looks. Do you think he'll still care about you

when he has someone new by his side? Will the Wesley family treat you well once you give birth to

children for them?"

"If the Wesley family is so great, why don't you go yourself? If the Wesley family is your choice, why did

you specifically choose me? Is it because my last name is Armstrong?"

Camille smirked coldly. In truth, she wanted to ask why they had chosen her instead of Grace.

However, Grace was innocent, and she stood by Camille's side. If Camille had voiced such thoughts, it

would have been heartless. Therefore, she directed all her questions towards Page.

Camille's resistance infuriated Page, who pointed at her and shouted in anger, "Why can't you

appreciate what's good for you? You're utterly ungrateful, like a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

Camille had lost count of how many times she had heard the term "wolf in sheep's clothing" from Page

and Brody. Every time they spoke to her, it seemed as though she owed them something. Camille

found it amusing. She remained expressionless and turned to Brody and Page, asking, "Are you really

my parents? Why do you always treat me as if I owe you so much? Is there anything I do that satisfies

you? What do you want from me to be content?"

Camille's questioning left Brody and Page momentarily stunned. Brody spoke in a composed tone,

saying, "Stop finding these irrelevant excuses. If you truly respect us, follow our arrangements and stop

making us worry. Don't defy us."

Page quickly chimed in, "Your father is right. If you genuinely care about us, then listen to our plans."

After Brody and Page brushed off Camille, they hurriedly assured Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley, "Rest

assured, we will educate her properly, and you won't have to worry so much."

"Then Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong, please have a good talk with Miss Armstrong about this.

Once she's one of the Wesley family, we hope situations like this won't arise again. Otherwise, our


"Don't worry; we know what to do," Brody interrupted the unfinished sentence.

Camille furrowed her brows tightly and blocked Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley, who were preparing to

leave. She looked at the two and asked, "What cooperation?"

Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley then exchanged glances with Brody and Page and seemed to be silently

asking them how to handle this.

Brody and Page remained silent, their gazes carrying a hint of coldness. Brody said to Mr. Wesley, "I'll

have someone escort you out. Let's have dinner together tomorrow night."

Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley prepared to leave again, but before they reached the entrance, a servant

exclaimed, "Mr. Simpson."

The servant's words were filled with surprise and astonishment. Her gaze turned back towards Brody

and Page in the living room upon hearing the name "Mr. Simpson."

Upon hearing "Mr. Simpson," Brody and Page instinctively exchanged shocked glances.

Simultaneously, Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley inquired, "Who is this?"

Both of them looked at the tall, imposing man standing before them. From every perspective, this man

seemed difficult to deal with, exuding an inherent sense of nobility that was impossible to ignore.

Ayan did not respond to their questions. He continued to walk into the room with measured steps, his

brows displaying a cold indifference. He entered the living room and looked at Brody and Page, who

regarded him with a touch of fear. Ayan's voice carried a faint smile as he said, "What's wrong? Don't

you welcome me?"

Ayan's nonchalant inquiry prompted Brody to quickly say, "Of course not! We're delighted to see you.

Please have a seat. I'll have someone make tea for you. Let's have a good chat later. I'll see our guests


After saying this, Brody shot a meaningful glance at Page before heading towards Mr. Wesley and Mrs.

Wesley. Page instructed someone to prepare tea and then wore a smile, saying, "Ayan, we're thrilled

you're here. Why did you suddenly come over?"

"Camille asked me to accompany her. So, what's the matter that you've been discussing for so long?"

Ayan's indifferent gaze focused on Page, his eyes filled with unmistakable questioning. Page's face

stiffened in response.

Upon Ayan's arrival, Camille had remained silent, her face expressing her inner turmoil and


Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes and reached out to grasp Camille's wrist, pulling her closer to him. His

voice was gentle as he asked, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Camille did not respond but merely pursed her lips and raised her gaze slightly towards Ayan.

The unintended intimacy between Camille and Ayan did not escape the notice of Mr. Wesley and Mrs.novelbin

Wesley, and the arrival of Ayan had already left the Armstrong family in shock. Though he was young,

the way the Armstrong family treated him showed that they did not dare to be casual or disrespectful.

So, even though Brody had casually mentioned Ayan as a relative, the looks from Mr. Wesley and Mrs.

Wesley were now subtly scrutinizing Ayan.

They had been about to leave, but the sight of Ayan holding Camille's hand caught their attention,

creating a surprising scene.

Mrs. Wesley questioned, "Mr. Armstrong, what is their relationship? Who is this man? Didn't you agree

to marry your daughter Camille to our Wesley family? Why is she so intimate with another man now?

What does all of this mean?"

Mrs. Wesley's voice was not overly loud, but it was clear enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Ayan, too, had heard every word clearly. His expression turned cold, and his deep gaze scanned the

room. There was a subtle, icy curve on his lips as he asked in a deliberate tone, "Are you planning to

marry Camille into their family?"

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