My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 990: Alone
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Chapter 990: Alone

Chapter 990: Alone

Why would someone as outstanding as her choose them?

The teacher didn't quite understand what Camille meant but answered truthfully, "Yes, we did announcenovelbin

it. Many college students are wary of scams these days, and I was worried it might affect your

recruitment, so I mentioned the company briefly. Is that okay?"

Camille shook her head and replied nonchalantly, "Of course, it's fine. I was just asking casually, don't

take it to heart."

The topic wasn't pursued further, and Camille and Sienna expressed their gratitude to the teacher

before suggesting that they needed to discuss things privately. With several excellent candidates, they

found it challenging to make a decision.

After the teacher left the meeting room, Camille and Sienna both sighed silently.

Sienna looked at Camille and asked, "What do we do now?"

Camille pursed her lips, her expression turning somewhat distant, and said, "Honestly, she's a perfect

fit for us, isn't she?"

"Yes, she really is."

"But why would she work so hard to join our company?" Camille was genuinely puzzled. If the teacher

hadn't provided them with any information, she wouldn't be hesitating like this.

Camille sighed once again, and her expression grew more serious. After a moment of silent

contemplation, she made a decision, saying, "Let's go with the male student, he's good too."

Camille didn't want to create unnecessary problems for herself, especially with all the recent events.

She didn't want to complicate things further.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with Crystal. After all, they didn't know each other from the

beginning, and Camille simply wanted to follow her instincts.

Sienna had no objections to Camille's decision. With their choice made, they instructed the teacher to

inform the male student to come to the company the next morning for further discussions regarding

compensation and benefits.

As for the other students' design sketches, they were returned, following the standard practice in the

design industry.

Camille and Sienna were ready to leave the meeting room, but as they were about to head downstairs,

they heard a voice behind them, "Miss Armstrong, Miss King."

It was Crystal.

She walked briskly toward them and stood in front of Camille and Sienna. She looked at them and said,

"Miss Armstrong, Miss King, I hope I'm not being too forward."

Camille and Sienna exchanged a quick glance before Camille spoke, "Crystal? Is there something

you'd like to discuss?"

Crystal was straightforward and asked, "I wanted to know why you didn't choose me. I believe my work

is on par with the others, and Miss Armstrong seemed to like my style. Why did you ultimately select

someone else?"

She didn't beat around the bush and directly expressed her doubts.

Sienna smiled and replied, "Your work is indeed excellent, but excellence doesn't necessarily mean it

fits our requirements, does it?"

Crystal seemed somewhat incredulous but still looked at Camille and asked, "Is that what Miss

Armstrong thinks too?"

"Crystal, your work and style are indeed impressive, and I genuinely liked them. However, you might

not be the best fit for this collaboration, so I'm sorry," Camille replied in a calm tone.

Crystal pursed her lips, her expression visibly disappointed. However, she didn't insist and instead said

softly, "I understand. I'm sorry for bothering you both. I didn't mean anything else; I just wanted to clarify

things and remove any doubts I might have had."

Camille and Sienna expressed their understanding, and after watching Crystal turn and leave, they

continued downstairs.

Once they were back in the car, Camille finally spoke up and asked Sienna, "Did we go too far with


Sienna was puzzled by Camille's question and asked in return, "Why would you say that? Just because

we didn't choose her? The right to choose is in our hands, and I believe it's perfectly fine to select

whoever we feel is suitable, isn't it?"

After Sienna's persuasive words, Camille nodded in agreement. Yes, they had the right to choose, and

others had the right to decline.

Their decision-making process was fair, and there was nothing unreasonable about it.

Back at the company, Camille and Sienna provided Yessica with the contact information for the

selected student, Zack Frances. They instructed Yessica to send him a message that he should come

to the company the next day.

With the assistant designer position filled, their next task was to focus on the design sketches.

Even though they had just returned from selecting candidates at the school, Camille and Sienna didn't

take a break. After Yessica served them coffee, they resumed discussing the design sketches.

The theme for the design competition hadn't been finalized yet, so they could only brainstorm and

prepare for any potential themes.

Camille said, "In these preliminary rounds of design competitions, they usually don't provide a specific

theme. Participants are allowed to use their personal creativity and interpretation. Once the theme is

decided, we can start working on our competition sketches."

Sienna rested her chin on her hand, gazing at Camille, and said, "What do we do? I'm starting to feel

nervous already. It's been a while since I participated in a formal competition like this, and just thinking

about it is making me anxious."

Camille, on the other hand, felt no nervousness at all because this was her area of expertise. She felt

confident and at ease.

Camille looked at Sienna and spoke gently, "Why are you getting nervous? Didn't we agree that as long

as I'm here, we'll give it our all? If you're getting anxious now, what will you do when the competition

officially starts?"

Sienna's anxiety increased as Camille spoke.

With a distressed expression, Sienna said, "Oh no, the more you talk, the more nervous I become. Is

this going to give me anxiety?"

Camille furrowed her brow, finding it difficult to understand what was causing Sienna's anxiety. She was

used to seeing Sienna as a confident and capable woman, so this sudden change surprised her.

Camille didn't want to continue comforting Sienna and simply said, "Well, how about this? Since you're

feeling nervous, we can decide not to prepare for the competition now and withdraw, okay?"

Sienna immediately protested, "No, that won't work. I already committed to this, and once I've said it, I

have to follow through. Otherwise, Rex will make fun of me."

Camille let out a slight huff and said indifferently, "So you're only worried about Rex making fun of


"It's not just that. This is the first time we're collaborating, isn't it? I have to do my best, and I hope Mrs.

Simpson can be patient with me and help me win a big prize and take me high!"

Camille had no patience for apple-polishing words.

The two of them remained at the company until half-past five in the afternoon. Sienna suggested, "How

about going to the restaurant for dinner together? Rex has a business dinner tonight, and I don't want

to eat alone. Will you keep me company?"

Camille immediately refused, saying, "I'm afraid not. You'll have to eat on your own."

Sienna questioned, "Why not? Do you have plans with Mr. Simpson?"

Camille shook her head and denied, "No."

"If you don't have plans, why won't you accompany me?"

"I need to go back to Simpson's Mansion to pick up Timmy. He's been there for several days now, and I

miss him." Despite daily video calls, seeing Timmy in person was different, and Camille was eager to

reunite with him.

Sienna put on a mournful expression and asked, "So, what about me? Am I just going to be all alone?"

Camille chuckled lightly and said, "You're something else. Even Timmy has stopped crying now and

then, and you're still going on about it. Aren't you his godmother?"

Camille suddenly remembered something and became more serious. She looked at Sienna and said, "I

have something to tell you. This morning, Ayan and I went to the civil bureau."

Sienna was initially slow to react, and her initial expression remained calm. However, when she

understood Camille's meaning, her reaction was delayed, and she stared at Camille with wide eyes.

She asked, "You two divorced?"


"He agreed to it?" Sienna asked, astounded.

"Yes, he initiated it."

"Wow, so what's your relationship now?"

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