My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 989: Choice
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Chapter 989: Choice

Chapter 989: Choice

In the afternoon, Camille and Sienna drove to the university.

Since Ayan had already taken her to visit her aunt, who was a professor, they went directly to her

aunt's office after arriving at the university. Because her aunt had other matters to attend to, she had

one of her students, who was now also a teacher at the School of Design, take them to a meeting


The design teacher told Camille and Sienna, "The professor has arranged for a few selected students

to be waiting in the meeting room. You can take a look at their design work later. If you find something

you like, you can finalize it right away."

Camille and Sienna exchanged glances, and then Camille spoke, "Alright, we'll take a look at the work

first. But if the work catches our eye, I'd like to see the design style in person. As a designer, I believe

in seeing things firsthand."

The teacher nodded in understanding, "Of course."

"Thank you."

The three of them continued walking and soon reached the door of the meeting room, which was on

the same floor as the office.

The teacher raised her hand to knock on the door, then pushed it open, leading Camille and Sienna


Inside the meeting room, a dozen of students, including both boys and girls, were sitting quietly. The

teacher briefly introduced them and then arranged for Camille and Sienna to sit at the head of the

table. She looked at the students present and said, "You can line up and submit your designs in order,

please remember to include your names."

A few minutes later, Camille and Sienna looked at the design sketches handed to them. There was no

specific theme for them, and the students were free to interpret them as they liked.

Each person had a unique style, and it was clear that they had their own individual design aesthetics.

In the end, Camille and Sienna selected five design sketches, and the teacher asked these five

students to stay, while the others whose designs weren't chosen could leave the meeting room.

Looking at the five remaining individuals, there were four male students and one female student.

Camille was a bit surprised, and Sienna whispered to her, "It seems like we have better chemistry with

men, huh?"

Camille gave her a slight glance, signaling her not to talk nonsense.

Looking at the four students in the room, Camille spoke, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you here. I really

liked your designs, but we only have one spot available. So, I'll provide a topic, and you five can

interpret it freely. How does that sound?"

The five students looked at each other and then nodded in agreement, "Sounds good."

Camille came up with a topic on the spot, as she hadn't planned it in advance.

After a brief moment of silence, she looked at each of them before saying, "Be Unique!"

"Be Unique" aligned with their purpose and would also allow Camille to see their design concepts and


They had half an hour for the drawing. During this time, Camille and Sienna sat quietly, observing the

progress of the students. There was an empty seat between them so they couldn't see each other's


Camille's eyes remained fixed on the students the whole time. Sienna's voice reached her ears as she

asked, "Honestly, do you have made you choice in mind?"

Camille pursed her lips, her gaze still fixed on the students, and replied in a calm tone, "You make a


Sienna, with a slight pout, murmured, "Fine. You've grown emotionally distant from me, haven't you? I

get it. Once you've got something, you stop cherishing it."

Camille wore an expression of exasperation and said in a disinterested tone, "You're really something

else, you know that? Where do you come up with all this drama every day?"

"Are you complaining about me now?" Sienna looked genuinely hurt.

Camille decided not to respond. If there weren't other people around, she might have considered giving

her friend a playful punch to shut her up and bring some peace and quiet to the world.

Camille's thoughts were not something Sienna could fathom. Right now, Sienna was just feeling a bit

bored and wanted to tease Camille, maybe even make her angry.

That's probably what good friends do, after all.

Half an hour passed quickly, and when the time was up, Camille called for a stop, regardless of

whether the students had finished or not.

The five students handed in their work, and Camille accepted it. She asked them to wait outside for a

moment as she and Sienna wanted to review the sketches first. After that, they would invite each

student in to discuss their work and ideas.

As for the final decision, it would be made after each student had their discussion, and it wouldn't be

announced immediately. After all, everyone was an adult, and they wanted to preserve each other's


The first student Camille invited in was a girl named Crystal Bill. She was a graduating master's student

with exceptional drawing skills and outstanding academic performance. She was also one of the most

popular and liked students among the teachers.novelbin

All this information was gathered from the materials provided by the design teacher. Crystal had used a

sketching technique to present her unique theme, which was about being unique oneself, standing in

the wind, facing storms without being knocked down, and eventually seeing a rainbow after the storm.

Her message was very positive.

But would reality be as kind?

Camille smiled faintly and began, "Your expression of the theme is well done, but reality can be more

cruel. Every industry is highly competitive, and you'll likely invest a lot of effort without receiving any

response. Do you think you can handle that?"

"I don't know if I can handle it, but I believe that if an opportunity comes my way, whether good or bad, I

should give it my all."

Her response was confident and showed no signs of discouragement, which changed the way Camille

looked at her.

Camille said, "I like your words and your mindset. I hope we have the chance to work together."

Crystal nodded in agreement, her eyes meeting Camille's before thanking her and leaving the meeting


After Crystal left, Sienna took the opportunity as the next student entered and said to Camille, "This

Crystal seems interesting. Her demeanor don't seem like she comes from an ordinary background.

Some things require money and exposure to cultivate, and she gives off a rich kid vibe."

Camille rolled her eyes and replied in a dispassionate tone, "Whether she has money or not has

nothing to do with why we're here today. We're here to find employees, not wealthy people."

Sienna explained, "What I mean is, if she's wealthy, I'm worried that she won't work diligently at the

company. Spoiled brats can be hard to handle, not everyone is as independent and strong-willed as

Ayan's sister."

Camille was momentarily taken aback, her expression becoming slightly distant. What Sienna said did

have some merit, as her company was small, and the assistant they were hiring was meant to help with

preparations for the design competition. It was clear they couldn't afford to hire someone who would be


But that didn't mean they should jump to conclusions about someone based on their wealth, right?

After a moment of hesitation in her mind, Camille simply said, "Let's see how it goes. Based on her skill

alone, she seems to have reached a level that can't be achieved without hard work."

"If she's truly outstanding, why would she come to interview with us? We're a small fry in this industry,"

Sienna mused casually.

Camille frowned slightly, her expression showing a hint of confusion. She didn't continue that train of

thought, though, because the next candidate had entered the room.

After nearly an hour of individual discussions, the five selected students had all talked with Camille and


The design teacher also entered the room at this point and, seeing Camille and Sienna's hesitant

expressions, asked, "Have you considered it? Do you have any favorites?"

Camille smiled gently and replied, "They're all very talented, so it's hard to choose."

The teacher also smiled and said, "Really? I think you probably have a decision already."

Camille just smiled and didn't say anything, while Sienna asked, "Do you know Crystal well?"

The teacher responded, "Crystal is quite impressive. She not only has talent but also works hard. She

won the championship in the university design competition with her personal design. Many design

companies wanted to sign her back then, but she turned them all down."

Camille and Sienna knew she was talented, but they hadn't realized just how outstanding she was.

Camille casually asked, "Teacher, did you announce our identities to the students at the beginning of

the recruitment process?"

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