My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 991: A Pause
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Chapter 991: A Pause

Chapter 991: A Pause

Camille looked at Sienna, who couldn't keep her mouth shut. She reached out and closed Sienna's

mouth, then said, "I don't know yet. We just divorced this morning, and I came to the office right after.

We haven't had a chance to talk properly."

Sienna asked softly, "So have you forgiven him?"

Camille responded in a casual tone, "Guess."

Sienna found her answer maddening. She grabbed Camille's arm and muttered, "Oh, Cami, just tell

me, can't you? Can't you make an exception for me just this once?"

Camille had no intention of giving a lengthy response. She looked at Sienna with her usual cold

expression and said, "Why are you so nosy? How about this, tonight, I'll ask Ayan to host a live

session, and you can ask him anything you want. Will that satisfy you?"

"Isn't that too embarrassing?"

"Are you capable of feeling embarrassed?"

"Well, yes, I can be quite thin-skinned."

Camille couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Sienna's self-assessment. She said, "Indeed, your skin is

as thin as a piece of paper. Tsk!"

"Meanie!" Sienna pouted. "I'm only like this with you, you know?"

Camille responded with a wry smile, realizing that she had no choice but to indulge Sienna. After all,

Sienna was her chosen friend.

Seeing Camille fall silent, Sienna asked again, "Why do you think Mr. Simpson compromised like this?

He must really love you, or else why would he compromise?" Sienna said, speaking her mind.

Camille paid her no attention and began to tidy up her things in preparation to leave.

After Sienna finished speaking, Camille suddenly remembered something and said calmly, "Others in

the Simpson family don't know about this yet, so please don't tell your mother-in-law. If you want to tell

your husband, please ask him to keep it a secret."

Sienna quickly nodded and said, "I understand, don't worry."


Camille nodded as well, and then the two of them left the company together. They each got into their

respective cars and drove away.

Camille drove directly to Simpson's Mansion. She had called the nanny in advance, so everything was

prepared. There wasn't much to pack since they had everything they needed in both places, including

clothes and daily necessities.

Camille picked up Timmy and was about to head back to Franklin Bay when Ayan called.

Camille glanced at her phone's caller ID, hesitated briefly, and then answered, "Hello?"

Ayan asked, "Are you done with work? Shall I come pick you up?"

"No need, I've already arrived at Simpson's Mansion," she replied casually.

Ayan inquired, "Simpson's Mansion? Cami, are you intentionally avoiding me?"

"You're overthinking it. I'm just picking up Timmy to bring him back to Franklin Bay," Camille explained

in a soft tone.

Ayan chuckled softly, his voice slightly husky, and said, "In that case, I'll get back. How about we have

dinner together?"

Did he need her permission for a simple dinner?

Camille grumbled internally but replied calmly, "Up to you."

"Is that a yes or a no?" He insisted on getting a clear answer.

She pursed her lips, took a silent deep breath, and with the nanny and Timmy still in the car, she didn't

want to delay too long. She replied, "Sure."

Ayan was satisfied with her response. If she hadn't given an answer to his liking, he would have

continued pressing her.

After ending the call with Ayan, Camille put down her phone and started her car.

Returning from Simpson's Mansion to the Maple Leaves Mansion wasn't far. Ayan seemed to have

timed it perfectly, as he arrived shortly after Camille.

Camille parked her car, and Ayan had already exited his vehicle. He went straight to Camille's car and

opened the back door, lifting Timmy out of his child safety seat.

Ayan was quite paternal, cradling Timmy in his arms. He asked in a gentle voice, "Does Timmy miss


Timmy clung to Ayan's neck and nodded obediently, his voice still very childlike. He replied, "Yes."

"You're such a good boy," Ayan said, raising a hand to gently pinch Timmy's cheek. His dark eyes then

fell on Camille as she got out of the car. In a low voice, he asked, "How did the recruitment go today?"

Camille, holding her bag, casually mentioned her inner doubts to Ayan. Ayan listened without any

noticeable change in his expression. However, Camille's cautious tone made him take the matter

seriously. He followed up with a question, "You're not sure if there's a problem, but you can't help but

feel that it's too deliberate and coincidental, right?"

Camille nodded. Ayan understood her concerns. He said, "I'll have Kian look into it. That should put

your mind at ease, OK?"

Camille agreed with a nod.

"Let's go, and have dinner first," Ayan had already called the maid in the afternoon. Knowing that

Camille preferred to have dinner at home. So, he had the housekeeper prepare Camille's favorite

dishes in advance.

The three of them hadn't sat down at the same table for a few days, and the atmosphere during this

meal was very pleasant. Timmy was well-behaved, like a little bundle of joy, keeping Camille and Ayan

smiling throughout the meal.

After dinner, with some time still remaining, Ayan suggested, "How about taking a walk?" The houses in

Franklin Bay was mostly standalone, and their living arrangements were adjacent to Sienna and Rex's.

There were plenty of open spaces for both families to walk and play. The greenery and facilities were


Camille hesitated. She didn't really want to go out because she felt a bit lazy. Lately, she had been

feeling somewhat tired.

Ayan could tell she was unsure and thought she might not want to go out with him, so he encouraged

her by saying, "Shall we invite Mommy to join us for a walk?"

Timmy nodded, "Yes, Mommy, let's go for a walk."novelbin

Camille couldn't refuse now, so she took Timmy's hand and they set out together.

As they left, they unexpectedly ran into Sienna and Rex, who had come over to play with Timmy. It

turned into a group outing, and the five of them walked together.

Camille and Sienna led Timmy at the front, while Ayan and Rex followed behind. Rex took the

opportunity to ask, "Ayan, did you and Cami just complete the divorce proceedings today? Weren't you

already divorced before? What's going on, or is Sienna joking with me?"

Rex was the type of person who would discuss anything openly with close friends, so he was generally

not one to hold back.

Seeing the people involved, he couldn't wait to ask. He didn't consider how fragile or uncomfortable

Ayan might feel as a recently divorced man.

Ayan gave him a cold, piercing look, and Rex, caught off guard by that gaze, faltered. His face froze,

and he stammered, "What's wrong?"

Ayan remained silent, clearly showing his reluctance to continue walking with Rex. He just wanted to

put some distance between them as soon as possible.

Ayan didn't speak, and Rex's curiosity grew stronger. His tone became more insistent, "Ayan, is there

something you can't talk about? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I heard Sienna mention it during

dinner, and I've been wanting to ask you what the reason was. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Ayan stopped in his tracks, his expression turning unpleasant. He spoke in a cold and toneless voice,

"If you really want to help me, there's one thing you can do."

"What is it?"

"Disappear from my sight immediately. Don't linger for even a second, understood?"

Having said those words, Ayan continued walking ahead.

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