My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 977 Loss
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Chapter 977 Loss

Chapter 977 Loss

Camille had just returned and was frowning as she looked at the people outside. Her expression held a

hint of surprise. Faced with Sienna's enthusiasm, she couldn't ignore her, so she whispered, "If I say

no, will you not come in?"

Sienna laughed heartily, "Of course not."

"So why are you asking me?" Camille replied coolly, then walked over to open the door. Her expression

remained somewhat indifferent, and there was a hint of awkwardness between them.

Sienna raised her hand and offered Camille the fruit she was holding. "I washed this fruit for you.

Would you like to try it?"

Camille glanced at it but didn't take it from Sienna's hand. Her voice was low as she said, "I can't eat it."

Sienna visibly deflated, her hand drooping. She sounded somewhat disheartened as she asked, "Cami,

so you still won't forgive me?"

Camille met her gaze and asked, "Is eating your fruit a sign of forgiveness?"

She sighed helplessly, unsure of what to do in front of Sienna. Sienna had indeed kept a secret from

her along with Ayan, but this secrecy hadn't caused any harm. It just made Camille feel uncomfortable

internally. Apart from that, there didn't seem to be any other losses, did there?

Though she had been furious initially, because Sienna was her best friend, Camille believed that best

friends should share everything with each other, whether good or bad, rather than keeping secrets for

others, even if it was intended for her own good.

But now, seeing Sienna standing at the door with fruits in her hands, not even daring to come in

herself, she exuded a sense of caution. It made Camille uncomfortable. They shouldn't be like this, and

they couldn't be like this.

Camille pressed her lips together, concealing her emotions deep down. She took a silent deep breath,

then said calmly, "I'm feeling unwell. I had a fever last night and went to the hospital. The doctor said I

can't eat fruits while taking medication. You can bring them in and put them in the fridge. I'll have them

after I finish my medicine."

With that, she didn't linger and turned to walk inside the house.

Sienna stood still for a few seconds, visibly stunned. Watching Camille not about to close the door, she

finally reacted. A smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Alright, I'll keep them for you in the fridge."

Sienna was delighted and hurriedly entered the house, closing the door behind her.

Camille sat on the living room couch, and the TV was playing the latest TV drama, so it wasn't entirely

quiet, erasing the previous awkwardness.

Sienna put the fruits in the fridge herself, not needing any help from the maid. Then, she sat obediently

beside Camille in the living room, her gaze fixed on Camille without blinking, making it quite direct and


Camille furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Sienna whispered, "I'm afraid I won't get to see you again in a moment."

"See me again? Am I going to die in a moment?" Camille replied in an exasperated tone.

Sienna hurriedly explained, "No, that's not what I meant. I just worry that I won't be able to stay for too

long, so I want to look at you a bit longer."

Camille let out a soft hum and a faint, almost imperceptible smile played on her lips. Her voice

remained calm, "Do you want to record a video then? It will save you the trouble of looking at me."

"Well, I actually have another solution."

"What's the solution?"

"You could invite me for dinner and then let me stay overnight. That way, you won't have to bother with

recording videos."

She said it seriously, as if it were a genuinely good idea.

Sienna shook her head. "But I can only see the real you when I'm by your side. I like the lively you."

As she spoke, she gradually moved closer to Camille. Closer and closer until she leaned her head on

Camille's shoulder. She spoke softly, "Cami, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I was wrong, so can you forgive

me? Please, give me a chance, I promise I'll change."

She said it sincerely and earnestly, with a hint of coquettishness, but Camille could sense her


Camille didn't push her away; she let Sienna stay close. A small smile played on her lips, hidden from

Sienna's view. Her voice remained steady as she asked, "Are your promises sincere? Can you really

do it?"

"Absolutely, I truly can. Will you believe me? Do you trust me?" Sienna sat up straight and instinctively

raised her hand to make a swearing gesture. She said, "I swear, if what I say isn't true, I..."

"Stop talking," Camille interrupted her, her expression turning slightly displeased. She said, "If you keep

talking, I might really not want to speak to you."

"Alright, I won't say anything," Sienna immediately fell silent. She even made a zipper gesture with her

hand, sealing her lips tightly.

Camille pursed her lips, and her voice softened. She said, "I didn't mean to make things difficult for you

or ask for any promises. I just couldn't convince myself. From this moment on, the past is behind us.

Please don't keep things from me in the future, okay?"

Sienna nodded and said, "I understand. I know. I won't keep anything from you. Whatever happens, I'll

be honest with you."

"I will do the same," Camille replied, then flashed a faint smile. The two of them shared a smile, and all

the unpleasantness vanished in that moment.

They talked openly and candidly, understanding each other's perspectives. Sienna also told Camille

about everything that happened at the club and the things she had said to Ayan. Sienna said,

"Whatever choice you make, I'll support you. If you feel that he deceived you and it's making you

uncomfortable, I understand. Deception like that makes one feel insecure."

Camille nodded thoughtfully, her expression slightly solemn, but she didn't say much more. She simply

hummed softly in acknowledgment.

In the evening, Sienna stayed for dinner and even personally prepared a fruit salad, struggling a bit

with the preparation and nearly cutting her hand.

As she put it, "I want to show you my sincerity and let you know that I'm not just saying it. I truly know Inovelbin

was wrong. So, this is my apology to you, and I hope you can finish it."

Camille thanked her.

"You're welcome. It's like we're family!"

"Your attitude wasn't like this when you first arrived," Camille teased, recalling how cautious Sienna had

been earlier. But now, it seemed like she had completely transformed back into her usual self.

Camille may have pretended to find it annoying, but deep down, she was very happy. This was how

real friends should be, unafraid of upsetting each other and able to express their thoughts and feelings


The two of them chatted for a long time until they finished dinner. Sienna even tried to stay overnight,

saying, "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Thank you, but it's not necessary. I sleep well on my own," Camille declined firmly, without any

hesitation. Her expression remained indifferent as she said, "You should go home now. I don't want to

be woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night, and I don't want to listen to your affectionate

call with Rex."

Sienna exclaimed, "How could you think like that? In my heart, you're the most important person. It

doesn't matter who calls, it's useless. You're the only one in my heart. I swear to God!"

"Alright, I already know your heart. Now, it's time for you to go home," Camille said, taking Sienna's

hand and walking her towards the door, showing no intention of keeping her.

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