My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 976: Cooperation
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Chapter 976: Cooperation

Chapter 976: Cooperation

"Alright, I guess I've been meddling too much. From now on, I'm withdrawing from the project, and I

don't want anything to do with it," Mrs. Bell said and promptly hung up.

Mr. Bell pulled over to the side of the road, then glanced at the message Mrs. Bell had sent before the

call. His eyes widened with disbelief.

Simpson Group received the message almost simultaneously. Kian interrupted Ayan's meeting to relay

the news, and Ayan's expression instantly turned cold and detached. He got up from his chair and left

the meeting room.

Kian immediately addressed the others, saying, "I'm sorry, but Mr. Simpson has some urgent matters to

attend to. Let's adjourn the meeting here."

After Kian finished speaking, he followed Ayan out. The news spread quickly, as this was the age of the

internet. Ayan learned about it, and Simpson Group's employees quickly got wind of the situation as


Back in his office, Ayan loosened his tie, his brows slightly furrowed. His expression carried a hint of

cold indifference as he took the tablet from Kian. With a quick glance at the screen, he tapped to play

an audio file.

Ayan's voice came through the audio, but the content had been altered and twisted.

Originally, he had discussed the online issues with Mr. Bell, asking who might be involved and offering

a couple of reminders to Mr. Bell not to be easily manipulated. There had been nothing wrong with his

words. However, with the current manipulation, the tone and meaning had completely changed.

In the audio, Ayan said to Mr. Bell, "Mr. Bell, while this matter is related to Simpson Group, I hope you,

as our partner, will share the responsibility with me. If you're unwilling to cooperate, I also have enough

evidence to prove that Simpson Group is not involved. Therefore, the decision is in your hands."

"I only want to resolve this matter quickly. Even if I say one thing and do another, who can hold me

accountable? If you cooperate with me, then we won't have to face those dire consequences.

Otherwise, it will be unthinkable."

Ayan's words in the audio had a threatening undertone, and Mr. Bell's response was short, but it

carried a sense of powerlessness.

With this contrast, Ayan naturally appeared as the dominant party, while Mr. Bell became the victim of


As soon as this audio was released, it triggered a massive response from netizens. They all accused

Ayan and Simpson Group of bullying others because of their powerful backgrounds.

Although Mr. Bell was the initiator of the project, it was located in Hance City, making Ayan and

Simpson Group the ones with the upper hand. Mr. Bell seemed truly innocent!

Apart from these statements defending justice, many so-called victims emerged, all of whom were

companies or former partners who had gone bankrupt or had to take the blame for something due to

the pressure from Simpson Group and Ayan.

Their stories were detailed and believable, making it hard not to believe.

Rex was one of the first to see these contents. He immediately called Ayan.

He asked Ayan, "Ayan, did you offend someone? Why do these things keep coming and targeting

Simpson Group?"

Ayan's face was as cold as ice, and he didn't have the patience to respond to Rex's words. Besides

having an unappealing expression on his face, he didn't show any other signs of displeasure or anxiety.

His voice was icy as he replied, "So you're calling to mock me?"

"I wouldn't dare," Rex said with a slight smile, then quickly asked, "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No need," Ayan declined in a disinterested tone. He added, "the reward is too great."

"Oh, come on, do you really think I'm that kind of person? I'm just here to ask if you need any help. If

you do, just tell me, and I'll do everything I can."

"Yeah, not for now," Ayan replied in a low voice, raising his hand to gently rub his temple. His voice had

a slightly hoarse tone as he continued, "If you really want to help, then let your wife go and comfort my

wife. That would be the biggest favor you could do for me."

Rex felt that this might be a bit challenging because he couldn't help but recall Sienna, whom he had

seen before leaving in the morning. She had been lying on the couch without a care in the world and

showed no intention of going to work. This had been going on for two days.

When he asked her, she refused to say anything and didn't want to engage with anyone.novelbin

Rex sighed with some helplessness and asked, "You're asking me for help, but you need to tell me

what this is all about. Sienna has been acting strange these past two days. She's been like a different

person, staying at home all the time, not going to work, not even going to the restaurant. Is it because

of you that she's severed ties with Camille?"

Ayan's deep, inscrutable eyes narrowed slightly, and the depths of his gaze were as thick as an ancient

secret, making it difficult for others to discern his thoughts.

With a slight squint, he spoke in a dispassionate tone, "You'd better not know the details of this matter.

Otherwise, Sienna might blame you as well."

Rex was taken aback for a moment, and his face became even more curious. He asked, "So, is it

because of something so serious? Does it have anything to do with me?"

Ayan let out a disdainful hum and smiled indifferently, "If it has anything to do with you, do you think

you can still live peacefully in your home with Sienna right now?"

This statement only piqued Rex's curiosity further, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. He couldn't

help but inquire, "So, are you saying that you're no longer living with Camille now?" After asking this,

he continued to mutter to himself, "No wonder I didn't see any lights on at your place last night, and

your car was gone. I thought the two of you had gone out on a date. Did you end up not going home

after drinking with us?"

Rex was truly an invincible gossip star. He wanted to get to the bottom of things, even though he knew

that it wouldn't change anything. But he still wanted to know, perhaps that was the nature of a gossip-

hungry person.

However, Ayan had no intention of sharing the details with him. He merely stated coldly, "You'd better

hang up the phone right now, or don't blame me for being ruthless."

Upon hearing this, Rex immediately ended the call.

Because he knew Ayan well, Ayan was someone who would follow through on his threats, especially

when it came to Rex.

After ending the call, Rex called Sienna. Sienna answered, but there was no sound from her end. Rex

gently coaxed her with a soft voice, "Baby, what's wrong? Can you tell me? Are you still worried about


Sienna didn't respond, but when she heard the name "Camille" from his lips, she asked with a rather

cold attitude, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Rex pursed his lips and explained the content of his recent phone call with Ayan to Sienna. He asked

her, "Do you want to go and check on Camille? The internet is buzzing with news about Simpson

Group, and now, with Ayan being busy, he probably can't handle the situation with Camille. If you go

over and comfort her, things might go back to normal between you."

Sienna's heart stirred, and without saying a word, she hung up on Rex. It seemed that husband and

wife were quite similar.

Sienna immediately got up from the couch. She went upstairs to freshen up, did some light grooming,

and then tidied up. She personally washed the fruits that Rex had bought for her last night and packed

them up. Then, she headed towards Camille and Ayan's neighboring house.

She held the fruit as she approached the door. She knew the security code to enter, but at this moment,

she couldn't use it. After all, she didn't know if Camille would want to see her.

So, she could only ring the doorbell and wait for Camille to open the door.

She pressed the doorbell button five or six times, and after a while, a familiar voice came from inside.

Sienna quickly waved and her expression was filled with anticipation. "Cami, it's me. Can I come in?"

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