My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 975: Offense
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Chapter 975: Offense

Chapter 975: Offense

Mr. Bell's expression shifted slightly. He squinted, and there seemed to be a hint of speculation in his

eyes, as if he were trying to figure out what Ayan knew.

However, Ayan didn't show any signs of threat; it was more like a reminder and a suggestion.

Mr. Bell remained silent for a few seconds, and his voice, when he finally spoke, carried a strong sense

of discomfort. He said, "Mr. Simpson, I don't understand what you mean."

Ayan didn't push further; he merely smiled and spoke in a gentle tone, "Whether you know or not

doesn't really matter, does it? What's important is that we shouldn't let others control our interests.

Otherwise, the consequences will only get worse."

Ayan's words struck Mr. Bell deeply, especially the part about the consequences worsening when

controlled by others. It plunged him into deep thought, and his face grew as heavy as a forest shrouded

in mist.

Ayan noticed Mr. Bell's reaction, and without revealing his intentions, he cast a few glances at him.

There was a faint smile in his eyes, and his gentle voice followed, "Mr. Bell, when it comes to

collaboration, I prefer partners who are open and straightforward, rather than those who are sly and

cunning behind the scenes. Such partners, I believe, are good for a one-time deal, but there won't be a

second chance."

Mr. Bell's expression shifted slightly, and he replied with a forced smile, "I understand your point. I feel

the same way. After all, no one wants to choose a sly and cunning person. But sometimes, people

have no choice, right?"

Ayan raised an eyebrow and gave a slight smile. "So, Mr. Bell, do you have something you have no

choice but to do?"

Mr. Bell hesitated for a moment, not entirely understanding Ayan's meaning. His expression briefly

stiffened, but he managed to smile and said, "Of course not."

"That's good," Ayan said, his tone remaining calm.

The atmosphere fell into a momentary silence. Ayan's gaze remained fixed on Mr. Bell without

wavering. Mr. Bell, feeling somewhat uneasy, asked, "Mr. Simpson, why are you staring at me like


Ayan replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just pondering a question."

"What question?"

"Why, with such a good relationship between you and Mrs. Bell, did you end up getting a divorce?"

Ayan bluntly voiced the question that had been on his mind, causing Mr. Bell's face to momentarily

stiffen. However, he quickly regained his composure, knowing that Mrs. Bell had likely shared this

information with Camille. Camille would surely tell Ayan.

Still, Ayan's direct inquiry must have been surprising.

Mr. Bell said, "Ayan, you seem to know everything. I won't beat around the bush. It's true that my

divorce is being used against me by Mr. Mikkola, and there are some things that are beyond my


Ayan asked, "Is it such a big deal? Why let someone hold it over you?"

"It has a significant impact on us. We've always had good relations with the outside world. If the divorce

were to be exposed, it would come at a high cost."

"Is the cost higher than what Mr. Mikkola took from you?" Ayan smiled, a light and airy smile, as if he

were asking Mr. Bell whether he had really thought it through.

Mr. Bell fell silent once again, but Ayan didn't have the intention to continue pressing him. In his usual

cold tone, he said, "He only knows about your divorce, right?"

"Of course, we just got divorced..."

Ayan didn't let Mr. Bell finish and interrupted, "So you're quite sure he only knows about your divorce

and is using it as leverage, right?"

"Of course," Mr. Bell's tone was somewhat stern, with an unquestionable resolve. He said, "Only this."

"Alright, if it's the only threat, then it's just a divorce. Are you going to let him do as he pleases? What if

he finds out another one of your secrets? How would that play out?"

Ayan curled his lips into a smile, and the look in his eyes seemed to tell Mr. Bell that he knew much

more than just about the divorce, and there were other things that were even more important to Mr.


Mr. Bell was completely stunned, his expression stiffening significantly. His gaze seemed to carry a hint

of fear and astonishment.

The two locked eyes for a while. Mr. Bell's expression grew increasingly solemn, and he appeared

quite dim and gloomy.

Ayan paid no attention to his emotions and spoke slowly, "I don't want to investigate whether someone

else leaked this information or if it was intentionally exposed. I just want to resolve this matter quickly.

The reason I asked you to come here was simply to have a chat with you. At the same time, I want to

let you know that I have enough evidence to prove that this matter has nothing to do with the Simpson

Group or me personally. Now, I leave the decision to you."

Ayan had another meeting to attend, so he had said everything he needed to and left the office.novelbin

He would be attending a high-level company meeting and naturally didn't have the time to wait for Mr.

Bell to sort things out. However, he left Kian behind to escort Mr. Bell downstairs.

After Ayan departed, Mr. Bell finally snapped out of his daze. He got up from the sofa and exuded an

indescribable aura. He glanced at Kian and forced a faint smile, "Kian, please convey to Ayan that I

remember every word he said."

Kian nodded slightly, "Of course, Mr. Bell, I'll convey your message."

Afterward, Kian saw Mr. Bell off. He watched Mr. Bell drive out of the parking garage and then took the

elevator back to the office floor.

As soon as Mr. Bell left the Simpson Group, he received a call from Mr. Mikkola.

As if he had been aware that Mr. Bell had just left. Mr. Bell didn't think too much about it. His emotions

were quite complicated at the moment, so he didn't have the mental bandwidth to contemplate other


Mr. Mikkola asked, "Is the meeting over?"

Mr. Bell replied with a subdued "yes" and added, "I'm on my way back."

"How did he say?"

"He didn't say much, just brought up the online issue and asked if it had anything to do with me."

"How did you respond?"

"Naturally, I said it had nothing to do with me. This situation caught me by surprise as well." Mr. Bell

was honest because he genuinely didn't know. Thus, he told the truth.

Mr. Mikkola chuckled faintly, "Does he believe you?"

"I don't know."

"So apart from this, did you discuss anything else?"


Mr. Bell concealed many aspects of his conversation with Ayan and had no intention of sharing them

with Mr. Mikkola. Ayan's warnings had also started to weigh on his mind, and he began to feel uneasy.

If things continued as Ayan had suggested, what would the consequences be?

Therefore, he instinctively chose to keep these details from Mr. Mikkola. Ayan had unsettled him with

his words.

Mr. Mikkola, however, didn't press further and cryptically remarked, "Mr. Bell, one cannot have it both

ways, wouldn't you agree?"

Mr. Bell couldn't decipher the meaning behind these words, so he couldn't provide a response. He

simply told Mr. Mikkola that they could discuss it further once he returned to the hotel.

In a span of about twenty minutes or so, however, everything changed drastically.

Mr. Bell had not yet returned to the hotel when he received a call from Mrs. Bell. She was furious and

demanded, "What do you mean by this? Are you trying to completely cut off your ties in Hance? By

doing this, you're antagonizing Ayan and the Simpson Group. It's like you're digging your own grave!"

Mr. Bell couldn't comprehend the meaning behind her words, as he had been interrogated without

rhyme or reason. Moreover, the earlier conversation with Ayan and Mr. Mikkola had been quite heavy,

which had made him tense. His tone had naturally lost its usual warmth, and he responded coldly,

"What did I do now? I haven't done anything. You can't think I owe you everything just because of one


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