My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 978: Rest Assured
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Chapter 978: Rest Assured

Chapter 978: Rest Assured

This immediately made Sienna look visibly dejected, and she asked softly, "Are you really kicking me

out like this?"

"Oh, don't try to act with me. Go on, I have a lot to do."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have some matters to attend to. Mrs. Bell is planning to come over, probably to talk to me about what

happened online today."

Camille didn't hide anything and explained it directly to Sienna. Sienna, after hearing this, didn't insist

on staying any longer. Instead, she said to Camille, "Alright, I understand. If you need anything, just

give me a call. If I don't hear from you by nine, I'll come over."

Camille nodded, "Okay, okay."

After seeing Sienna off, Mrs. Bell hadn't arrived yet. Camille sat on the sofa, staring at her phone in a


She had been closely following the developments online. After the conversation between Mr. Bell and

Ayan that had been posted online, as of now, Ayan had not responded, and it was already past seven.

What was he thinking?

Of course, Camille was well aware that Ayan couldn't have said those things. The audio on that end

had been manipulated. Nevertheless, if he continued to remain silent, it would lead to significant

trouble, and Camille was somewhat helpless about the situation.

Camille sighed softly, realizing that the situation was beyond her control. She picked up her phone and

checked online updates. Besides the audio clip from earlier in the afternoon, there was no other news.

However, this was enough to keep the story's momentum going.

So, who was behind all of this?

During the conversation between Ayan, Mr. Bell, and Kian, there were only the three of them present.

Ayan and Kian could be ruled out as the culprits. What about Mr. Bell? Did he plan this from the


Mr. Bell had immediately contacted Ayan upon seeing the messages. He had explained that he was

still on his way back to the hotel and had no prior knowledge of the situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't

have been aware of it.

Ayan's response had been rather cold, "This may not be your doing, but it directly involves you. After

all, you and I are the parties involved, aren't we?"

"Ayan, I understand that I may appear to have a motive to be suspected, but I want to assure you it

wasn't me. I would never do such a thing."

Despite Mr. Bell's repeated denials, Ayan's reaction seemed indifferent. His expression remained cold,

and there was a hint of frostiness in his voice as he said, "No need to rush with explanations. We'll find

out who's responsible in the end."

Ayan didn't have time for further discussion and ended the call with Mr. Bell. He tossed his phone onto

his desk, his face tense and extremely unpleasant.

Kian's expression also tightened, and he asked in a low tone, "Mr. Simpson, do you think this is related

to Mr. Bell?"

"Even if it's not directly related, these conversations were leaked from his end." Given that the location

was Simpson Group, there were very few chances for anyone other than Kian to enter his office easily.

Kian nodded slightly, then asked, "Should I investigate this further?"

"No need. Just wait. This isn't over yet." Ayan seemed to have expected this turn of events. His face

became even colder as the situation had now escalated. It appeared that the mastermind behind all of

this wanted to firmly pin all the blame on Simpson Group. Only then would Simpson Group become

truly incensed, and this project would truly become profit-oriented.

So, who stood to gain the most from this situation?

Ayan never spoke without a good reason, so when Kian heard this, he immediately asked, "There's still

an ace up their sleeve. Are they trying to exploit this situation?"

"Since it's the same issue and it has developed to this extent, wouldn't adding more fuel to the fire

make it even bigger?" Ayan's expression remained dispassionate, and his voice was devoid of warmth

as he spoke.

"Since it's the same issue and has developed to this point, wouldn't adding fuel to the fire make it even

bigger?" Ayan's expression turned cold, and his voice remained devoid of warmth.

Kian nodded in agreement and then received further instructions from Ayan. "Notify the public relations

department to work tonight."

"Alright, I'll go tell them," Kian replied, leaving the office.

Ayan remained in his office, silently gazing out the window. He had been well-prepared for this situation

from the beginning, but the speed at which events were unfolding had caught him off guard.

Nevertheless, it didn't affect his confidence in the outcome.

All he needed to do now was wait quietly.

As the afternoon passed, Ayan continued working in his office. He also made a phone call to the old

Simpson to update them on the situation, assuring them that he would resolve it before morning and

clear Simpson Group of any false accusations.

The wait continued without any significant developments until around 8 pm. Kian knocked on the door

and entered, his expression somewhat serious as he addressed Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Bell has

gone to find Mrs. Simpson."

Ayan's brow furrowed unconsciously, and his expression remained largely unchanged. He spoke in a

calm tone, "She's already there?"

"Yes, just arrived. Our security, who is discreetly protecting Mrs. Simpson, informed us. They

mentioned that Mrs. Simpson and Miss King seemed to have reconciled today, as they spent the

afternoon together and had dinner. Mrs. Simpson even saw Miss King off at the door."

Ayan nodded slightly, his expression appearing somewhat relieved. If Camille and Sienna had truly

made amends, it would likely improve Camille's mood. Sienna was her best friend, and having a best

friend by her side would put his mind at ease.

Ayan didn't provide any further response, and the conversation returned to the matter of Mrs. Bell's visit

to the mansion. He calmly instructed, "Keep an eye on them for a maximum of one hour. If she hasn't

left by then, have our people enter."

Kian acknowledged and prepared to leave Ayan's office to carry out the orders.

Kian agreed and was about to leave the office when Ayan stopped him. "Wait."

Kian turned back. "Yes?"

"Keep our security detail on Mrs. Simpson. If anything happens, our people will take action. I'll contact


Kian acknowledged this and exited the office.

Ayan immediately dialed Sienna's phone number. He learned from her that Mrs. Bell's visit was

anticipated and that Camille had arranged a time to send her a message. Ayan felt somewhat relieved

knowing that Camille and Sienna had reconciled; Sienna was Camille's best friend, and her presence

could help ease Camille's mood.

Ayan thanked Sienna genuinely, and she replied, "You're welcome. It's something I should do, not for

anyone else but for the bond between Camille and me."

Ayan assured her, "I understand. You don't need to explain it so clearly."

Sienna realized her tone had been a bit harsh and softened her voice as she continued, "Mr. Simpson,

I didn't mean anything else."

Ayan responded, "I know."

Sienna hesitated for a moment and then spoke in a more gentle tone. "Based on my understanding of

Cami, you should give her an explanation as soon as possible. Once she's past her displeasure, she

might reconsider your relationship. You don't want this incident to completely drive a wedge between

you two, right?"

Ayan replied, "Of course not!"

"Then handle it well."

"Thank you."novelbin

Ayan repeatedly expressed his gratitude to Sienna, something she wasn't entirely accustomed to, but

she also found it somewhat satisfying. After all, it was Ayan, and how often did he thank anyone?

Perhaps Camille was the exception.

After finishing the call with Sienna, Ayan's expression grew even more somber. He was well aware that

Sienna's words were correct, and thanks to her advice, he had made up his mind. However, he couldn't

help but feel uncertain about his decision. Could Camille truly let go of the lingering discontent in her


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