My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 969: The Price
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Chapter 969: The Price

Chapter 969: The Price

"Wouldn't doing this push those media to hastily write a slanderous piece about Simpson Group and

the Simpson family?" Kian asked with some concern.

Ayan replied indifferently, "How they write is their business, but as long as they dare to write, the legal

team of the Simpson Group won't be lenient. Everything comes at a cost."

Kian nodded, feeling reassured by Ayan's words.

Simpson Group had faced a considerable amount of criticism to reach where it was today. If it could be

defeated solely by public opinion, it would have ceased to exist long ago. Only companies that had

weathered storms could stand tall!

After returning to Maple Leaves Mansion, Ayan naturally went to his own apartment, which had been

cleaned regularly by the housekeeper despite his infrequent use. He checked his phone and found no

messages or missed calls from Camille. He shook his head with a hint of helplessness and bitterness,

then proceeded to take a shower.

As time passed and evening approached, Camille had been sleeping in her room since Sienna left in

the afternoon. She woke up only after 8 o'clock. However, she felt a severe headache and her whole

body ached as if she had been run over. Opening her eyes, she saw her pitch-dark bedroom. Moving

even slightly felt exhausting, but she managed to sit up after lying on the bed for a while. She couldn't

help but get up to check her temperature with a thermometer she found in Timmy's room. It confirmed

that she had a fever.

Perhaps it was due to not getting enough sleep the previous night and spending too much time on the

open balcony in the afternoon. She hadn't eaten much all day and was now feeling extremely hungry.

However, her body lacked the strength, and she didn't want to prepare a meal herself. She settled for

nibbling on a couple of bread slices to appease her hunger and then took some fever-reducing

medicine before deciding to take a nap.

However, she must have eaten too hastily because her stomach felt extremely uncomfortable. In the

next moment, she rushed to the bathroom and vomited. Camille initially thought she was in decent

physical condition, but the fever and her constant vomiting left her feeling weak and in pain. She

couldn't take it anymore and reluctantly got dressed, then drove herself to the hospital.

She managed to drive to the hospital despite feeling unwell. Looking back afterward, she realized how

risky it had been. If something had happened to her while she was driving, how would she have dealt

with it? But at that moment, Camille didn't consider these possibilities. She went to the hospital

because she felt too unwell not to. As for why she didn't inform Sienna or Ayan, those two were her

closest people but were also the ones keeping this matter from her. So, she couldn't bring herself to

seek their help.

After arriving at the hospital, Camille, with the help of a nurse, quickly went through the emergency

procedure. She was relieved to find out that it was just a fever and discomfort caused by catching a

chill and her emotional stress. She was given an IV and, feeling grateful that nothing serious was

wrong, she leaned back in a chair. Her entire body felt weak, and even opening her eyelids required

effort. She soon drifted off to sleep.

It was the time for the night shift changeover at ten o'clock. Derek was driving Dr. Ellis tonight, and Dr.

Ellis happened to have a meeting in the emergency department. Derek waited in the doctors' lounge,

which was adjacent to the IV infusion hall. His gaze casually swept across someone familiar. He was

momentarily surprised when he recognized her. He looked around and didn't see anyone

accompanying her. He asked a nurse, "Is the lady over there here alone?"

Derek had a considerable reputation at the hospital. Occasionally, he brought food for the staff, so both

nurses and doctors had a favorable impression of him.

The nurse quickly nodded and said, "Yes, she came alone. She has a fever and seems quite

uncomfortable. There's no one with her."

Derek thanked her and then took out his phone, snapping a quick photo before sending it to someone.

His actions made the nurse curious, and she asked, "Who is this?"

"A friend's wife," Derek didn't hide it and even asked, "Please keep an eye on her for me. Thank you!"

"No problem, rest assured," the nurse was easygoing.

Derek didn't stay any longer because his phone started ringing almost immediately.

The caller was, of course, the man he had mentioned earlier.

Derek wasn't in a hurry. He calmly left the hospital, got into his car, and only then answered the call.

The person on the other end of the line immediately sounded anxious, "Did you see her at the


Derek chuckled lightly, "Ayan, you didn't know she's sick? Your role as a husband seems rather


Ayan, of course, didn't have the time or inclination to banter with Derek. His voice remained cold and

urgent as he asked, "Is it right now?"

Sensing Ayan's genuine concern, Derek stopped joking and honestly replied, "Yes, it's right now. She's

still on an IV drip, and from what the nurse told me, she has a fever. She doesn't look well at all. I've

made sure to ask the nurse to look out for her. Did you two have a fight?"

If they hadn't fought, Ayan should have been accompanying her. Now that Camille had come to the

hospital alone, it indicated a possible disagreement. Ayan's reaction also indicated that he probably

didn't know about her condition.

After hearing Derek's words, Ayan's face grew even graver, and his voice remained incredibly low and

hoarse as he replied, "Alright, I understand. Thank you."

Derek hurriedly said, "No need for thanks between us. Are you coming over now?"

"Yes, I'm on my way."

"Good, your presence will comfort her."

"Yes." Ayan's voice was dark, and after finishing the call with Derek, he immediately set off for the


He had already sobered up from the alcohol, so he drove to the hospital himself. It typically took forty

minutes to get from Maple Leaves Mansion to the hospital, but Ayan managed to arrive in less than

thirty minutes. It could be imagined how fast he was driving.

He followed Derek's instructions, walked into the emergency room, and then found the IV infusion hall.

Before even entering the hall, he saw Camille.

She was lying on a cold bench with her eyes closed, her eyebrows tightly furrowed, and her face

extremely pale.

Ayan felt his heart ache. He unconsciously furrowed his brows, and his deep gaze was filled with

complex emotions. After pausing for nearly half a minute, he finally walked inside.

He stopped by Camille's side and gently covered her with a thin blanket that he had taken from his car.

Camille woke up the next moment.novelbin

When she opened her eyes and saw the man in front of her, she froze. She hadn't expected him to be

here at all.

She stiffened, her face displaying a look of confusion and helplessness. However, it was Ayan who

spoke first, "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Should I get you something?"

Camille shook her head to decline, and Ayan didn't insist. Instead, he said, "If you don't want to eat, just

close your eyes and rest, okay?"

Camille didn't respond, but she also stopped staring at him. Her hands, under the blanket,

subconsciously clenched tightly, and her heart was filled with indescribable emotions.

Ayan, seeing her silence, sat in a nearby seat. His voice was very gentle as he said, "Close your eyes

and rest for a while. I don't feel at ease leaving you alone here, so let me accompany you until your IV

is done, alright?"

Camille still didn't respond, but this time, she didn't reject him either. She simply did as he suggested

and closed her eyes.

Despite the time Camille had spent at the hospital with the IV, she had not really slept until now. She

had been lying with her eyes half-closed to make herself feel a little more comfortable. But now she just

fallen into a deep sleep soon, and she didn't even know when she had leaned against Ayan's shoulder.

It was already approaching dawn when Camille woke up as the nurse removed the IV.

At that moment, she realized she had fallen asleep leaning against Ayan's shoulder. She pressed her

lips lightly and sat up straight. Perhaps due to the IV, she felt much better now, and the intense

dizziness and discomfort she had experienced when she first arrived at the hospital had eased


After taking her medication, the nurse offered some advice before they left the hospital.

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