My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 968: Consequences
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Chapter 968: Consequences

Chapter 968: Consequences

She kept pleading with Ayan to spare her, and she adamantly denied any involvement in informing

Camille about his secret. She not only denied it but also pretended not to understand.

Ayan stood up, his gaze icy as he fixed it on her. "Whether you genuinely don't know or pretend not to

understand, in my eyes, you're responsible for this. Therefore, you will face the consequences."

Cora started to panic, retreating until her back was against the door. She looked at Ayan, shaking her

head desperately. "Ayan, please, spare me this time, okay? I'm begging you, spare me!"

Ayan had no sympathy for her. He coldly stated, "I've given you countless chances from the beginning.

Do you think your mental state was caused by me or instigated by my family? But you took the

Simpson family's money. You could have refused, and you could have chosen to confess everything to

me. But you didn't make that choice. Since you chose money over leaving me, you should bear the

consequences. Or, you can use my guilt towards you to get a sum of money and secure a lifetime of

comfort, but you shouldn't have repeatedly crossed my boundaries and harmed the most important

woman in my life."

Ayan was genuinely angry now. The thought of Camille's cold gaze because of this situation left him

feeling helpless. He didn't know what to do.

He had plenty of ways to resolve other matters, but when it came to Camille, he felt utterly powerless.

He inhaled silently, staring at Cora with a chilling voice, "If you don't want to go to a mental hospital,

then go to jail. I have all the evidence of your kidnapping Timmy and harming my grandfather. With my

influence, I can ensure you spend a lifetime behind bars."

Cora, losing control, seemed like a madwoman. After her outburst, her boldness grew, and she took a

few steps forward. She looked at Ayan and questioned him, "Are you trying to force me to death? Why

won't you give me a way out? Why do you choose Camille over me? We were a couple in the

beginning, but it was the Simpson family that separated us. They intentionally drove me away. Why

won't you give me a chance? Just say yes, and we can start over. None of this would have happened.

Don't you feel guilty towards me? It's the Simpson family's fault in the first place. If it weren't for your

family, if it weren't for your grandfather and your parents, we would be together, not you and Camille.

Camille stole you, and she stole everything that rightfully belonged to me!"novelbin

Facing Cora's words, Ayan remained unmoved, but he couldn't shake off the growing unease. She had

completely lost her sense of reason and perspective, consumed by obsession. Keeping her around

meant the risk of her resurfacing and causing trouble all over again. In that case, it might be better for

him to be a real bad man to her.

Ayan didn't waste any more words on her; he simply said, "You're truly insane."

Because of their mismatched status and some of her actions that had upset the Simpson family, she

hadn't passed the Simpson family's test. If her feelings for him were genuinely pure, even if the

Simpson family tested her, she wouldn't have been fooled. So, everything that had happened was now

her own responsibility.

Ayan glanced at Cora coldly and then walked directly towards her. Cora immediately tried to avoid him,

thinking Ayan was going to harm her physically. However, Ayan had no intention of laying a hand on a


Ayan opened the door and walked out, with Cora following him. But she was intercepted by the

bodyguards stationed outside.

Cora shouted frantically, "Come back! What do you mean by this, Ayan? I've ended up like this

because of you, and you can't just blame me for everything. In the end, it's your responsibility too. If it

weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation."

Ayan didn't pause, continuing down the hallway and eventually descending the stairs.

Kian followed him and stopped by Cora's side, his gaze cold as he looked at her. He said, "Miss Hayes,

if I were you, I wouldn't keep pestering someone I've lost. You married Austin, and despite the different

circumstances, both of you dug your own graves. Now, everything that has happened is a result of your

own choices, not someone else's. Everyone has to pay the price for their actions, including minors, let

alone you, an adult!"

Without waiting for Cora's response, Kian instructed the bodyguards to take Cora downstairs.

To prevent Cora from struggling or making a scene, they covered her mouth, led her downstairs, and

placed her in a waiting car.

During this, she never had a chance to see Ayan again. The increasing sense of oppression made her

fear deep inside even heavier. She even began to regret that she shouldn't have called Camille without

considering the consequences, telling Camille that Ayan hadn't actually divorced her. She could have

told Ayan about it and asked him for money to go abroad or live in another city. She didn't need to end

up like this.

Cora's fear deepened, and she wanted to see Ayan, but Ayan wouldn't see her again.

The motel owner was extremely nervous and flustered by the sudden turn of events. Kian calmly

advised, "You better act like nothing happened today, especially with her staying here. Pack up all her

belongings immediately, leaving no traces that she ever stayed at your establishment."

Kian handed a bank card to the hotel owner and added, "Cooperation can be mutually beneficial, but

betrayal will have consequences for you alone."

The hotel owner nodded vigorously, "I understand, I understand, I know what to do. Kian, you can rest


The motel owner readily accepted the benefits, sealing his lips. No one would be able to pry them


After leaving the motel, Kian headed straight for the parking spot where Ayan was already waiting in

the car. He quickly opened the door and got in.

Looking at Ayan, he said, "Mr. Simpson, I'll take you back first, and then I'll personally go to the police

station to submit all the evidence we have to Logan and ask for his assistance?"

"Okay," Ayan replied without saying much, his gaze drifting out the window.

After a few minutes of driving, a cold and distant voice suddenly broke the silence inside the car, "Take

me back to Maple Leaves Mansion."

Kian nodded without asking further questions and drove them back.

After dropping Ayan off at Maple Leaves Mansion, Ayan remained in the car and said in a calm tone,

"You'll continue to handle this case at the police station, but for now, don't make it public. It's not the

right time for Preston to find out."

Kian nodded in understanding. He then checked his phone for the time and informed Ayan of a recent

message he had received. "Mr. Simpson, two gossip media outlets contacted me. They claim to have

information related to our company that could harm its reputation. They're asking if we want to buy the


Ayan snorted lightly and said coldly, "They're trying to try this on Simpson Group? Then ask them if

they're prepared to bear the consequences of revealing it."

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