My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 970: Very Obedient
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Chapter 970: Very Obedient

Chapter 970: Very Obedient

Ayan remained silent as he accompanied her to the car. He opened the car door for her and handed

over the medication. His voice was gentle as he said, "Go home, have something to eat, and take your

medicine. If you're not feeling well, give me a call. Don't come to the hospital alone, okay?"

Camille stood by the car, reaching out to accept the medicine. She murmured softly, "Thank you."

The two words felt strangely unfamiliar and distant, causing Ayan's expression to turn cold. His deep

eyes momentarily carried a trace of indifference, and he gazed at Camille. His voice, though light, heldnovelbin

a hint of bitterness within it as he asked, "Are you trying to be polite now?"

He spoke softly, with a hint of a smile in his tone, but there was an underlying bitterness.

Camille didn't respond, and her gaze didn't meet his. She simply pursed her lips and remained silent.

Ayan felt helpless; he had no way to deal with her. He could only speak softly, "It's getting late. Get in

the car. You can't afford to catch a chill right now. After you take the medicine, have a good rest. If you

don't want me to go home with you, I won't, but let me at least drop you off at your doorstep, okay?"

Camille bit her lip lightly, her voice faint, "You also said it's late. You've been here with me for a long

time, and I appreciate it. I can drive home on my own now."

Ayan didn't speak further. Camille's cold and distant words hurt him deeply. He feared that speaking

more would only make him lose control of his emotions.

She could be ruthless when she wanted to be, and he had witnessed that ruthlessness before. At this

moment, she seemed to be still angry, and anything she said or did wouldn't be surprising.

In the end, he could only let her have her way. He took a step back, giving her space to get into the car.

After she got in, she closed the car door directly and said calmly, "I'll leave now. I'm fine, so you don't

need to worry. Get home and rest early."

"Okay," she responded with a tone that was almost devoid of emotion.

He then watched her drive away, and he didn't linger either. He immediately headed toward his own

car, keeping a distance from Camille as he escorted her back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

At first, Camille thought that his return to Maple Leaves Mansion was just in the same direction as part

of his journey. However, as they got closer to the mansion, she realized he was actually accompanying

her. His actions made her feel bitter.

He was intentionally making her uncomfortable, making it difficult for her to make a decision. While she

felt a sense of security when he was at the hospital tonight, in all honesty, if she had a choice, she

would have preferred that Ayan hadn't come.

As long as she didn't see him, her emotions could remain somewhat calm. But seeing him brought

back memories-starting from when she had asked for a divorce, then his surprise appearance with the

divorce papers, and later his pursuit of her and proposal for remarriage. Throughout these events, she

had reopened her heart, considering giving their relationship another chance. But it turned out that they

were never divorced.

She didn't view his concealment as a pleasant surprise; instead, she felt he was calculating her. She

had poured her heart and soul into the relationship, but what did her sincerity mean to him in the end?

Camille became lost in thought. Her hands instinctively clenched the steering wheel, and her face

showed a heavy and profound emotional turmoil. She continued driving until she reached Franklin Bay.

The car behind her finally stopped following and parked at a distance. It watched as she drove into the

villa, and only when the bedroom lights upstairs lit up did it leave.

Camille didn't have the mental capacity to dwell on things any longer. She ate two more slices of the

unfinished bread from last night and hurriedly took her medication. She even skipped taking a shower

and went to bed directly.

After seeing Camille off at Franklin Bay, Ayan didn't immediately drive back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

Instead, he went to the Simpson's mansion.

Since Timmy wasn't at Franklin Bay, he had to be at the Simpson's mansion. Ayan, who also couldn't

sleep, decided to stay at the Simpson's mansion for the night and accompany Timmy the next morning.

It had been a day filled with many events, so numerous that it left one feeling overwhelmed.

After a night's sleep, Camille's fever had subsided. She slept until nearly noon. The chef and

housekeeper had also returned, preparing some rice porridge and light vegetarian dishes for her.

Sitting at the dining table, Camille ate her meal while using her phone to make a video call to the


The nanny quickly answered the call and called out to Timmy, "Timmy, your mommy's calling. Come

here quickly."

Upon hearing the word "mommy," Timmy rushed over with his short legs, much to Ayan's amused

head-shaking. It seemed like when his mom was around, there was no room for Dad.

Ayan sat on a nearby couch, watching this scene. His eyes involuntarily tightened. He heard Timmy's

childish voice asking, "Mommy, why aren't you coming to be with me? Mommy, what are you eating?"

Camille answered one by one, her voice gentle and extraordinarily patient.

Timmy seemed a bit hungry, his eyes fixed on Camille's bowl without wavering. He even got distracted

by Camille's words, all while eyeing her food.

In the end, Camille had to raise her phone higher and asked softly, "Have you eaten, Timmy?"

Timmy shook his head, "No."

The nanny chimed in, "Are you sure you haven't eaten, Timmy? You just had a piece of cake a little

while ago. Did you forget?"

Timmy pouted and murmured softly, "But I want to eat what mommy is eating. I haven't eaten what

mommy eats. I really want to. Nanny, can you take me to mommy? I want to go find mommy."

With every mention of "mommy," Camille's heart melted a little.

Camille said, "Are you missing mommy? How about Nanny accompany you back?"

Timmy clapped his hands happily, then turned his eyes towards Ayan and said joyfully, "Mommy, I want

to go find you with daddy. Daddy said you're sick, and I want to see you!"

Camille was momentarily taken aback by Timmy's words, realizing there was a lot of crucial information

in what he had said. She didn't know what to say.

Timmy continued to call for mommy, and Camille was momentarily taken aback. She then whispered

gently, "Mommy's fine, sweetie."

She didn't say more than that, and her expression wasn't as natural as it had been a moment ago.

Ayan going to the Simpson's mansion to accompany Timmy was perfectly fine; after all, Timmy was his

child, and it was completely justified.

However, Camille couldn't shake the feeling that it was similar to his previous visits to the Simpson's

mansion, where he seemed to be finding opportunities to talk and interact with her.

Camille bit her lip, wondering if she was overthinking things. After Timmy's remark, her conversation

with him became somewhat perfunctory. They talked for a while, but she didn't mention when Timmy

would return to Franklin Bay.

Finally, the nanny changed the subject and said, "Timmy's teacher mentioned that there's a weekend

activity that requires parents to accompany their children. She sent an invitation letter. I'll bring it to you

tomorrow or tonight, alright?"

Camille nodded, replying, "Sure."

It was necessary for the parents to accompany their child to such an event.

Camille didn't say much more, and the conversation came to an end. Timmy seemed a bit tired, getting

increasingly distracted. When he finally said goodbye to Camille, it was in a perfunctory manner. He

waved his hand and then snuggled into his nanny's arms, ready to sleep.

Camille watched him like that, and a smile crept onto her lips.

After the video call, Ayan came over and picked up Timmy from the nanny's arms. He looked at Timmy

with warmth in his eyes and asked gently, "Are you feeling sleepy?"

Timmy, feeling drowsy, nodded and leaned against Ayan, clearly tired.

Ayan smiled and carried Timmy upstairs. Timmy, clinging to him, didn't want to let go. Maybe because

Camimlle was not here, even for sleeping and eating, he relied heavily on his dad. Ayan had work to

attend to, so after Timmy woke up and had his meal, he had to leave.

Before leaving, Timmy hugged Ayan's leg and said, "Daddy, can I go with you? I promise I'll be really

good. Mommy says I'm very well-behaved. Please, Daddy?"

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