My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 960: Missing You
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Chapter 960: Missing You

Chapter 960: Missing You

"Miss Khan, Mr. Simpson is busy, as you know. When he's busy, he doesn't like any disruptions. If you

have something to discuss, please wait until Mr. Simpson is available. Okay?"

Kian's words came with a clear warning and implication. Eileen didn't dare to insist any further and

simply replied in a low voice, "Then please let Kian inform Ayan for me. Thank you."

"You're very welcome, Miss Khan."

Kian's tone was distant as he ended the call abruptly.

Kian immediately relayed this message to Ayan and expressed some concern. "Could it be that

Preston knows about your schedule and intentionally sent Eileen to test us?"

Ayan furrowed his brows slightly, his voice devoid of emotion. "It shouldn't be. There aren't many

people who know about our visit, and our itinerary has been kept confidential. So how would Preston

know? Besides, we haven't been here for long, so even if he had suspicions, he wouldn't have

confirmed them so quickly."

Ayan continued in a detached tone, "Contact the person keeping an eye on Eileen and find out if she

had any contact with Preston."

Kian nodded and then asked, "If Preston does have suspicions, should we take precautions?"

Ayan's demeanor remained icy and his deep eyes filled with coldness as he replied, "Let's investigate

first. If he does have suspicions, knowing Preston's nature, he won't believe even if we take

precautions. It would be a waste of time."

Kian acknowledged and quickly made arrangements.

Meanwhile, Ayan sat calmly on a couch, his expression consistently indifferent. After a moment of

contemplation, he picked up his phone and initiated a video call with Camille.

Camille was in her office, discussing design plans with Sienna. Both of them were deeply engrossed in

their conversation when a video call notification interrupted them.

Camille glanced at her phone, her eyebrows involuntarily furrowing. "Ayan."

Sienna couldn't help but tease, "Do I need to step out? Isn't Mr. Simpson on a day off? Or is it because

he's missing you?"

Camille pouted slightly and replied, "You're overthinking it; it's definitely not that."

Camille got up and walked to the window before accepting the call.

Ayan's face immediately appeared on the screen. He seemed to be sitting by a window, the sunlight

casting a clear light on his face.

Camille was taken aback, raising her eyebrows as she asked softly, "Why the sudden video call?"

Because she hadn't put him on speaker, his voice was also hushed. He replied, "I miss you."

Camille blushed a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed. She discreetly glanced at Sienna, who was still lying

on the couch, not paying them much attention. Camille spoke softly, "Sienna and I were discussing

design plans. How about you? What are you up to?"

Seeing Camille act like a teenager in love who was afraid of getting caught, Ayan couldn't help but find

it amusing. His lips curved into a faint smile, and his voice carried a warm tone as he said, "I'm just

daydreaming and feeling bored. I should've brought you with me to keep me company."

Camille lightly huffed, "Who told you not to bring me? Are you afraid I'll disturb you?"

She said it in a serious manner, causing Ayan to furrow his brows slightly. His voice carried a hint of

playfulness as he said, "What are you talking about? Say that again! If you say it again, I'll immediately

have someone bring you over. Want to give it a try?"

After Ayan finished speaking, Camille couldn't help but laugh. She asked, "Really? But I don't believe


"You don't believe me?"

"That's right."

Ayan couldn't help but smile at her teasing. His voice carried a gentle rasp as he said, "Well, you

always like to challenge me when I'm not in Hance. If I were in Hance right now, would you still say


"I'm not afraid of you, even if you were here, I'd dare." Camille responded fearlessly. Her lips curled into

a noticeable smile as she continued, "So, you called for a video chat just because you miss me?

There's nothing else on your mind?"

Ayan chuckled, his laughter filled with warmth. He said, "Well, I do have a couple of questions for you.

Should I ask?"

"What kind of questions? Are they good or bad?"

"How do you define good and bad?"

"If hearing the questions would upset me, then they're bad. If they're bad, I think it's better not to ask.

After all, you're not here, and I'm worried that if I get upset, you won't be able to comfort me. You might

even have to fly back from there, and it's not worth it."

Camille finished speaking and Ayan followed with a calm tone, "It's not about you and me; I wanted to

ask you about something else."

Camille nodded gently. "Go ahead, ask your question."

He said, "Has Preston contacted you these past couple of days?"

She hesitated for a moment, her expression freezing momentarily. Then she said calmly, "Why this

sudden interest?"

"Just tell me," he said, his gaze still gentle, devoid of any accusation or other emotions.

Camille pursed her lips before replying, "No, these last two days were the days you left Hance.

However, he did contact me once after he returned. We had a phone call, but our conversation wasn't

pleasant, so I didn't tell you."

Especially the topics Preston had brought up had made Camille genuinely uncomfortable, so she

hadn't mentioned them to Ayan, fearing it would only make him angrier.

But now that Ayan had asked, she wouldn't hide it.

After Camille finished speaking, the atmosphere grew quiet. Ayan didn't respond for quite some time,

expressionless. Camille wasn't sure what he was thinking, so she asked softly, "Why aren't you saying


Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes and gave a faint smile, his gaze lifting to meet Camille's. He said, "I'm

pondering a question."

"What question?"

"What did Preston say to you?"

Camille raised an eyebrow and teased, "If you want to know, you could've just asked me directly. Why

all this pondering?"

Their eyes locked for a moment, and Ayan's eyes showed a hint of amusement as he asked, "So, what

did you talk about?"

"We discussed some trivial matters, nothing important."

"What kind of trivial matters?"

"Don't ask anymore. It wasn't a pleasant conversation, do you really want me to continue?" Camille

sighed quietly and said, "Stop asking. I don't want to talk about it."

Ayan didn't press further, but instead, he kept his gaze on Camille's eyes, noting the faint frown on her

face. His tone softened as he said, "Let's drop this topic. After work tonight, go back with Sienna. Don'tnovelbin

walk alone, okay?"

Camille murmured, "I'm not a child. Are you really afraid I'll get lost?"

Ayan didn't deny it but simply responded, going along with her words, "Yes, I am afraid you'll get lost.

So, will you listen to me?"


Camille agreed, and Ayan seemed satisfied. They chatted for a bit more before ending the video call.

Afterward, Camille returned to the couch. Sienna was lying there, on the verge of falling asleep.

Camille reached out and gently touched Sienna's hand. Sienna slowly opened her eyes and looked at

her, asking, "Finished chatting?"

"Yes," Camille replied.

"Do you and Mr. Simpson have to be so lovey-dovey like this? Video calls during work? Are you trying

to make me sick of love?" Sienna shook her head and couldn't help but make fun of them, clicking her

tongue as she spoke. It was clear that she had been thoroughly immersed in the romance between


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