My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 959: Hit And Run
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Chapter 959: Hit And Run

Chapter 959: Hit and Run

Preston fell silent and abruptly hung up the phone.

On the insurance company's side, they were relentless with their questions, not giving him any room to

breathe. After several calls, Preston could only yield.

The assistant called Kian to inform him, "Preston has transferred the compensation for the damages

directly to the insurance company. It should be transferred to us shortly."

Kian nodded and glanced at Ayan. Ayan said, "Donate this money, then have the official account post

about this incident. No need to mention names; curious netizens will investigate themselves."

Following Ayan's instructions, the assistant quickly took action, and the call ended.

After the call, Kian expressed his concern, "Mr. Simpson, won't this push Preston to the edge?"

"What do you think he can do if he's pushed to the edge? He's currently using this identity and face in

Hance City, and he can hardly move an inch. If he dares to take action, wouldn't it be better for him to

just end me directly?" Ayan replied.

Ayan had been worried before, especially about the possibility of Preston drawing on connections from

the Walkers or involving Camille and Timmy in this. That's why he had arranged for protection behind

the scenes.

However, after his own accident, he seemed to have realized something. What Preston wanted was not

their lives. What could be more devastating than being dragged down from the pinnacle and thrown

into the mud? For someone like Ayan, that was the most excruciating punishment.

But did Preston have the capability for that?

Simpson Group followed Ayan's instructions and posted on their official account. Preston naturally saw

it, and his face twisted with displeasure. He muttered, "Bastard."

Clutching his phone tightly, Preston's emotions were getting out of control. His expression turned

particularly sinister, and he entered a series of numbers to make a call. When the call was answered,

his voice was cold and emotionless, "Why haven't you made any progress? At this rate, when will you

make Ayan pay attention to you?"

Preston's voice was filled with dissatisfaction and anger, especially after seeing the posts on Simpson

Group's official account. He was in a foul mood and wanted Ayan to pay some price. Otherwise, he

couldn't accept this situation where Ayan was becoming increasingly dominant.

His words put immense pressure on Eileen on the other end of the line. She responded hesitantly, "I

want him to agree to my request, but he's asking for sincerity. Without sincerity, he won't agree. What

should I do?"

Preston's face remained cold as he asked, "What does he mean by sincerity? He wants to know what

our intentions are?"

"Yes, apart from that, I don't have anything worth knowing," Eileen replied nonchalantly.

Preston snorted, his voice devoid of warmth, "You said Ayan values you. How is it that you still haven't

resolved this little matter?"

"I don't think he values me anymore. After everything that has happened, do you think he still caresnovelbin

about me?" Eileen asked.

"So, you're useless to Ayan now?" Preston inquired.

"What do you mean by that? Do you think I'm useless now, so why bother making this call?" Eileen's

tone didn't improve, and her expression soured further due to Preston's words. In a place where

Preston couldn't see, she rolled her eyes and her tone turned even more sarcastic as she continued,

"You think I'm worthless to Ayan too, but what about you? Aren't you supposed to be a longtime friend

of Camille's? Yet, Camille doesn't seem inclined to help you in any way, so who between us is truly


Eileen knew about Preston's feelings for Camille and how Camille had been cold towards him. Preston

had even tried calling Camille in her presence, but Camille's attitude had been extremely indifferent,

almost dismissive.

Now, she used Camille's attitude to confront Preston. It was as if she had slapped him across the face.

Following her remark, Preston seemed to be slapped hard, and he asked coldly, "What do you mean by

that? Are you planning to leave me and go to Ayan?"

"I didn't say that. You were the one who said I'm useless," Eileen replied calmly.

Preston continued, "I hope you can come up with a solution. Ayan is getting too arrogant now, which

violates our agreement. It will harm our future prospects. Do you want us to be powerless against


"I didn't think that way; these are all your assumptions," Eileen replied, feeling genuinely exhausted.

Especially now, when she had nothing left. Before Preston came into the picture, her career had been

thriving, progressing exceptionally well. But since Preston's arrival, everything seemed to be on a

downward spiral. It was becoming increasingly challenging for her to avoid deep contemplation about

her situation.

Facing Preston, she couldn't directly reveal her thoughts. She simply said, "Your point is understood,

but I hope you can understand my situation. I want to convince Ayan as soon as possible, but the

decision is in his hands. What can I do?"

Preston fell silent briefly and then spoke calmly, "Methods can be rigid, but people are not." Then

Preston's proposal made Eileen's face stiffen with concern. She asked, "Is this feasible?"

"What's not feasible about it? At this point, it's the best course of action. Only by doing this can Ayan

agree to your request, and only by doing this can we further our goals."

"But will he come?" Eileen inquired.

"He doesn't have to come, but you can go to him," Preston suggested.

Eileen fell silent, her expression turning cold and distant, her eyes reflecting a tense determination.

She pressed her lips tightly, refraining from speaking, effectively accepting Preston's proposal.

Taking a silent deep breath, Preston's voice filled the air again. He said, "I'll have someone deliver it to

you discreetly. This way, it won't raise any suspicions. By the time Ayan becomes suspicious after the

incident, it'll be too late."


Preston acted swiftly, and that very afternoon, someone delivered the package to Eileen.

Holding the small bundle in her hands, Eileen's face wore a grave expression. She could feel her

hands trembling uncontrollably, but at this point, it seemed she had no other option.

As long as Ayan agreed to her conditions, her career would rise once more. When that happened, she

wouldn't have to carry out any of Preston's assignments. The control would be back in her hands.

As she thought about the possibilities, she clenched her fists tightly. Her determination grew stronger. It

felt as though she had summoned all her strength, and she quickly picked up her phone to call Ayan.

However, there was no answer.

Eileen didn't give up and immediately called Kian. Unfortunately, Kian's response was, "I'm sorry, Miss

Khan, but Mr. Simpson is currently busy and unavailable to answer your call. I will pass on your

message when he's available."

Eileen hurriedly asked, "Can I go to Simpson Group and wait?"

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