My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 941: The Lunatic
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Chapter 941: The Lunatic

Chapter 941: The Lunatic

Camille felt an indescribable emotion towards Preston. Previously, she had only thought that he might

be a bit irrational in certain matters, but his recent words had made her see through him completely.

He wasn't irrational; he was dealing with an irreparable mental issue.

Camille felt like she had never truly understood this person. Everything he was showing now was

something she had never witnessed before.

Camille took a silent deep breath, her expression growing colder. Without waiting for Preston to speak,

she said, "If you think all of this is because of me, then why did you get involved? When you did all of

this, did you ever ask if I was willing? And now that things have gone wrong, you're pushing the blame

onto me. Isn't that unreasonable?"

As Camille spoke, her anger and frustration grew, and she didn't really want to make their relationship

so tense. Even if they stopped contacting each other, there was no need for them to become enemies.

But Preston clearly seemed determined to completely tear apart their facades before giving up.

Since he wanted it that way, she would comply.

After so many events had happened, Camille had gained clarity. Sometimes, thinking for others could

be unfair to herself and the people around. Since she couldn't have it both ways, she decided to be a

bit selfish and protect herself and the people she cared about.

In response to Camille's words, Preston's emotions couldn't be described as excited anymore; he felt

like he was about to explode.

Preston let out a cold laugh and said, "You've wanted to say these things for a while now, haven't you?

In your heart, you look down on me just like you do with Ayan, don't you? You think I'm the adopted son

of the Walker family, relying on Molly and her parents. So, you've always looked down on me, right?

Why are you treating me this way? I've been so good to you, why can't you see that? Is it that in your

eyes, you can only see Ayan?"

"If you want to say it that way, I can't do anything about it. If there's nothing else, then let's leave it at


"Camille!" Preston shouted in excitement, "Do you really think that my current suffering has nothing to

do with Ayan?"

Camille remained silent, her lips pressed together. She had never considered that Preston's situation

had nothing to do with Ayan. However, she had made it clear to herself and to Ayan that she wouldn't

get too involved in Preston's matters, and she certainly wouldn't meddle further.

Since it was a matter between them, she believed they should handle it themselves.

So, when Preston posed the question this way, her reaction was subdued. Her eyes narrowed slightly,

and her voice turned cold and distant as she responded, "And yet, dare you say that you haven't done

anything that has hurt Ayan?"

Camille's voice remained calm, "Then you dare say you haven't done anything to wrong Ayan?"

"I haven't. From the very beginning, it's the Simpson family that wronged me. Ayan owes me. The

Simpson family owes me."

"What does the Simpson family owe you? What does Ayan owe you?"

Camille asked, but Preston fell silent.

He didn't answer this question, and he sounded like a deflated balloon when he finally spoke, "Cami,

I've said it before. Some things are better left unknown. I never wanted to hurt you, so stop being with

Ayan, okay?"

Preston was only trying to get Camille away from Ayan, away from the Simpson family. If Camille left,

he would consider her child with Ayan as his own. He was using this opportunity to finally reveal all his

hidden thoughts to her.

However, his words were off-putting to Camille. She found them unreasonable. Her expression grew

stiffer, and she spoke in a cool tone, "Enough. Stop talking about these impossible things. If you ever

considered me a friend, then please stop. I really don't want to continue listening."

"Cami, you're avoiding the issue. Why did you divorce and still stay with him? For his sake, are you

willing to discard basic principles and integrity?"

Preston roared like a madman.

Camille's face paled at his last words. Her voice turned indifferent, "It's none of your business. It has

nothing to do with you. It's my affair, and I don't need you to judge."

"Cami! I'm doing this for your own good."

"I said, I don't need it."

"Fine, you don't need it. You don't need the good I've given you. Do you really want Ayan to hurt you?

Is that what you want? Ayan is using you now. He sent Cora to a mental hospital, and now that she's

out, he's been searching for her. Do you know why? Is it just because he's worried Cora might go crazy

and harm the Simpson family?"

Preston gave a bitter smile. His hand was on his waist, his face etched with gravity, his brows furrowed

tightly. He said, "Cora knows something that Ayan fears. Did he tell you about it? No, right? Why

doesn't he dare to bring it up? What is he afraid of? Cora knows about the conflicts between me andnovelbin

Ayan. She knows that I didn't get along with Ayan at first. So, she came to me and wanted to cooperate

using what she knew. But Ayan watches her too closely. She can't leave Hance. If Ayan really had

nothing to worry about, why would he keep such a tight watch over Cora?"

Preston spoke a lot, and every word he said was telling Camille not to fully trust Ayan. But Camille

didn't offer much of a response, just saying coldly, "Even if what you said is true, it's his matter. If he

wants to tell me, he will. If he doesn't want to, he must have his reasons. So, I don't want to know."

Camille didn't want to hear Preston's nagging anymore. After expressing her thoughts, she hung up the

call without waiting for his response.

During the call, Preston did most of the talking, and his words were not well-received, so they were

almost in one ear and out the other for Camille.

After the call, Preston was infuriated. He felt like smashing his phone into pieces.

But he didn't have the luxury of time to be angry now. Camille couldn't provide any help from her side,

so he had to think of another way. He couldn't find Cora for now, so he had to deal with Louise during

this period. Only by doing that could he evade the pursuit of the police.

He took a deep breath. What happened during the last couple of days had caught him off guard, and

he had become visibly worn out in such a short time. His beard had grown, but he had no intention of

grooming himself.

This kind of destitution had happened to him before, sneaking around like a rat. He was tired of it.

But for his ultimate goal, he would endure until the end. Ayan, just wait. The day he tore everything

apart would be the day Ayan and the Simpson family would experience his current situation.

Preston didn't have much time left to waste. After midnight, he left Patrik's apartment.

Before leaving, Preston told Patrik, "Continue with your normal routine, and don't go out of your way to

defend me if anyone brings up my name. Maintain a consistent stance with others. I'll find you after I'm

done with this."

Patrik nodded in agreement, but with concern, he asked, "Mr. Walker, the Walker Group is being

managed by a professional team now. Will Miss Walker and her parents permanently stay abroad?"

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