My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 940: Don’T Be Foolish
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Chapter 940: Don'T Be Foolish

Chapter 940: Don't Be Foolish

Then Preston got up and headed towards the bathroom. He had never imagined that this day would

force him to hide in the bathroom. But he had no inkling that all of this was the result of his own actions,

leading to these consequences.

Once Preston entered the bathroom, Patrik finally opened the apartment door.

With a somewhat unnatural look on his face, he glanced at the policemen outside, a couple of them

stationed across from his door, also knocking.

He addressed the policemen outside, "Officers, what can I do for you?"

One of the officers spoke, "Sorry to bother you, we'd like to know if you've seen the resident living

across from you?"

Patrik's face stiffened slightly. Faced with the officers' questions, his brain seemed slow to react.

Weren't they here for Preston?

Why were they asking about the person across from him now?

Patrik's nervousness didn't escape the officers' notice. He explained, "No need to be nervous. Just tell

us what you know. We received a tip that there's gambling going on across from you, so we're here to


"Investigate gambling?"

Patrik still found it hard to believe. After confirming repeatedly, he finally felt relieved.

He hurriedly responded, "I'm sorry, I'm usually busy with work, so I haven't paid much attention to the

neighbor across from me. But now that you mention it, I'll keep an eye out. If I hear anything, I can let

you know."

His sincerity and proactive attitude led the officers to express their gratitude. They left a contact number

with Patrik for any updates.

Having learned the situation, they didn't disturb Patrik any further. Instead, they broke down the door

across from his with the help of property management. However, the apartment was empty, and they

found nothing.

Afterward, the police left. Most likely, the people inside had been tipped off in advance, allowing them

to flee before the authorities arrived.

Watching the police leave empty-handed from behind the door separating him from Preston, both men

wore different expressions and reactions on their faces.

Patrik looked at Preston and softly asked, "Mr. Walker, why do I feel like this isn't about gambling? I

haven't seen anyone in the apartment across from me since I moved in. Why would they suddenly be

suspected of gambling?"

Patrik was genuinely puzzled by the odd turn of events. But because he hadn't received any response

from Preston, he instinctively glanced toward him. Preston's expression was extremely grim, especially

his dark eyes, which seemed to hold a cold and distant chill, as if he were suppressing something.

Concern crept into Patrik's voice, "Mr. Walker, are you okay?"

Preston squinted his eyes, his expression extremely unpleasant. He didn't speak, but his complexion

was far from good.

Preston didn't continue to watch. He turned and walked back to the living room, lighting a cigarette. His

face was bathed in the pale light, exuding a chilling aura. After taking a few drags, he spoke in a

subdued tone, "Arrange a car for me. I'm leaving tonight."

Patrik was taken aback, somewhat surprised. "Mr. Walker, you're leaving tonight? It's not safe outside

right now. It'll be dangerous for you to leave at this time."

Preston's voice remained calm, "Do you really think these police officers are here to investigate a

gambling case?"

Patrik looked at him with confusion, "What do you mean, Mr. Walker?"

"You said it yourself, there's no one living across from us. So, who's gambling there?"

Preston snorted softly. This wasn't about gambling at all. It was a deliberate false report to the police.

The reason they hadn't come charging at him directly was probably to send him a warning. If he didn't

leave now, the next house investigated for gambling might very well be Patrik's.

What puzzled him was, since they already knew he was here, why didn't they just come after him? Why

go through this elaborate process?

As this thought crossed his mind, his expression became so unpleasant it could hardly be described.

His eyes narrowed, icy coldness simmering in their depths. A voice inside him grew louder and louder,

telling him that this had to be it. It had to be Ayan playing games. Ayan wanted to manipulate him. If he

stayed, he would be caught. But if he left, Ayan would release his hounds, constantly pursuing him.

The more he thought, the worse his expression became. He didn't have the luxury of choice now. The

situation had escalated to the point where he had no other option. But where to go? How to avoid the

watchful eyes of both the police and Ayan? He had no idea.

The current situation thoroughly annoyed Preston, his frustration tainting his emotions, turning them

utterly sour.

In such circumstances, he was at a loss about what to do.

After much hesitation, he picked up Patrik's phone and returned to the master bedroom. Since he had

arrived, Patrik had given him the master bedroom. Although the apartment was rather small and the

master bedroom wasn't as spacious as those he had lived in before, he had no right to be picky now.

Holding the phone, he dialed a number, and after two rings, the call connected.

"Hello, this is Camille."

A woman's voice sounded from the phone's receiver, as if she were right beside him.

Preston's gaze instantly softened, a hard-to-describe emotion flickering in his eyes. He spoke softly,

"Cami, it's me."

As his voice rang out, Camille naturally recognized him right away.

Camille didn't respond, and the atmosphere immediately grew quiet.

Camille remained silent for a while without making a sound. Her silence frustrated Preston.

Preston asked, "Cami, why aren't you saying anything?"

Camille's voice was calm, "Do you need something?"

"Cami, why are you being so distant? Have you forgotten how good we used to be? Or perhaps, in

your heart, you no longer see me as a friend?"

Preston's emotions grew more turbulent with each word. He attempted to appeal to her using their

past, hoping she would soften and extend a helping hand.

But Camille's response, or lack thereof, was far from what Preston expected. She calmly said,

"Preston, I'm grateful for what you did in the past, that's beyond doubt. But your actions weren't entirely

honorable. I don't want to talk about certain things, but that doesn't mean I'm ignorant. I just don't wantnovelbin

to bother with it all. So, do you think there's still a need for us to be friends?"

Her words were rejecting, telling Preston clearly that their friendship was no longer necessary.

This was essentially telling Preston that she no longer wanted to be friends with him. Because of these

circumstances, their relationship had been dragged into a situation that was beyond salvaging and no

longer worth saving.

Her attitude and her words didn't seem spontaneous; rather, it seemed she had made up her mind

since the events occurred.

The more he thought about it, the harder Preston found it to accept. He believed that everything he had

done was to press Ayan down and show Camille who truly cared for her. He therefore attributed a part

of the responsibility for the current situation to Camille, as most of it was connected to her in some way.

He couldn't help but exclaim in frustration, "Cami, how can you be so cold and heartless? I did all this

for whom? It's for you! But you, why do you always believe in Ayan and not me? Do you really think

Ayan truly cares for you? Aren't you being naive? He'll never love you, not in the past, not now, not

ever. Why can't you see through it?"

Preston's agitation took over, making him sound harsher than he intended. He was saying whatever

came to mind, without considering whether his words might make her uncomfortable.

His emotions spiraled out of control, baffling Camille. Annoyed, she retorted, "Preston, we're adults.

Don't shift the blame for your mistakes onto others, okay?"

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