My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 939: Surveillance
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Chapter 939: Surveillance

Chapter 939: Surveillance

Sienna met Camille's gaze and answered seriously, "I find him a pervert."

Indeed, this wasn't about genuine affection; it was obsession. There was something wrong with his

mind. Camille silently told herself that from this moment on, it was over. Everything between they two

were cleanly cut off here.

The good moments and the help she had received in the past were now just a way for her to return the

favor he had conjured up out of thin air.

Camille didn't dwell on the matter any longer. She continued working with Sienna on their unfinished

tasks and later, when it was time to pick up Timmy, they both headed to get him.

Even though it was already past five in the afternoon, the online buzz surrounding the situation had not

waned with time. Instead, new developments were constantly emerging.

Ayan thought Preston would be frantically busy like an ant on a hot pan, but surprisingly, he found the

leisure to report to the police on Quintus's behalf.

Pretending to be Quintus's friend, he reported that Quintus was missing and directly implicated Ayan as

the cause. His reasoning was that Quintus held incriminating evidence against Ayan, so Ayan might be

inclined to silence him.

Ayan had a good relationship with the police, so any matters involving the Simpson Group and Ayan

would naturally draw attention from law enforcement. Logan promptly informed Ayan about this

development, to which Ayan responded with a cold smile, "It's quite amusing that he still has spare time

to meddle in other people's affairs."

Logan couldn't help but smile too. "What's your plan?"

"Since he has reported to the police, we'll naturally cooperate with them. It would be a waste not to,"

Ayan replied nonchalantly. He had already informed Logan about the situation with Quintus. Quintus

was temporarily in his custody due to certain matters that needed to be resolved. Logan had made the

necessary arrangements to keep track of this information, rendering Preston's attempt to involve the

police futile.

What was touted as cooperation on Quintus's part was nothing more than a facade. Unbeknownst to

Quintus, Ayan informed him of Preston's current situation. After perusing the online news, Quintus was

well aware that Preston couldn't contend with Ayan. Hesitating for a while, he turned to his vigilant

bodyguard and said, "I want to meet Mr. Simpson."

Of course, the bodyguard wouldn't agree and instead informed Quintus, "If you have anything to say,

say it directly. Mr. Simpson doesn't have time to see you."

"Doesn't Mr. Simpson want to know about Preston's affairs?"

"Preston is in dire straits now. Do you think Mr. Simpson still has concerns for him?"

Quintus's face turned pale, and he fell silent as he realized the truth in the bodyguard's words.

Thus, he could only truthfully explain, "Then please relay to Mr. Simpson that I genuinely don't knownovelbin

why Preston wants to contact Cora. I also have no idea about how Cora left Hance. Obviously, Preston

doesn't fully trust me, but I do know that Preston has a trusted assistant at Flento's Walker Group. This

assistant has been with Preston for many years and has a shared background in the same orphanage.

I believe Mr. Simpson might find this interesting."

The bodyguard's expression grew serious as he looked at Quintus. "Don't try any tricks. If you dare lie,

consider whether you'll even be able to leave."

Quintus replied, "If you don't believe me, then investigate. Given Preston's current predicament, Mr.

Simpson shouldn't have a hard time looking into this matter. It's relatively easy to find out about this

assistant, who has worked at Walker Group for many years and has little contact with Preston."

"What's the assistant's name?"

"I don't know his name, but I've only heard Preston speak with this assistant over the phone. All I know

is his first name is Patrik."

The bodyguard nodded and signaled to another person who was keeping an eye on Quintus. Then, he

stepped outside the villa to make a phone call.

The bodyguard immediately reported this to Ayan. Ayan wasn't entirely convinced by Quintus's

information, but at this critical moment, Quintus had seemingly nothing to gain from lying. Wasting

Ayan's time with false information also wouldn't serve any purpose. Thus, he asked Kian to check on

Walker Group and see if there was such an assistant.

The investigation confirmed the existence of a Patrik. However, Adams had no connection with Preston

whatsoever, even though Preston had worked at Walker Group previously. So, when Kian's contacts at

Walker Group were asked about Patrik, they instinctively denied any association between Patrik and


Nevertheless, the fact that Quintus knew about this inconspicuous assistant indicated that there was

likely some reason behind it.

Around five in the afternoon, Patrik finished his work at Walker Group. He walked to the parking garage

and then drove away.

Kian followed slowly, maintaining a safe distance. Along the way, Patrik stopped his car twice. The first

time, he went to a supermarket and bought a large bag of items. The second time, he went to a

restaurant and got some takeout dishes. Clearly, this amount of food wasn't meant for just one person.

Based on what Kian learned at Walker Group, Patrik lived alone without a girlfriend or family in Flento .

So, who was he buying all this food for?

A friend, perhaps?

Kian messaged Ayan about the situation and continued to follow Patrik back to his apartment.

Listening outside the apartment building's gate, Kian couldn't see inside, making it impossible to

determine what was happening indoors.

Kian found an inconspicuous spot to park his car, then dialed Ayan's phone. He reported the current

situation to Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, I can't get in. Even if I could, I can't just knock on the door. That could

easily alert Preston."

Ayan responded with a calm "mm-hmm." Then he said something in a light tone that immediately lit up

Kian's eyes. A smile involuntarily crept onto his face, and he hurriedly said, "Alright, I'll arrange it. If

Preston is really at Patrik's place, he won't just sit there waiting to be caught."

"I don't need him to be caught; I want him to run." Ayan's voice was indifferent. He then mentioned

Cora's situation, saying coldly, "Cora is still in Hance, and she's probably aware of Preston's situation.

So, she won't dare to take any action."

"In that case, let's deal with Preston first, and then Cora will have no way out. She doesn't have money,

no documents. Even if a fake ID can help her survive, it won't last long. Sooner or later, it'll surface."

Kian responded softly, then quickly added, "Mr. Simpson, I'll take care of it right away. I won't give

Preston a moment to catch his breath."

"Alright." Ayan's tone remained unchanged. He instructed Kian, "Once you're done, send Zoie abroad.

Preston's reach isn't that far, so he won't be able to harm her. She's cooperating with us, and we can't

let her get into danger."

"Understood. I'll take care of it and ensure she's safely sent abroad." Zoie was currently with Kian, so

everything was considered safe. It's just that with Preston's current state, he would surely pin all the

blame on Zoie, thinking that she had schemed against him. Given Preston's nature, he wouldn't spare


After Kian and Ayan finished the call, Kian immediately made another call and then sat in the car,

waiting quietly.

Before long, two police cars with sirens blaring arrived at the apartment gate. The loud alarm had

caught the attention of residents, most of whom were returning home from work at this hour, making

the scene quite bustling.

The police followed the information provided by the emergency call, knocking on the door of Patrik's

apartment, with sirens still blaring. Patrik, hearing the knocking and sirens and seeing the police

through the peephole, looked alarmed. He glanced at Preston, who was still holding a forks at the

dining table.

Speaking in hushed tones, Patrik asked Preston, "Mr. Walker, what should we do?"

Preston's expression remained composed, though his eyes showed a flicker of panic. He put down his

utensils, turned his gaze to Patrik, and asked, "Were you followed when you came back?"

Patrik shook his head, "Impossible. No one knows about our connection, so it's unlikely I was followed."

Preston's face remained serious. As the doorbell continued ringing, he said, "I'll go to the bathroom.

You open the door and see what's going on."

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