My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 934: Uneasy Heart
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Chapter 934: Uneasy Heart

Chapter 934: Uneasy Heart

He didn't deny it; that meant he admitted it.

Camille gave a faint smile, "I don't get involved in your matters with Preston, so you don't need to tell

me. Everyone's perspective and decisions are different, so I have no right to blame or demand anything

from you. After all, I'm growing less and less familiar with him. I might not have understood him from

the beginning. So, I don't really know what kind of person he is now."

Camille met Ayan's dark eyes with a deeper smile, her voice warm, "Ayan, I'm really glad you can be

honest with me. Thank you for caring about my feelings."

She extended her arms for a hug, and after a moment's hesitation, Ayan reciprocated. He held her

gently, his voice a soft whisper near her ear, "No need to thank me, never say thank you."

"Alright, Mr. Simpson," she playfully responded.

Ayan's slightly tense expression softened.

Although Camille had said she didn't need to be informed about what to do, Ayan still brought it up

proactively, "Kian went to Flento. In these next few days, he'll likely stir up some things with Preston.

So, he might approach you. No matter what he says or does, don't believe him, don't engage, got it?"

"Got it," Camille softly replied.

Ayan tenderly stroked her hair, and his deep eyes turned dim and contemplative. As for the matters he

had been trying to obstruct, he wasn't sure if he could completely prevent them. But if they did happen,

how would she react?

These questions darkened Ayan's expression further, and the depths of his eyes grew even darker, like


Yet, now that Camille had promised him, he felt a glimmer of confidence. It was the worst-case

scenario, but he would do his best to prevent it. Once everything settled down, he needed to confess to

Camille. It was better than her hearing it from someone else's mouth.

That night, both Flento and Hance seemed far from peaceful.

Some people stayed awake until dawn, like Preston, who hardly slept a wink that night. His heart was

restless and uneasy, burdened by a myriad of hidden concerns. Ever since the livestream last night,

although Molly hadn't said anything, he could unmistakably sense her growing distance. It was so cold,

almost as if she saw through him.

Such unease left Preston with an inexplicable sense of guilt and anxiety.

Molly was already asleep on the bed in their apartment. As the sky grew brighter, he scribbled a note,

grabbed his car keys, and headed out, using the excuse of buying breakfast.

In fact, the moment he left, Molly was already awake.

The closing of the door wasn't loud, and she was in a half-asleep state, but she could sense the

slightest movements.

Most importantly, she hadn't fully closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar.

So, Preston's departure wasn't lost on her. She sat on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. A faint,

cold smile curved at the corner of her lips, an expression filled with calculating coolness.

In her heart, she silently thought, "Preston, this is what you owe me. This is your deception towards

me. It's all your own doing. I gave you chances, but you didn't cherish them. You never kept me in your

heart. So, it's not my fault, it's not on me."

Preston naturally had no idea about Molly's thoughts or the fact that she had woken up the moment he


He drove to Zoie's hotel after leaving the apartment.

Because of the video incident, Zoie had to change hotels. She had picked a new one after Preston left

the previous hotel, following his message telling her to choose a new hotel herself. With the video

incident, she didn't cry, complain, or lose her temper. Her restraint only made Preston's heart ache

more, as no man could remain indifferent to a woman who sacrificed so much for him.

So, he drove to see her using the excuse of buying breakfast, and naturally, he knew which floor and

room number she was in.

When he rang the doorbell, Zoie quickly opened the door.

Seeing Preston outside, Zoie blinked her eyes, her eyes reddening instantly. She bit her lip, her

expression becoming pitiful and endearing.

Preston entered and closed the door behind him before sweeping her into an embrace. He murmured

softly, "Don't be upset. I'm here now."

Held in his arms, Zoie's face remained devoid of expression. She simply nodded gently, asking, "Why

did you come so early?"

"Come to see you."

"What should we do if she finds out?"novelbin

"It's alright, I'll handle it. Why did you wake up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep. I'm worried about you. I'm afraid of causing you trouble. I think I should just go back to

Hance today. Staying here will only cause chaos for you. If I had known, I wouldn't have come. It's all

my fault, I've caused the current situation."

As Zoie spoke, she couldn't help but want to cry. Her words were filled with self-blame and guilt.

Preston quickly raised his hand to wipe away her tears, his eyes showing tenderness. He said softly,

"It's not your fault. It's not your problem. Others are intentionally targeting me. Don't worry, things are

mostly resolved now. If you want to go back, wait a couple of days until the heat dies down, and then

come back, alright?"

Zoie nodded gently, indicating her agreement, and then hugged Preston willingly.

Preston stayed with Zoie until the sky was completely bright, and it was close to seven o'clock. He

finally said to Zoie, "I can't stay out for too long. I'll head back now. There are still some things that

require her cooperation. Rest well, don't overthink, I'm here for everything, okay?"

Preston left the room. He took out the mask he always carried in his pocket and then took the elevator

down and left the hotel.

On his way back in the car, he bought bread and coffee and went straight to his apartment.

As he entered the apartment, Molly was already sitting on the living room sofa.

She didn't react to the sound of the door opening, and it wasn't until Preston walked into the living room

with his things that she looked at him and softly asked, "Why did you go out so early to buy breakfast?"

Preston put down the breakfast in his hands and looked at Molly with a gentle gaze. "I just went out for

a bit. How about you? Why aren't you sleeping a bit more?"

"Just went out for a bit?" Molly asked casually, looking down at the food on the coffee table. She didn't

pay much attention to his current expression and reactions. She simply opened the packaging and said

softly, "I'm so hungry. Let's eat breakfast!"

Molly's response and actions were completely normal, and Preston deeply glanced at her before

responding, "Sure."

As for how long he had been out, he naturally didn't mention anything, not a single word.

After breakfast, Molly proactively said to Preston, "With everything that happened yesterday, I need to

go back for a bit. Even though I've given up my inheritance rights, I'm still worried that they'll be upset.

We're getting married, and I want to have their blessings, so..."

"Alright, go and see them."

"Okay, let's have dinner together tonight!"


Preston nodded, and if Molly needed to go back to the Walker family, he didn't have any objections. It

was also a relief from spending the whole day with him.

Molly changed her clothes and left. Later, she quickly returned to the Walker family. She informed Luke

about the pre-booked flight and time for her visit. Then she said, "Dad, you've never agreed to us being

together. As long as you and Mom go abroad for half a month, by the time you return, our matters will

be resolved. We won't get married by then."

Luke looked at Molly, confused. Adding to what happened yesterday, he asked, "Molly, what exactly are

you and him up to?"

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