My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 933: The Stakes
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Chapter 933: The Stakes

Chapter 933: The Stakes

Quintus shook his head, "I don't know. Mr. Walker didn't tell me. He spoke to Cora alone, so I don't

know what they talked about."

Ayan remained silent, his dark eyes staring at Quintus with a faint hint of disbelief, clearly not fully

convinced by Quintus's words.

Quintus grew anxious, "I really don't know, Mr. Simpson. It's been this long, and I have no reason to lie

to you."

"Did Preston anticipate that my people would catch you right from the start?" Ayan didn't respond to

Quintus's words but instead asked his own question.

Quintus fell silent instantly, and Ayan understood the truth. His conjecture was accurate.

Ayan scoffed lightly, saying, "So everything now was anticipated by Preston. How can you make me

believe you? If Preston could foresee that you'd be caught by my people, then he surely predicted that I

would use your parents to threaten you. So, Quintus, do you think I should trust you?"

Ayan had complete control over the situation, and his cold demeanor showed that he wasn't interested

in being manipulated by Quintus's words.

His silence amplified the quietness in the spacious villa's hall. This stillness felt like successive heavy

hammer blows on the heart, inducing anxiety and uncertainty.

Quintus's silence confirmed Ayan's suspicions. He said indifferently, "Do you think I can't do anything tonovelbin

your parents, or does Preston believe I won't? Otherwise, how could you dare challenge my patience?"

Ayan's words turned Quintus pale. He hurriedly pleaded, "Mr. Simpson, I admit that he did anticipate

that I would be caught by your people right from the start. He told me that you wouldn't have any

evidence to hold me. If I didn't appear within a day, he would report to the police, and you'd eventually

release me. As for Cora's situation, he truly didn't tell me. Mr. Simpson, I'm being honest. I haven't lied

to you. I won't use my parents as the stakes. I swear!!!"

"Your oath means nothing to me. As for whether you've hidden or deceived me, time will provide the

answer. And reporting to the police? Ha, if Preston has that ability, let the authorities find you. Let's see

if they can locate you."

Ayan didn't regard Preston highly at all. Preston's words were just meant to manipulate Quintus and

Sean, people lacking in intelligence.

However, Ayan was certain Quintus hadn't lied. After all, Preston was meticulous, and he probably

expected that Quintus wouldn't be able to keep a secret. If they really used methods, Quintus would

eventually confess. Therefore, it was better not to let Quintus know and to only inform Cora.

Ayan rose from the sofa, looking down at Quintus from a superior vantage point. He said calmly, "You'd

better pray your words are true. If I find out you're lying, Quintus, I can't promise I won't spread rumors

about your affairs in Hance to your parents."

"Mr. Simpson, Mr. Simpson, please don't tell my parents, I beg you."

Quintus yelled hysterically, but Ayan didn't respond. He just glanced at him deeply and walked out.

Leaving the villa and getting into his car, Ayan immediately dialed Kian's phone.

Once Kian answered, Ayan got straight to the point, "Keep investigating where Cora went. Go to Flento

City yourself, find Zoie, and tell him I'm about to initiate my plan."

Since Preston wanted Cora to go to Flento City, he probably thought that once she was there, he'd

have no way to control her.

Sure, if Preston was so confident, then let's see if he could spare time to meet Cora.

If Preston himself was preoccupied, how could he have time to deal with Cora?

Kian readily agreed to Ayan's instructions. Even though it was late at night, he immediately searched

for the fastest available flight.

Then Kian added, "Mr. Simpson, if we advance the plan, won't it mean a complete falling out with


"Wasn't it already a falling out from the start?" Ayan never cared about this. Preston wasn't important to

him, so he didn't need to consider it.

But Kian continued, "And Mrs. Simpson? Will she agree with the plan? It might lead to repercussions

for you."

Ayan's expression stiffened instantly. He didn't speak, just remained silent, his expression far from


Kian whispered, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson is friends with Preston. Our plan could ruin Preston's

reputation. Perhaps Mrs. Simpson won't approve and might blame you?"

Ayan's face hardened, and he said calmly, "You go to Flento first, find Zoie, and tell her to cooperate at

any time. As for the other matters, I'll handle them."

"Understood." Kian didn't want to say more. After all, if they had conflicts or disputes, his job could be

affected, especially when Ayan was in a bad mood. He had to be careful not to make a misstep and

risk getting fired.

Ending the call, Kian immediately set up multiple searches for Cora and took the late-night flight to

Flento City.

After making the call, Ayan himself drove back to Franklin Bay.

By now, it was almost 11 p. m.

Upon returning, Ayan didn't rush upstairs. Instead, he sat on the sofa in the living room and lit a

cigarette. He didn't turn on the lights either. The night lamp in the hallway cast faint light onto him. He

sat there with his tall figure emitting an inward coldness and detachment.

Ayan also couldn't help but think about the question Kian had raised. If his plan were advanced,

Preston's situation would naturally worsen. Could Camille accept this?

Or would she criticize him for being too harsh on Preston?

Ayan squinted his eyes, and a chill emanated from his gaze. He stayed like this for a long time, until the

cigarette in his hand had burned out. Then he got up, discarded the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and

headed upstairs.

Master bedroom.

Ever since Ayan's car had returned to the villa, Camille had heard the sounds. However, she hadn't

gone downstairs because Ayan hadn't come up, and she didn't want to intrude if he had something on

his mind.

Tonight, his every word and action had shown her that he was preoccupied. So she didn't want to

disturb him and chose to pretend she knew nothing.

Only when he pushed open the bedroom door and entered did Camille finally turn her gaze towards


Seeing that Camille was still awake, Ayan was somewhat surprised. "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Camille put down her phone and met his eyes. She said, "I was waiting for you!"

Ayan walked to the bedside. Since he hadn't taken a shower yet, he didn't sit down. Instead, he

brought over a nearby stool and sat on it. His warm gaze held a gentle warmth as he looked at Camille.

Their gazes met, and neither of them spoke. The atmosphere gradually quieted down.

Camille blinked her eyes and looked at Ayan with confusion. "What's wrong?"

Ayan shook his head slightly, not speaking.

Camille furrowed her brows in puzzlement. "Did something happen? Where did you go tonight?"

Camille was worried. His reaction was so unusual, something very rare for him.

He didn't answer her question immediately. Instead, his expression softened a bit, and he asked in a

low voice, "What's your current opinion of Preston?"

Camille's brows furrowed even more tightly. She looked at Ayan with confusion. "What do you mean by


"As a friend."

His question was direct.

Camille didn't respond but asked, "Are you planning something against him? Are you worried that I'll

have objections?"

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