My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 935: Disappointment
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Chapter 935: Disappointment

Chapter 935: Disappointment

Molly simply smiled, "Dad, you always say that I've grown up. So this time, let me handle things in an

adult way, okay?"

Luke kept a serious face, unsure of what Molly was planning, but she was persistent. With Naomi's

support, she added, "Luke, since Molly is willing to turn things around, let's cooperate with her. She's

grown up now, and eventually, she'll have to stand on her own. We can't keep holding her back.

Besides, you haven't been feeling well recently, so it's a good idea for us to go out and relax."

Naomi cautiously finished her point, and Luke, although not too pleased, eventually agreed. However,

to ensure safety, trusted individuals were left behind to immediately contact him if anything seemed


Molly informed Preston about Luke and Naomi's plan to go abroad that afternoon. Faced with this

unexpected news, Preston was shocked and surprised, "Why suddenly go abroad?"

"My parents said they had it planned earlier. Dad's not feeling well and wants to go abroad to relax and

clear his mind."

Molly's response was natural, devoid of any hint of oddness or deception, so Preston didn't think too

much about it. He didn't have the mental space to.

However, that same evening, when he messaged Zoie and received no response, his concern

heightened. It was something that had never happened before. This unusual silence started making

him feel anxious and restless.

For hours, Preston messaged and called Molly behind Zoie's back multiple times, but there was no

response at all. He considered various reasons-maybe she was sleeping, taking a shower, watching

TV, or her phone was charging-but as time passed, each possibility was debunked.

Zoie had lost contact, and Preston couldn't find peace of mind.

Meanwhile, Molly's conversation with Preston was met with a lackluster response. He appeared

absent-minded, which Molly subconsciously noticed. She narrowed her eyes slightly, her voice gentle,

"Brother, are you alright? You seem preoccupied. Has something happened?"

Preston looked at Molly, quickly responding, "Nothing, I was just thinking about how to behave while

our parents are away. Maybe if I do well, they might agree to us being together when they come back?"

Molly managed a smile. Her eyes fixed on Preston, she said, "You're right. So, how do you plan to

show them? Need any help?"

"No, this is something I should handle myself. I need to prove my abilities and reassure them about

entrusting you to me." Preston's voice was soft, his expression gentle, his eyes affectionate.

In the past, Molly would have instinctively believed that Preston loved her. After all, such deep

emotions wouldn't be apparent without some degree of love. But later, she gradually came to realize

that in Preston's heart, even if there wasn't love, he had the ability to display those intense expressions

that others might mistake for genuine affection.

She couldn't even imagine what might happen if she didn't come to this realization. What if they got

married, had children, and the Walker family was completely handed over to him? What kind of

situation would that lead to?

Could it be that even until death, he still wouldn't harbor even a hint of love for her?

These thoughts grew more profound, leading her to a harsh realization.

Molly took a deep, silent breath. Though she was concealing her emotions, they were still visible in her

restrained struggle.

But Preston's mind was elsewhere. Even when they were having a conversation, he was preoccupied.

Suddenly, he mentioned, "I need to be out for a while. Let's have dinner when I return."

It was still quite some time until dinner, so his departure at this moment seemed reasonable. His

behavior, not his words, bothered Molly. Nevertheless, she knew she couldn't change his decision, and

even if she did, it wouldn't do much to improve the situation.

These realizations had come to Molly gradually after returning to Flento. She learned that often, it

wasn't that others were hard on her-it was that she was hard on herself.

She glanced at Preston and replied in a soft voice, "Alright, come back soon. I'll be waiting at home."

Preston replied with a disinterested "sure" before leaving.

After leaving the apartment, Preston swiftly drove to the hotel where Zoie was staying. Having been

there earlier in the morning, he easily found his way. He reached Zoie's door and rang the bell, but

received no response.

His face grew heavy, his brows furrowing deeply. His eyes, typically warm, were now sharp and icy,

revealing the tension in his heart. He went to the hotel's front desk and inquired about the room, only to

be told, "The lady has already checked out."

Preston was dumbfounded. If Zoie had checked out, where was she? Where had she gone?

He took a deep breath, then grabbed his phone and dialed his assistant's number in Flento. He said,

"Check the airport immediately to see if there's any information about Zoie leaving Flento."

He didn't frequently contact his assistant, but the assistant was the person he trusted the most. They

had been together since the days at the Walker family, and it had been many years since. The reason

for the infrequent contact was to keep the connection discreet. After all, the assistant still worked at the

Walker Group, albeit not in a significant role, but he could gather a lot of valuable information for him.novelbin

Upon Preston's instructions, the assistant promptly headed to the airport and, using the Walker Group's

status, easily obtained information related to Zoie.

However, the response from the assistant was, "Mr. Walker, there is no information about Zoie leaving

on record at the airport. Could it be that Zoie never left Flento City?"

"It's not possible." Preston immediately dismissed this idea. If Zoie hadn't left Flento City, then where

was she? Where could she have gone? And why would she suddenly disappear?

Was it because he'd been distant earlier that morning? Or did what happened yesterday upset her,

prompting her to leave?

But Preston understood Zoie's feelings for him. She loved him and was willing to endure hardships for

him. So, how could she just disappear like this?

He was becoming increasingly perplexed, but Zoie was nowhere to be found, leaving him in utter

turmoil. Even as he joined Molly for dinner later, his mind was still occupied.

Seeing his distracted state, Molly also felt disheartened. She casually mentioned, "Brother, do you

have time to meet with Miss Reid from your cooperative studio?"

Preston's gaze snapped to Molly. She was sipping soup, her expression neutral, no hint of an agenda.

He couldn't fathom anything beyond her words. He inquired, "Why do you suddenly mention her? Molly,

could it be that you still have reservations about me?"

Molly shook her head, smiling. She said, "Of course not, we've cleared that up, haven't we? I was just

thinking, because of my pettiness and Ayan's hostility toward you, Miss Reid got hurt. How about we

take her out for a meal as an apology?"

Her explanation sounded logical, a reflective gesture acknowledging her jealousy, which no one could

fault. However, Preston's face showed detachment, a distance that was palpable. His voice sounded

cold as he responded, "I'll let Miss Reid know your suggestion. However, Miss Reid has already left

Flento. Originally, she was supposed to leave yesterday, but she stayed to help us clarify things after

what happened. It had quite an impact on her, and she left today."

"So soon? Did your collaboration get affected too?" Molly asked, genuinely concerned.

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