My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 925: Pity
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Chapter 925: Pity

Chapter 925: Pity

Zoie's retreat reflected Molly's insistence, leading to a confrontation between Preston and Molly for the

first time. The cause was Molly's desire to invite him to dinner with her friends, but Preston responded,

"Attention to us is too high right now, it's not a good idea to appear in the public eye too much."

"But we're getting married. Why can't we announce it? Are you scared?" Molly couldn't understand and

even questioned, "Do you not want to marry me? Is that why you don't want everyone to know we're

getting married?"

Molly's words irritated Preston. He responded, "If that's what you think, then fine. No matter what I say,

you won't believe me anyway, right? Molly, you don't trust me at all. So what's the point of us getting


"So you regret it then?"

"It's not regret; it's you who changed, Molly. You've changed to the point where I almost don't recognize

you anymore." Preston seemed saddened, his face bearing a troubled expression while his eyes

remained calm, devoid of emotion.

Not allowing Molly to continue speaking, Preston simply said, "Let's both calm down."

With that, he stood up and left the apartment.

Watching the door close, a faint coldness flickered across Molly's face, her eyes carrying a hint of

mocking laughter.

As if mocking herself and mocking Preston.

At a hotel not far from Preston's apartment, Zoie was just finishing her preparation to go out for a stroll

when the doorbell rang.

She hesitated for a moment, instinctively putting down her bag, tiptoeing to the door, and peeking

through the peephole. When she saw the person outside, her expression froze.

Didn't they just say they wouldn't see each other recently?

Why was he here again?

Zoie didn't dare to think too much and immediately opened the door.

Their eyes met, and he walked in, closing the door behind him, pressing Zoie against the wall, and

leaning in to kiss her.

His intention was straightforward, devoid of any euphemism. All the effort Zoie had put into dressing up


After a passionate encounter, the two of them lay cuddled on the bed. Zoie gently asked, "Didn't you

say you're too busy lately?"

Usually, he wouldn't come after saying so. Today was an exception. She had planned to go out for a

walk, to enjoy herself even if she was alone.

Preston didn't answer, just asked in a gentle tone, "Don't you want me to visit you?"

Zoie chuckled, "Of course not. I'm just afraid of delaying your work. Of course, I'm happy you're here. I

hope you can be with me all the time."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned in, and kissed his cheek. Her eyes carried a familiar

look that put Preston at ease. His gaze softened, and his voice dropped a few degrees as he said, "I'll

accompany you for a couple of days, then you head back to Hance. I'll return once I've dealt with my


"Should I head back on my own?" Zoie asked, surprised.

Preston didn't explain. He simply said, "I'll be busy for the next few days. So you go back first."

Zoie nodded, not questioning further, simply going along with his words.

Preston and Zoie spent time together, and Preston even turned off his phone. This was clearly meant

to prevent Molly from reaching him, making sure Molly knew he was angry, and expecting her to come

and comfort him, as she had always done before.

However, this time Preston's plan didn't succeed.

On the afternoon of their argument, Molly directly contacted the media to release news of her upcoming

marriage to Preston.

While this news wasn't groundbreaking, Molly's relationship with Preston added an interesting twist.

After all, Molly was the only daughter of the Walker family, and Preston was their adopted son. Adding

to the intrigue was Preston's history with the Walker Group – he had once held considerable power

within the company until Luke reclaimed all his rights, leading to Preston's departure. These details

held a lot of appeal to the readers.

Due to Preston's decision to switch off his phone, he remained oblivious to these developments.

Molly, however, didn't mind. She continued with her plans-having fun and taking care of wedding


The situation in Flento City naturally reached Ayan's ears through Kian.

When Kian told Ayan about these matters, his spirit was high, and his words were brimming with

excitement. By the end, a smile graced Kian's face as he said, "Mr. Simpson, Preston's completely

cornered by Molly. If he keeps this up, Molly will definitely throw him off balance, and that will be

digging his own grave."

Ayan didn't show much reaction. His expression remained neutral as he responded, "Since he's digging

his own grave, we might as well hand him a shovel. Using his hands to dig would be too slow."

Kian looked at Ayan and quickly understood the implication behind his words. He nodded lightly and

said, "Got it, I'll take care of it."

Ayan nodded in acknowledgment, his tone calm, "Take advantage of the fact that Cora and Quintus

haven't made any bold moves yet. Let Preston keep himself occupied. If Molly decides to take action,

everything he's doing now challenges Molly's and the Walker family's patience. Once Molly makes up

her mind, he won't be able to stay in the Walker family and Flento."

Kian nodded once again and immediately began arranging the matter according to Ayan's instructions.

After Kian left the office, Ayan continued working. Once he finished for the day and returned to Franklin

Bay, he found Camille devoting almost all her time to Timmy. She had hardly been working these days,

instead focusing on spending time with Timmy.

When Ayan returned home, he would let Camille rest and spend time with Timmy himself.

Timmy could walk and run now, so the entire house was almost filled with his presence. During this

stage, the little boy was like a spinning top, never stopping, except when it was time to sleep.

In the center of the living room, Camille had set up a large square area using baby gates, a dedicated

play space for Timmy that took up most of the room.

The two of them sat in a corner, watching Timmy bounce and run around in front of them. Ayan

suggested, "How about we send him to preschool?"

"He's not even two years old yet!" Camille felt it was too early and wasn't entirely comfortable with the


But Ayan explained, "I've looked into it. Preschool classes are four hours a day, two in the morning and

two in the afternoon. He can go and play, and the nanny can accompany him. That way, you can free

up time to do your own things without having to be at home every day."

He understood that Camille had her work and couldn't completely revolve her life around their child. It

wouldn't be fair, and she'd lose her own identity.

However, he also knew Camille's worries. He reached out, gently holding Camille's hand. His voice

turned tender, like flowing water, as he reassured her, "Don't worry. He still needs to be independent.novelbin

He's a boy, and he can't always be sheltered by his parents, right? In the future, he'll need to protect

the girl and children he cares about. He can't fall short of his father, right?"

Camille's eyebrows furrowed as she listened, a feeling growing that something wasn't quite right. She

tilted her head to look at him and asked, "Are you praising yourself with that?"

Ayan chuckled softly, "I'm just stating facts."

Camille snorted lightly, her gaze shifting from him to Timmy. Coincidentally, Timmy fell and stumbled

due to running too fast at that moment. Camille instinctively moved to help him up, but Ayan stopped

her, whispering, "Let him get up on his own. Don't show any concern."

Camille tightly pressed her lips together. Ayan's gentle voice sounded in her ears, "Timmy, get up. A

true man needs to be strong."

The little Timmy on the ground didn't move, his small face even showing a hint of wanting to cry. He

seemed so pitiful.

Camille was in an internal struggle. Was he still too young? Should they wait a bit longer?

Yet, before Camille could fully decide, Timmy had already climbed back up. Ayan gave him a thumbs-

up, "Timmy, you're amazing."

Timmy clapped his hands lightly, a smile gracing his face, as if he was happy to receive this praise.

Then he turned back to play with his toys.

Ayan reached out and held Camille's chin, his gaze fixed on her as he said, "You see, our Timmy is

wonderful, isn't he?"

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