My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 924: Tug Of War
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Chapter 924: Tug Of War

Chapter 924: Tug of War

Mr. Bell had remained mostly silent, and Ayan's words only deepened the gravity on his face.

He looked at Ayan and softly inquired, "Mr. Simpson, according to Mr. Mikkola's proposal, all the

stakeholders in this project would receive the benefits we all desire. Moreover, the project's original

purpose remains unchanged. After all, without financial benefits, where would the money come from to

sustain charity?"

Ayan smiled faintly, "Mr. Bell, we've known each other for quite some time. Though this is our first

collaboration, our time together isn't short. Surely you understand me, don't you?"

When it comes to charity, the benefits obtained should naturally go to those in need. As for the

Simpson Group, the benefits it receives are far beyond the immediate gains; it's about the long-term


Ayan wouldn't sacrifice his reputation for short-term gains; that would be the biggest mistake in charity.

For this meeting, Ayan had promptly asked his international friends to investigate Mr. and Mrs. Bell

after his conversation with Camille during lunch that day. There weren't any significant issues with the

Bell couple, nor had they been like this before. Therefore, the source of all these problems traced back

to Mr. Mikkola.

Ayan didn't need to ascertain the exact reasons Mrs. Bell had told Camille. Time would reveal the truth.

After a prolonged exchange of words between the parties, Horace and Dan also joined the


Following a heated debate, Mr. Bell needed time to consider before making a decision. As for the

agreement, it remained unsigned for the time being.

However, both Dan and Horace had already signed it.

Mr. Mikkola took the agreement with him, presumably to ponder whether it would be advantageous or

detrimental to him.

After over an hour of discussion, everyone went their separate ways.

Ayan returned to his office to attend to other matters. Shortly after picking up some files, Kian knocked

on the door and entered.

Kian spoke in hushed tones, "Mr. Simpson, Mr. Bell has requested a meeting with you. However, the

meeting won't take place at Simpson Group; it will be over at Darkmoor."

This timing was closing in on lunch.

Ayan set down the files in his hands and looked up at Kian, asking, "Is he alone?"

"Yes, he said it would just be him."

"In that case, let's go." Ayan replied impassively.

Ayan set off after half an hour. If Mr. Bell wanted to meet at Darkmoor rather than Simpson Group, it

likely meant that he found it more convenient to do so.

Ayan maintained a low profile during his drive to here, and even Kian didn't accompany him inside. He

waited in the car.

Ayan followed the instructions Mr. Bell had given Kian for the private room, and upon entering, he

found only Mr. Bell inside. Upon seeing Ayan, Mr. Bell promptly rose, closed the door, and approached

Ayan, inviting him to take a seat and chat.

With the tension caused by Mr. Mikkola's proposal, there was a degree of awkwardness in the air.

Since Mr. Bell came to Hance City, he and Ayan had gotten along quite well, especially considering

Camille's and Mrs. Bell's amicable relations. They often gathered privately, even celebrating holidays

together, inviting Mr. and Mrs. Bell over for the festivities.

Beyond business, their interactions were akin to those of friends.

However, the recent incident involving Mr. Mikkola cast a shadow over their relationship, making

conversation more difficult during this meeting.

Ayan broke the silence first, looking at Mr. Bell and asking, "Mr. Bell, did you call me here for something


Mr. Bell lowered his gaze, his expression somewhat somber. He sighed inaudibly before speaking

softly, "Ayan, I ask you here today to apologize to you. There are some matters I can't discuss in detail,

but I owe you an apology for the situation at hand."

Ayan regarded Mr. Bell with a scrutinizing gaze, his brow slightly furrowing. In a deep, mellow tone, he

inquired with a hint of a smile, "Why the sudden apology?"

"I'm sorry. You have shown your concern and understanding. Both you and Cami are genuinely good-

hearted people. I know you've always treated us sincerely. Throughout the project, you and Cami have

borne the majority of the pressure and effort. However, due to my personal matters, the current

situation has to develop as it does. I can only say sorry for that."

Mr. Bell refrained from elaborating further.

Naturally, Ayan didn't pry. He simply nodded lightly, his expression still calm. "No need to apologize.

You're the initiator of the project, and you're entitled to make your decisions. I also hope you

understand my work style. After all, I'm not alone; I have to think about Simpson Group."

Ayan referred to the non-negotiable terms of the agreement. It had to proceed this way.

If everything went smoothly, that was great. But if issues arose, he would definitely uphold Simpson

Group's interests.

After several moments of silence, Mr. Bell eventually agreed to Ayan's suggestion.

However, he made an additional request, lowering his voice to keep it from reaching unintended ears.

The two men spent nearly an hour in the private room, during which not even the Darkmoor waiters

entered, following Mr. Bell's initial instructions.

After their conversation, Ayan left without having a meal.

Seeing Ayan emerge, Kian immediately drove over to pick him up. Once Ayan was in the car, Kian

drove him back to Simpson Group.

Ayan sat in the back seat, his face devoid of any expression. His brows were faintly furrowed, and his

eyes remained closed, preventing any discernible change in his gaze.novelbin

One thing was certain-Ayan's mood had turned heavy.

Kian drove carefully, avoiding any unexpected incidents, making sure not to displease Ayan.

Upon returning to the Simpson Group parking garage and coming to a smooth stop, Kian saw that

Ayan hadn't moved. He whispered, "Mr. Simpson, we're at Simpson Group."

Ayan finally opened his eyes. His complexion hadn't changed much, and there was still a hint of

indifference in his gaze. He didn't rush to open the car door; instead, he sat in silence for a moment

before turning his gaze to Kian. He said, "Mr. Bell will likely need a couple of days to think it over. Make

sure to keep an eye on Mr. Mikkola and find out who he really is."

"Do you suspect something is wrong with Mr. Mikkola?"

"Monitor him whether there's something wrong or not. If there's a problem, it will eventually surface. If

there's no issue and he's merely trying to manipulate Mr. and Mrs. Bell to profit from this project, he'll

have played his hand poorly."

Ayan didn't regard Mr. Mikkola seriously. However, he didn't believe that Mr. Mikkola had any

connection with Preston. After all, the two had no connection in any way.

Mentioning Preston naturally made Ayan think of Cora. He asked Kian, "Has there been any

developments on Cora's end?"

"Nothing so far."

"Very well, keep an eye on it. Since the fake documents have been prepared, they won't go to waste."

He spoke lightly and then exited the car. As he headed toward the elevator, he continued, "How's the

situation with Preston and the Walker family?"

Kian responded, "Molly is preparing for the wedding. Preston continues to enjoy his lifestyle. He doesn't

want to marry, but Molly is persistent. To marry him, she had even severed ties with the Walker family.

This has left Preston in a dilemma."

"Already in a dilemma? Won't it be even more difficult if their relationship is exposed?" Ayan chided.

Preston wanted to discreetly marry Molly to appease her, but would Molly truly stay silent for him?

Clearly not.

Molly had already begun spreading the news about her impending marriage to Preston within their

social circles. She frequented bridal stores, bought wedding-related items, and visited maternity shops

regularly, further solidifying their engagement.

Thus, journalists had begun secretly following them during their outings. Upon realizing this, Preston

refrained from visiting Zoie at the hotel. He sent her a message instead, saying, "I'm quite busy these

days. Keep yourself entertained. I'll get in touch once things settle down."

Zoie, of course, didn't complain. She wouldn't make things difficult for him. Instead, she replied, "Are

you busy lately? Take care of yourself. I'll take care of myself, so don't worry about me. Just remember

to think of me! Waiting for you!"

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