My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 923: Given For Free
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Chapter 923: Given For Free

Chapter 923: Given for Free

Dan and Horace exchanged glances and responded respectively, "I agree with Mr. Simpson's idea."

"I also agree with Mr. Simpson's idea."

Dan's expression of his opinion wasn't much different from what Ayan had said.

Horace added his own perspective, stating, "If we really proceed with this publicity approach, given the

speed of news spreading nowadays, it's likely to spread across the internet quickly. This will leave an

indelible mark on all of us. Therefore, Mr. Bell should think carefully before making a decision."

Horace's words clearly outlined the extent of the negative consequences of such an approach. Thenovelbin

expressions of Mr. and Mrs. Bell weren't looking good. Both of them seemed burdened, but the

thoughts in their minds were unknown to the others in the room.

Mr. Mikkola couldn't help but let out a scoff, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement, as he said,

"Aren't you all pressuring Mr. Bell a bit too much? Mr. Bell is the initiator of this charity project, so

naturally, he should be the one to decide everything. While the reasons you all mentioned have some

merit, charity also requires financial support. We can't simply give everything away, can we?"

Mr. Mikkola's words cast a heavy atmosphere in the meeting room.

Preston, on the other end of the call, chimed in, "Since Mr. Bell has already made a decision, let's

proceed with the publicity for Modest Temple Hotel according to his plan. We shouldn't let everyone

wait for the results for so long after so much hard work. We can't keep making Mr. Bell step back just

for someone else's own interests, right?"

"Mr. Baxter, are you sure you're not trying to provoke a discord among us?" Dan sneered.

Preston remained unfazed and responded, "I'm just speaking the truth. How can Mr. Tucker have a

misunderstanding? Is it because you have a better relationship with Mr. Simpson that you are united

against me?"

Preston's words contained a hint of a smile, and there was a touch of grievance in his tone. It was as if

he genuinely believed that Dan and Ayan were conspiring against him.

This statement caused Ayan to burst into laughter, although his expression remained icy. Preston

couldn't see it, but everyone in the room could, and the slight curve of his thin lips, almost

imperceptible, was evident. The laughter was clear in their ears.

All eyes turned to Ayan, and he spoke in a cold and indifferent tone, "Mr. Baxter, please tell me, what

have you done to deserve my efforts to be against you?"

Ayan's words were extremely arrogant, clearly showing that he didn't consider Preston a significant


Ayan's words implied, "Why would I pay attention to you?"

Preston fell silent immediately, and the atmosphere cooled to freezing point. But Ayan had no intention

of stopping there. He continued in a casual and mocking tone, "You're free to express your thoughts

and decisions, but there's no need to belittle others. While it's true that everyone has put in some effort,

Mr. Baxter is merely benefiting from others' work. Therefore, talking about your hard work isn't

appropriate, considering there haven't been any hard work from you to begin with."

"What do you mean, Mr. Simpson? Aren't you being a bit overbearing? Just because Simpson Group is

the main responsible company for this project, does that mean you can act however you want?"

Preston retorted with an agitated tone, clearly provoked by Ayan's words.

In contrast, Ayan remained much calmer.

His demeanor was nearly unaffected, and his words didn't cause any ripples. He chuckled softly and

said indifferently, "Who's being overbearing and who's playing dumb? As for the notion of 'acting

however I want,' so what if I do?"


"Since opinions are divided now, to show respect for Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell, let me express my stance

as well. I don't agree with Mr. Mikkola's proposal. However, if you insist on it, I have nothing more to

say. But Mr. Bell and Mr. Mikkola, you both need to sign an agreement with me. Is this request


Ayan looked at Mr. Bell and Mr. Mikkola, his gaze faint, with a hint of a shallow smile that could barely

be seen. It was a smile that left people slightly puzzled, yet they couldn't voice any questions.

On the other end of the call, Preston, frustrated by Ayan's words, couldn't speak, and now hearing this

new request, he chimed in, "Is Mr. Simpson trying to make Mr. Bell sign an unequal treaty? While

Simpson Group is the main responsible company, you can't do that?"

With a slight stretch of Ayan's arm, the conversation abruptly ceased, vanishing into thin air.

After ending the call, Ayan casually flipped his phone face-down onto the desk. A hint of elusive

amusement danced in his deep eyes as he uttered, "Too noisy. It's better to shut it off. Besides, he's

hardly essential to this project."

Clear and concise, Ayan showed no intention of sparing Preston's feelings.

Motioning Kian to distribute the pre-prepared agreements, Ayan directed, "Everyone present, except

those absent, take a good look at this agreement. If there are no objections, feel free to sign and stamp

it in your designated spots."

Ayan had a copy before him, but he barely glanced at it. He swiftly picked up the pen Kian handed him

and scripted his name followed by his thumbprint.

Afterward, he leaned back in his chair, his entire weight supported by the genuine leather. His tone

remained casual as he spoke, "This agreement is just a formality, a procedural necessity. Any clauses

mentioned can be amended if they seem inappropriate. Remember, it's all for the sake of the project.

Don't assume I'm taking advantage just because Simpson Group is a major player here. So, take your

time to review."

Ayan fell silent, absorbed in his phone's screen, his thoughts elsewhere.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell examined the agreement, exchanging a glance with Mr. Mikkola. From every angle,

the terms appeared reasonable. If there was an issue, it was precisely what Mr. Mikkola had raised.

And now Mr. Mikkola brought it up.

He inquired, "Mr. Simpson, the agreement states that if negative consequences arise from our

decisions, unrelated to Simpson Group or parties who disagrees with us, what does 'unrelated' mean?

Are you planning to distance yourselves in case of an unforeseen incident, or are you entirely pulling

out of this project?"

Ayan's gaze shifted towards him, yet it was Kian who responded.

Kian's voice remained low as he explained, "Mr. Mikkola, the intent isn't to withdraw from the project.

You and Mr. Bell's decisions differ from those of Simpson Group, Mr. Tucker and Mr. Burris. If you

choose to proceed with your plan, any negative outcomes will be borne by the consenting parties. If

everyone agrees with your proposal, we'll face the consequences together. But if they don't, they

shouldn't be held accountable."

"Hmm, Mr. Simpson, isn't that a bit selfish? You're unwilling to share the burden yet still want a piece of

the pie?" Mr. Mikkola sneered. He was referring to Ayan, Dan, and Horace's reluctance to share the

risks but still benefit from his proposal. He found it unequal and unacceptable.

Ayan echoed the sentiment with a faint smile before calmly stating, "To ensure fairness, those who

have signed won't partake in profit-sharing."

"Mr. Simpson, do you really think Simpson Group, behind your back, would agree to this? To forsake

any profits?" Mr. Mikkola's skepticism was evident; he was growing agitated.

Ayan responded, "I've mentally prepared myself for this project since its inception. So, I never

considered profiting from it."

Furthermore, Ayan continued, "Mr. Mikkola, your concerns are addressed in the agreement.

Additionally, there's one last point. Should unforeseen negative consequences arise due to this

decision, decision-making authority will solely belong to Simpson Group and all businesses who signed

against this decision. Mr. Bell, perhaps it's time for you to reconsider?"

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