My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 922: Proficiency
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Chapter 922: Proficiency

Chapter 922: Proficiency

Kian's eyes flickered, but he soon responded in a calm tone, "Miss Khan, this question is something

that only Arnold can answer, right? You're aware of the situation with the Burton family. Although Arnold

has a feud with Mr. Simpson, the relationship between the Burton family and Mr. Simpson is still quite

good. So, even if Mr. Simpson wants to help you, he'll be in a difficult position."

Kian didn't delve into the details, just touched on the matter, and then turned to Eileen, saying, "Miss

Khan, rest assured, I will definitely talk to Mr. Simpson about your request."

Eileen nodded and thanked him, "Thank you for your trouble, Kian."

"Miss Khan, you're too kind," Kian nodded slightly. He had conveyed what needed to be said, achieving

his purpose. He then excused himself and returned to the Simpson Group.

Kian informed Ayan about Eileen's request. It was clear that Eileen was seeking Ayan's help. Ayan

knew well, based on his understanding of Eileen, that she wouldn't wait around for a response from

him. She was likely to have her foot in both boats, favoring whichever one ensured her security.

Ayan remained silent for a while after hearing the update from Kian. Kian couldn't read his thoughts

and whispered, "Mr. Simpson, should we delay responding to Eileen for now?"

"No need to rush with a response. Let her stew a bit. This information has just been released. She

won't fully believe it yet. She'll likely investigate. Only when she comes to you on her own, after her

investigation, will that be her genuine reaction."

Ayan didn't dwell on this matter any longer. There were other matters to attend to within Simpson

Group. He raised his eyelids and looked at Kian, asking softly, "Where are they?"

Kian promptly glanced at his watch and replied, "They're five minutes away from here."

Ayan nodded lightly, "Mr. and Mrs. Bell seemed quite eager, so Mr. Mikkola must be in a hurry. Prepare

the contract terms I mentioned and take them to the conference room later. Let them decide for


"Mr. Simpson, if we do that, won't we completely distance ourselves from Mr. and Mrs. Bell?" Kian


"Why would we?" Ayan responded coolly, "In business, there are no permanent friends or enemies."

As long as Mr. and Mrs. Bell intended to continue their business in Hance City, they would inevitably

rely on Simpson Group and Ayan's assistance. If Ayan severed ties with them completely, their

charitable endeavors in Hance City would suffer.

As for Ayan, even if he withdrew at this point, it wouldn't affect the project or the people behind it. Yet, it

could unfairly cast Simpson Group in a negative light. Furthermore, since Simpson Group bore no fault,

they wouldn't withdraw due to someone else's unreasonable decisions.

Five minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, along with Mr. Mikkola, arrived at Simpson Group.

Camille didn't need to attend today's meeting. After all, she was the architect of the project, and the

current issues weren't related to it. The problems pertained to post-construction publicity, so she could

be excused.

Just like the previous time, Preston participated via voice call, and Dan was present as well. Grace and

Horace hadn't attended the last meeting, with Horace being occupied with the fallout with Brody from

following Ayan's instructions. After resolving those issues, he had returned to the project.

Kian had already briefed Horace about the previous meeting, so he was familiar with the situation.

The meeting officially commenced with Ayan taking the lead, firmly grasping control.

He began, "Once again, I appreciate everyone's presence to discuss the Modest Temple Hotel publicity

at Simpson Group. Regarding the approach Mr. Mikkola mentioned during the previous meeting, I've

given it careful consideration. I don't fully agree with that method. It could tarnish the concept of charity.

It might lead people to perceive us as using charity as a front for profit. This not only risks a negative

impact on the project but also on Mr. and Mrs. Bell."

As Ayan spoke, his gaze swept across the room. Aside from Dan, Horace and Grace, the expressions

of Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. Mikkola didn't seem to change significantly. They appeared to have

anticipated this point.

Preston, participating through the voice call, spoke before anyone else, his tone casual, "I understand

Mr. Simpson's perspective, and I don't deny that his reasoning is sound. Mr. Simpson has thought this

through thoroughly. However, Mr. Simpson, aren't we businessmen? Isn't our primary focus on profits?

Mr. and Mrs. Bell have already taken a stance on this matter. It's a perfect outcome for everyone

involved in this project. Does Mr. Simpson believe Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell's decision is wrong?"

Preston managed to acknowledge Ayan's viewpoint while subtly endorsing Mr. Mikkola's proposal,

indicating it would clearly favor them all. He attempted to sway Dan and Horace's opinion. Preston

didn't care about the public's opinions of the proposal, nor did he care about any potential negativenovelbin

repercussions of following Mr. Mikkola's plan. He was deliberately acting against Ayan's wishes, trying

to provoke Ayan and undermine him. As long as Ayan was annoyed, Preston was pleased.

Ayan was well aware of his intentions. Such passive-aggressive remarks were meant to convey that if

Ayan didn't agree, it would be seen as disapproval of Mr. and Mrs. Bell.

But was Ayan afraid?

Certainly not.

Ayan's position today and his influence in Hance City's business community were not mere words. His

capabilities were widely recognized, and Simpson Group's continuous advancement had placed him at

the forefront of the corporate world. Based on this alone, he maintained a solid foothold at the top.

Ayan looked at those present, especially Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. Mikkola, Dan, and Horace and Grace. A

faint curve appeared at the corner of his mouth. It wasn't overly pronounced, but it couldn't be ignored.

Ayan calmly stated, "Are you implying that I criticized Mrs. Bell and Mr. Bell? I was merely expressing

my opinion. Mr. Baxter, there's no need to exaggerate, is there? What we're discussing is about the

project. It doesn't really matter how I perceive it, does it? You just need to tell me your thoughts and

decisions. Why bother with so much manipulation to sow discord among us?"

Ayan's words left no room for misunderstanding. He made it clear that he didn't hold Preston in high

regard. This reply directly slapped Preston in the face.

After concluding his statement, Ayan didn't give Preston an opportunity to speak. He redirected the

focus back to Mr. and Mrs. Bell, asking, "Mr. Bell, I hope you'll reconsider. The project has garnered

attention throughout Hance City. Using a profit-oriented approach for publicity at this stage will

undoubtedly generate negative consequences for the project. Do you want to think it over?"

Mr. Bell's expression turned solemn. He subconsciously glanced at Mrs. Bell beside him. His look

seemed conflicted and hesitant. He lowered his voice and said, "I've thought about the issue you

mentioned. However, I'm not well-versed in publicity. That's why I intend to leave this matter to Mr.


Although Mr. Bell's response didn't explicitly reject Ayan's proposal, he seemed to be using Mr. Mikkola

as an excuse.

Ayan didn't press the matter further. He simply inquired, "What are Mr. Tucker and Mr. Burris' opinions

on this matter?"

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