My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 921: Convergence
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Chapter 921: Convergence

Chapter 921: Convergence

Ayan wore a gray home outfit with the top buttons undone, revealing his fair skin. Honestly, among this

group of men, he had the fairest skin, especially in hot weather when everyone went to places with

water or swam in the pool. He always stood out.

Because of his fair skin, Camille felt inferior.

He sat by the edge of the bed, and after listening to Camille's question, he reached out and gently

pinched her cheek, his voice gentle as he said, "Hmm, we were discussing something related to the


"Arnold?" Camille asked instinctively.

Ayan's lips curved slightly, and he smiled faintly, "You're quite clever, aren't you?"

Camille looked at Ayan. Despite his smile, there was no mirth in his eyes. Instead, there was a trace of


Camille inquired, "So, what happened to him?"

"The Burton family is preparing to bail him out." He spoke casually, his gaze still fixed on Camille. He

continued, "Tomas asked for my opinion, but I didn't agree."

"You didn't agree, but you've been thinking about it. You want to let them do what they want, right?"

Camille straightforwardly revealed his thoughts. If he had really made up his mind about this, why

would he be carrying such a heavy burden?

Although Camille couldn't claim to understand him completely, she had some sense of his


After all, they shared a bed every day.

Camille's words didn't prompt Ayan to deny anything. He squinted his eyes, a faint smile on his lips,

and his eyes revealed a mix of emotions-hesitation and uncertainty. In a soft voice, he said, "I am

indeed conflicted about this matter. I want to use Arnold to keep Eileen in check. However, Arnold is too

arrogant and cunning. He's not someone easy to control. Even if he falls on hard times now, he

probably won't completely restrain himself just because of the Burton family."

Ayan didn't pay as much attention to Eileen's actions. Using Arnold to keep Eileen in check seemed

like the most suitable option. Eileen was wary of Arnold, and if he were released, she wouldn't be able

to focus all her attention on him.

Ayan revealed his thoughts to Camille without holding back. Camille listened silently.

After all, thinking about what Arnold had done made her feel uneasy. Her expression grew more

serious as she looked into Ayan's eyes. She asked, "Are you purely considering using Arnold to keep

Eileen in check?"

"Of course. Arnold won't affect my relationship with Tomas. Therefore, there's no need to be held back

by the Burton family. I'm just thinking about how things might develop in the future."

"But we're not even at that point yet." Camille's tone was indifferent. "Since you already have ideas in

your mind, why not wait until the moment arrives and then act according to your plan? As for now,

whether he's actually out of prison or not, it's not important now."

Camille's gaze revealed her calculation. If Arnold was truly as useful to Eileen as they thought, there

might not be a need for him to physically appear in front of her. They could spread rumors about his

release, plant the news in Eileen's ears, and create a convincing illusion. If she believed it, the effect

would be achieved even without his actual presence.

Ayan was slightly taken aback by Camille's suggestion. His expression softened into a smile as he

said, "You're right. Using one person to control another doesn't always require a face-to-facenovelbin

encounter. Eileen's fear of Arnold is probably greater than we imagine. So, hearing the news of his

release might have a more significant deterrent effect on her."

Ayan looked at Camille tenderly and asked, "Are you reluctant to have Arnold released?"

"Of course I am. He's too cunning and treacherous, with a scheming nature. He's completely different

from Tomas. If someone like him gets out, do you think he'll just let go of the grudge he has against


This was Camille's concern, especially now that Timmy was growing older each day. It wouldn't be long

before he started attending kindergarten, and she couldn't be by his side all the time. So, rather than

worrying about it, she'd prefer Arnold to stay where he was.

Camille looked at Ayan with a somewhat uneasy expression. "Do you actually want to have him


"It's not that I want to. If the Burton family has already considered this, and if they don't achieve their

goal now, they'll surely find other ways later. Tomas told us this time, but what if he doesn't know next

time? The Burton family will surely find a replacement for Arnold to stay in prison, but in reality, they'll

safely escort him out of the country. This might actually be more dangerous. So, it's better to

proactively cooperate with Arnold."

Ayan was well aware of Arnold's character. He was proud and arrogant, believing he was invincible and

dismissing everyone else. Because they used to be friends, they hadn't been too concerned about that.

But later, because of Eileen, Arnold had acted irrationally. He had severed ties with everyone, even his

own brother, Tomas. He had stolen numerous projects and collaborations from Simpson Group, and

Ayan hadn't paid much attention. He had let him off the hook because of their past friendship.

However, as time went on, Arnold's obstinacy remained unchanged. Ayan didn't pay any heed to him,

but Arnold thought it was because Ayan was afraid of him. Over time, Ayan couldn't tolerate this any

longer and suppressed Arnold to the point where he couldn't even catch his breath. He had become

the subject of ridicule in their circle.

But when it came down to it, their conflicts were relatively superficial. It wasn't until Camille's incident

that Ayan had truly turned against him.

Currently, although Arnold was in prison, the Burton family was still a prominent force in Hance City.

Their resources might not match those of the Simpson family, but they still held a certain position and

influence. If they wanted to find someone to replace Arnold in prison, it would be quite easy. All they

needed to do was wait for a busy moment for Ayan and swap in the prison discreetly.

Given the circumstances, it might be better to cooperate directly with Arnold.

However, Ayan thought that Camille's suggestion was feasible as well. For now, they only needed to

spread rumors, making Eileen wary and letting the Burton family know that Ayan was closely watching.

If they were really planning something, they would have to approach Ayan directly for results.

The next day, Ayan had Kian inform Eileen about Arnold's impending release.

Yes, he specifically sought out Eileen and informed her directly. When Eileen heard the news, her face

instantly went pale, and her expression froze. Her eyes were filled with shock and fear. Her voice

trembled as she asked, "Kian, are you joking? Hasn't his sentence not finished yet? How could he be

getting out?"

"The Burton family doesn't want him to stay in prison indefinitely. They'll find a way to get him out.

Moreover, Mr. Simpson personally told me about it. Can there be any mistake?" Kian said calmly,

looking at Eileen. She was indeed very scared about this, as well as about Arnold. Her eyes revealed a

deep-seated fear and panic.

Eileen fell silent, tightly biting her lip, her face filled with concern. She remained quiet for a while before

finally saying in a low voice, "Kian, can you ask Ayan for me? What can I do to make sure Arnold won't

come after me?"

"Miss Khan, is there something you want to discuss with Mr. Simpson? He's been quite busy lately. If

there's anything, you can tell me, and I'll convey it to Mr. Simpson when I return to Simpson Group."

Kian acted as if he didn't know anything.

Eileen was taken aback for a moment, and her voice didn't immediately respond. She seemed to be

hesitating and struggling.

After a moment, she spoke softly, "Kian, can you help me ask Ayan how I can prevent Arnold from

coming after me?"

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