My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 920: Dispersed
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Chapter 920: Dispersed

Chapter 920: Dispersed

Camille's eyes were filled with annoyance, without any hint of subtlety, and there was even a touch of

fear that Eileen might not perceive it.

Eileen instantly froze, her face turning pale as she stared at Camille. She opened her mouth as if to say

something, but Camille didn't give her the chance. She heard Camille's indifferent voice saying, "You

are like a haunting spirit that I can't get rid of. Why you follow me anywhere I go."

With that, Camille had already opened the car door, gotten in, and quickly stepped on the gas, driving


Eileen was left standing alone at the doorway, coldly watching Camille's departure.

Her expression grew rigid, a hint of icy resentment flashing in her eyes.

Maple Leaves Mansion.

When Camille returned, Ayan was playing with Timmy, accompanied by Timmy's nanny. Since they

were still living at Maple Leaves Mansion, the nanny from the Simpson's mansion hadn't come over

yet. Talia was worried they wouldn't be able to manage, so she had given Timmy a bath back at the

Simpson's mansion.

With the experience from last time, putting Timmy to sleep was relatively easy this time.novelbin

Early the next morning, Ayan returned to the Simpson's mansion to see the old Simpson and Fletcher

Talia off to the countryside. In the afternoon, Ayan moved with Camille and Timmy to Franklin Bay.

The nanny had also come along, along with two chefs and a maid from the Simpson's mansion.

The spacious Franklin Bay instantly became lively. Since everyone was familiar with each other, there

was no awkwardness, and it felt almost no different from being at the Simpson's mansion.

For their first dinner after moving, Sienna, Rex, Derek, and Tomas were invited as well, making it a

warm welcome for Camille and Ayan.

This group of friends had been busy with their own lives lately, so they hadn't gathered like this in a


After a few drinks, the conversation broadened, and Rex playfully teased the two single friends, saying,

"Next time you two come without dates, you're not allowed to sit at the table. Go eat at the baby

carriage with Timmy."

Sienna hugged Timmy and laughed, saying, "Timmy won't join them. He'll have a girlfriend soon by the

time he attends kindergarten."

Timmy, not entirely sure if he understood, clapped his hands happily. It was his signature move these


His gesture brought laughter to the whole group.

After the meal, the men had another round of drinks and chatted in the living room, leaning back on the

plush leather sofas. Camille and Sienna took Timmy for a bath. Now they were capable of handling it

independently, without needing the nanny's assistance. Sienna even gave Camille a thumbs-up,

saying, "I truly admire you. You're becoming more and more capable, more and more like a mother.

Who would have thought the girl who used to have no interest in household chores is now a mother!"

Camille smiled faintly and dressed Timmy, then replied nonchalantly, "Don't worry, once you have a

child, you'll figure it all out too."

Sienna sighed, admitting, "Honestly, I'm not sure if I want kids. I'm a bit scared."

"What are you afraid of? Afraid of having kids?"

"No, I'm afraid I won't be a good parent. What if I can't take care of a child properly? What if I can't be a

good mother?"

Sienna looked troubled, feeling she lacked the patience Camille had. Camille gently tapped her cheek

and said, "Why think so much? First, you have to have a child, and then everything will come naturally.

Besides, I don't spend all my time with Timmy. He's grown now, and I only spend time with him

occasionally. Most of the time, he's at the Simpson's mansion, and my mother-in-law takes care of him

more. Rex's mother will surely help you too, and there are so many people in your and Rex's family.

What's there to fear?"

Camille's reassurance eased Sienna's worries a bit, and she said, "You're right. Forget it. I don't want to

overthink and make myself anxious."

"So, when are you planning to have kids?"

"After we have the wedding!"

"When are you planning to have the wedding?"

"Rex said we'll wait until you guys have yours."

Camille was a bit puzzled. "Why do we have to wait for ours?"

"Because he said that way, we won't step on any landmines. Haha." Sienna burst into laughter after

saying that, and Camille shook her head helplessly, "Well then, you'll just have to wait for us."

It was almost Timmy's bedtime, so they handed him over to the nanny. Camille and Sienna finally had

some free time.

Downstairs, the men were still engrossed in conversation. They mentioned an upcoming project in

Hance City for a piece of land owned by Nores Group, the same land Alicia had mentioned before.

Ayan hadn't shown much interest so far, and the Nores Group had decided to auction off the land since

they couldn't wait any longer.

Rex asked Ayan, "Aren't you interested? They've already made this news public. Why haven't you

made any moves?"

Ayan held his wine glass, his face showing a hint of indifference. He said, "If Simpson Group doesn't

participate in this project, do you think any other company would dare to join in?"

Simpson Group was at the top of the real estate industry in Hance City. If Simpson Group didn't

participate, even those interested in a piece of the pie would probably hesitate and inquire from various

sources. If Simpson Group remained unresponsive and silent about the project, those companies

wanting to participate might eventually reluctantly give up.

Rex nodded in agreement and clinked his glass with Ayan's. "Alright, your thinking is thorough. I was

worrying for nothing."

Derek and Tomas exchanged smiles.

Derek asked, "Ayan, are you really not interested in the Nores Group's project?"

"I'm still investigating that piece of land. It has a long history, and it wasn't originally owned by the

Nores family. I'm not sure how they acquired it later. I'll look into it and then decide."

Although it was still within Hance City, the history was quite distant, so naturally, it would take time to


Tomas added, "Ayan, if there's anything you need us to do, just let us know. Don't keep it to yourself."

"Understood." Ayan clinked glasses with the three men and then asked, "How's Arnold doing lately?"

"The Burton family has pulled some strings, and the media's attention has mostly faded. As long as you

don't make any move, the Burton family plans to find a replacement for him in the prison and then send

him abroad."

"Can you ensure that he won't step foot back into the country after he's released?"

"The Burton family plans to hold onto all his documents here in the country and will have someone

assigned to watch over him abroad. If they're vigilant, there shouldn't be any issues."

"So, you're saying there might still be unexpected situations." Ayan said with a hint of coldness in his


Tomas nodded, "Yes, even if I personally oversee him, I can't guarantee absolute certainty."

Ayan remained silent, his face inscrutable, not showing any indication that he would take measures

about the Burton family's efforts to ensure Arnold's safety.

Derek chimed in, "Tomas, did the Burton family ask you to put in a good word with Ayan?"

"They're wary of me, and I accidentally overheard this. They probably fear I might talk to Ayan, so

they've been keeping things from me."

Tomas wasn't as favored as Arnold, which made Arnold even more audacious, pushing boundaries

without restraint. Now that Arnold is in trouble, the Burton family's attitude towards Tomas has shifted.

Most of the Burton Group's affairs are now entrusted to Tomas. However, they haven't given up on

Arnold either. Even in prison, his days aren't too difficult.

Knowing about Tomas' close relationship with Ayan, the Burton family has been keeping it from Tomas,

afraid he might spill the beans to Ayan.

Ayan remained silent after Tomas finished speaking, and at that moment, Camille and Sienna

approached from the staircase.

Sienna nestled by Rex, while Camille sat next to Ayan. Sienna took a quick look around and sensed

the somber atmosphere. She couldn't help but ask, "What were you all talking about? Why does it feel

so serious?"

Rex replied softly, "Work-related matters."

Sienna nodded understandingly and didn't inquire further. However, Camille noticed that Ayan seemed

a bit downcast. Later, after everyone dispersed, Camille finally asked Ayan in their bedroom, "What

were you discussing tonight? Is there something going on?"

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