My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 919: Mute
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Chapter 919: Mute

Chapter 919: Mute

Ayan's deep gaze was fixed on Camille without blinking. He whispered, "Have you made up your


"Mmm, so don't ask me again, or I might change my mind," Camille chuckled lightly, her tone seemingly

relaxed but Ayan knew she was just trying to hide her emotions.

He said calmly, "Take your time and let me know when you've decided."

This was Ayan giving Camille the time she needed to think things through.

As for Eileen and Preston's relationship, they both already knew the answer in their hearts. So when

they saw the result, there wasn't any shock or surprise.

They didn't want to talk about it anymore either.

Only Camille and Ayan knew about it; even Kian didn't know what the result of the test was.

After leaving the test center together, they both put this matter behind them. As for that report, Ayan

tore it up into pieces and threw it into several trash cans after returning to Maple Leaves Mansion.

These past few days were quite busy for them - Ayan had to deal with Mr. and Mrs. Bell's affairs while

Camille had to move out of her old place as Timmy would be sent to them tomorrow night so that they

could move into their new villa in Franklin Bay together.

Oh yeah - there was one more thing...

After throwing away the test results, with Camille upstairs by his side, Ayan mentioned: "The museum

has released its results."

"About the selected architects?"

"Mmm... The list came out this morning; Jenson messaged Kian about it. Do you want to know who

made it?" he asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Who? Me?"Camille raised an eyebrow slightly as a hint of a smile appeared on her lips too; honestly

speaking though she wasn't very curious because she had already told Ayan how she felt about work -

even if he hadn't mentioned anything yet - if she really did make it onto that list, then she would

probably tell Jenson again. Now that Timmy was moving in with them soon, she wanted to spend some

quality time with him instead of focusing too much on work right now...

Ayan didn't keep teasing her – he said directly: "Two architects were selected – Sophie and Summer

who turned to you last time."

Camilla nodded, knowing full well what this meant… However this alone wouldn't be enough to stop

people from gossiping.

When Jenson announced the news, the Sophie and Summer were surprised, and then came the voice

of the architect who had questioned Camille before.

She asked Jenson in confusion, "Mr. Evans, why were they chosen instead of me? I don't think I'm any

worse than them, and I actually feel like I have more experience."

Jenson responded to her question by saying, "We need architects for this project who not only have the

skills but also good interpersonal relationships. If we choose two members who don't get along well

during work, then the rest of the project will be unhappy. While skill is important, sometimes other

factors are just as important."

Jenson's response was undoubtedly telling her that she was a little petty and even if she was selected

for this project, it wouldn't lead to success.

However, his answer didn't completely silence her mouth; instead she muttered under her breath: "It's

because they have a good relationship with Camille outside of work that they were chosen."

This statement told everyone that Summer and Sophie joined this project because of their relationship

with Camille.

Everyone's expression changed after hearing this. Even if they hadn't thought about it before, now they

couldn't help but entertain these thoughts.

Sophie frowned and said: "If you have evidence then show it to us; otherwise don't make baseless


Summer echoed Sophie's words: "You're just jealous because you weren't selected."

"Jealous? Am I jealous that you guys got in through connections?"


The three argued until Jenson interrupted them by shouting: "If you want to argue go outside! This is a

museum, not a place for fighting."

After Jenson spoke up, everything became quiet again.

Then he continued saying: "We've come to an end here today on our work together, so let's celebrate

tonight at dinner together as we move into the next phase of our official project launch."

The dinner location was set at a high-end hotel.

Camille received news about the dinner earlier in the afternoon, but she had planned on waiting until

Ayan finished working before going home with Timmy, so she wanted to decline attending.

Ayan said: "This opportunity only comes once; Timmy can come with me alone or if you're worried

about him being alone, then my mother can bring him over too. You should go have dinner with them!"

After considering his words Camille agreed and said: "Don't make Mom make this special trip; just go

pick him up yourself and ask Kian or one of your drivers to drive me there."

"Okay," he nodded in agreement.

Then Camille had dinner with the museum staff that evening. She brought flowers to congratulate

Sophie and Summer on their selection, and also brought many high-end desserts for everyone to take

home and enjoy.

As for the arguments that occurred at the museum, they were all forgotten in the atmosphere of dinner.

After all, everyone was an adult and couldn't get angry like children just because of a quarrel or

disagreement. Even if adults were dissatisfied, they would maintain superficial harmony.

This hypocritical state persisted until the end of this meal. Jenson suggested another round, butnovelbin

Camille had to go home to look after Timmy, so she politely declined but told everyone to have fun.

Camille came out of the private room followed by Sophie and Summer who said: "Miss Camille, thank

you for taking care of us during work."

Camille tilted her head in confusion before laughing: "Did you misunderstand? Your selection has

nothing to do with me; it's your own excellent work."

Sophie and Summer knew that if it weren't for Camille not participating, then only one person of them

might have been selected instead of both. So they thanked Camille repeatedly until she finally asked

them back into the private room before leaving alone from hotel.

Camille stood outside waiting for the car while messaging Ayan: "Has Timmy been picked up?"

Ayan replied: "Just got back; what about you? Finished eating yet? Do you want me to bring him along

and pick you up?"

"No need; I'm heading back now."

"Okay; drive safely."


Camille put away her phone, eagerly wanting see Timmy again soon, but still patiently waited as valet

parking hadn't arrived yet. Suddenly a voice called out her name nearby:


Following the direction of the sound, Camille turned her head and swept over. Eileen was carrying a

bag, a long white dress, and long hair hanging over her shoulders. She walked over slowly, and she

seemed to be eating here too.

Their eyes met as Eileen smiled lightly saying: "What a coincidence! Are you having dinner with Ayan?"

Despite confronting Eileen just two days ago in Ayan's office, Camile remained indifferent as if nothing

happened. She smilingly greeted her like nothing ever happened.

If Camille didn't know Eileen so well, she might have believed all the false pretenses she put up. But

knowing her thoughts and character, Camille couldn't help but feel that Eileen was being insincere, and

naturally didn't have any good feelings towards her.

Camille averted her gaze and didn't want to say another word to Eileen. Just because she wasn't going

to do anything to Eileen for now didn't mean she could pretend like nothing had happened.

Camille's indifference made Eileen's face stiffen slightly, but she didn't stop there. Instead, she walked

over to Camille and said: "Camille, do you still have some misunderstanding about me? Don't worry, I

don't have any feelings for Ayan anymore. I know he doesn't like me back, so I don't need to keep

bothering him."

Camille remained silent as Eileen continued talking.

Basically what she was trying to tell Camille was that since she wasn't going after Ayan anymore, there

was no reason for Camile not to be nice towards her.

Eileen talked too much and it started getting on Camile's nerves. The car arrived at that moment and

only then did Camile give her a cold glance before saying: "If you don't want to be annoying, just keep

your mouth shut and be a mute."

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