My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 918: Test Result
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Chapter 918: Test Result

Chapter 918: Test Result

"Of course!" Camille didn't hide her excitement and reminded Ayan again, "You can't bully him,

otherwise you'll be living alone while my son and I live together."

Ayan dared not refute because he knew Camille was capable of doing anything if provoked.

The next day, Camille was busy purchasing things that Timmy needed and moving her own belongings

to the new house from Maple Leaves Mansion. The new residence was located in a villa district not far

from Simpson Group. It was also the most expensive area in the past two years, where only the top

elites of Hance City's wealthy circle could afford to live.

Camille spent several trips with Sienna running errands in one morning but finally managed to get

everything done through her hard work.

They sat in the yard of their villa looking at all the flowers, plants and trees surrounding them. Taking a

deep breath, Sienna couldn't help but say: "From now on we are really locked together."

Camille teased: "It sounds like you're not too happy about it?"

"How could that be? I'm so happy! After all, just thinking about living with you makes me wake up

laughing from my dreams," Sienna flattered Camille like a dog wagging its tail before asking Camille to

treat her to dinner at her own restaurant.novelbin

As soon as they arrived at the restaurant and ordered food, Camille's phone rang.

It was Ayan calling; she answered quickly: "Hello?"

"Are you done yet?" Ayan asked.

"Yeah. Sienna and I are having dinner right now!"

"Then come over to Simpson Group after eating? Let's go get the test results together."

"Okay," only then did Camilla remember yesterday when she went with Ayan for testing before chatting

until late into night about Timmy moving in with them. She had been busy preparing things for their new

home since early morning today, which made this slip off her mind completely until receiving his call

just now.

She looked at the time; they had just ordered food so she couldn't leave immediately. She said:

"Sienna and I have just started eating; can I come find you after we finish our meal?"

"All right then eat first; once I finish up here will come pick you up directly."

"Mm-hmm," replied Camilla nodding before ending their conversation.

She placed her phone on table then immediately told Sienna: "I won't be able accompany you after

dinner because there is something else that needs my attention later."

"What's going on?" Sienna asked casually, and Camille looked at her before saying, "Just some

personal matters. I'll tell you after I handle it."

Sienna didn't press for more information and simply nodded.

Ayan, who had arranged a time with Camille, took advantage of this break to deal with the current

situation. He had Kian keep an eye on Quintus, but Quintus hadn't made any moves. Every day he just

stayed in the hotel with Cora and hardly went out except for meal times. So Ayan couldn't understand

what they were doing.

Before this, Ayan told Kian not to wait anymore. But just as Kian was about to arrange for someone to

control Quintus and Cora directly, Quintus suddenly called the police.

The police arrived quickly and Quintus' reason for calling was that "they were in danger and needed

police protection."

This move made Kian hesitant to take any action, so he could only watch from the sidelines because

Ayan didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

So it dragged on until now.

But it wasn't a solution to maintain the status-quo either; although Preston hadn't come back yet, if

enough time passed Cora might have other ideas again. So Kian personally kept an eye on them for

almost a whole day before finally discovering something suspicious.

Kian immediately returned to Simpson Group and told Ayan what he found: "Mr. Simpson, the reason

why Cora waited so many days with Quintus is because they're getting fake ID documents made, so

they can leave Hance City quietly together under false identities. Calling the police was probably just

meant to confuse us later."

No wonder there had been no movement recently; this was their plan all along.

Ayan snorted lightly before saying: "You keep watching them; if you have any questions call me later

because I'm going to visit the testing center soon."

Kian nodded but still seemed worried as he asked: "Mr. Simpson... shouldn't we take action by now?"

"They're already taking action, aren't they? They'll leave Hance sooner or later once their documents

are ready anyway. You should take actions in advance and don't block their way."

"Do you mean we should open up our net then?"

"Yeah, otherwise, where would they get a chance?" Ayan snorted lightly, a faint smirk playing at the

corner of his mouth. He didn't dwell much on Cora and Quintus's situation, just lifted his eyelids to look

at Kian and asked casually, "And Eileen? Any developments from her?"

Kian blinked slightly, his tone subdued, "After leaving Simpson Group, Miss Khan went back to the

hotel, then went shopping for clothes and bags in the evening. As for anything else, there hasn't been

much activity."

"Alright, keep an eye on her. I need to go out for a bit. We'll soon have the results about Eileen and

Preston's relationship." Ayan squinted his eyes slightly, a hint of detachment in his gaze.

Once he had the results, he'd know what to do, wouldn't he?

An hour later, Ayan and Camille arrived at the test center in their car.

After the car came to a steady stop, they didn't immediately step out. Instead, they sat quietly in the

car, their faces displaying blank expressions.

Camille hadn't opened the car door for a while, so Ayan turned to her and asked, "What's on your


Camille lightly bit her lip and looked at him, "Are you not curious about the results? Didn't you want to

ask in advance?"

"No." Ayan gently held her hand, determined in his tone, "We'll know sooner or later. Why rush it?"

Camille looked at his confident expression, her eyes paused for a moment, and she said softly, "Aren't

you curious?"

"Curious." Ayan lightly squeezed her hand, saying, "That's why we're here, right? Let's go, since we're

here, it's better to get the results sooner."

Camille nodded lightly and then got out of the car with Ayan, holding hands as they entered the test


Ayan's friend had been waiting for them in the office for a while. As soon as they arrived, he poured

them tea and invited them to sit down for a chat.

The friend pushed the test results toward Camille and Ayan, saying, "The results are out. I haven't

looked at them myself. You two can take a look."

Camille didn't move, and eventually, it was Ayan who reached out and picked up the test report from

the coffee table.

Ayan opened the report, his gaze scanning over the lines of text and finally stopping on the last page.

His expression didn't change much, and the look in his eyes didn't reveal his thoughts. There seemed

to be no surprise or astonishment, just a calm and ordinary demeanor.

Camille also noticed his reaction, her mouth opened, but no words came out.

After finishing reading, Ayan simply closed the appraisal report and looked up at his friend sitting

across the desk. He said, "I'll take the results. Let's have dinner another day."

"There's no need for formalities between you and me. Let's grab a drink when we both have time." The

friend smiled and didn't inquire whether Ayan was satisfied with the results or not.

Ayan stood up, and Camille followed suit. After saying their goodbyes, the two of them left the appraisal


Back in the car, Ayan handed the appraisal results to Camille, saying, "Open it and take a look."

Camille reached out and took the report, flipping it open.

After reading through, a complex expression appeared on Camille's face. Her eyes narrowed slightly as

she bit her lip, asking, "What do we do next?"

Ayan was expressionless. He shared his thoughts honestly with Camille, explaining every detail. "This

is my idea, and if I do it , I will certainly make you feel wronged, but I don't want to hurt you because of

anyone, I want to hear your idea, huh?"

Camille remained silent all along, not speaking until he was finished. She then said, "My thoughts

haven't changed from before. I still have doubts about Eileen, so I can't let her be arrogant in front of


Ayan nodded gently, looking tenderly at Camille.

He asked, "What's your plan?"

Camille replied, "So let's compromise. Can we put an end to this before the wedding starts?"

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