My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 917: Opinion
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Chapter 917: Opinion

Chapter 917: Opinion

Camille asked bluntly, and the old Simpson was slightly taken aback but quickly responded in a calm

tone, "No, don't think too much or guess randomly. I'm fine. It's just that I'm getting old and my mind is

slowing down. Don't worry about me." The old Simpson clearly didn't want to talk about this matter any

further, so he briefly answered Camille's question and had no intention of continuing the conversation.

This made Camille feel helpless because she was convinced that the old Simpson must be hiding

something from them. He didn't stay in the hall for too long before he got up to rest in his room.

When Ayan came downstairs, only Camille was sitting on the couch alone. Ayan walked over and sat

next to her, asking softly,"Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Grandpa is resting now. What about you? How did your conversation with Dad go?" Camille asked


Ayan instinctively frowned with a hint of gloom on his handsome face as he replied hoarsely,"Grandpa

refused to tell us what's going on exactly. Dad has been thinking it over these days and plans to take

Grandpa back to where he grew up for a while - somewhere rural but convenient enough - Mom might

go with them too; we'll have to take care of Timmy ourselves."

Camille nodded,"Okay, as long as it's good for Grandpa."

Ayan smiled faintly,"But it will be hard work for you."

"Timmy is our responsibility anyway, isn't it? It wouldn't be fair if we relied solely on the forever, isn't it?"

replied Camille thoughtfully.

She understood that they couldn't rely entirely on their family members' help forever; they needed

independence eventually.

The Simpson family had given her all their support when she needed help most; this fact remained

etched deeply into her heart until now.

Ayan was moved by what she said and gently hugged her while whispering,"I know you have no other

thoughts than being considerate towards others. I just don't want him disturbing our private time

together. If he moves in with us, then all of your attention will undoubtedly shift towards him instead of

me. Although I know he's our child, I'm still a bit jealous. But don't worry, I won't make things difficult for

you. I'll adjust my own feelings. Just don't ignore me," Ayan said to Camille in a long string of words

that left her confused and staring at him for a while before she regained her composure.

Shaking her head helplessly, Camille said, "Why are you acting like a child? You're not as mature as

Timmy psychologically. He's not just my son but also yours. How can you be jealous of your own


"If he were a girl, I would hold him in the palm of my hand," Ayan replied with deep eyes that seemed to

have some ambiguous emotions floating around them and his voice becoming hoarse. "He fights with

me for my wife, can I still be nice to him?"

Camille felt tired already and could predict what the future held for them if Timmy grew older; Ayan

would probably treat him in ways he usually used towards an adult.

Sighing silently, Camille whispered softly, "Don't bully him."

Ayan smiled slyly and said teasingly, "You're already protecting him even before he moves in together

officially? If you keep treating him so well like this, then I might find an excuse to send him away!"

"Ayan!!!" Camille was furious because Timmy was only one year old while Ayan acted like he was

younger than six months old.

But when she shouted at Ayan sternly, he hugged her tighter and cooed gently into her ear saying: "I

just want you to care about me more."

Camille didn't want to talk anymore or bother with his nonsense but knew that it was all talk anyway;

there was no way he would actually do anything harmful towards their son since Timmy is his child too.

As they chatted on about nothing important, Talia walked out from the dining room holding onto

Timmy's little hand after feeding him earlier. The scene caught Talia's attention immediately as she saw

how loving they were towards each other despite their arguments earlier on.

Talia leaned over and hugged Timmy, and said with a big smile, "Timmy, look at how loving Mom and

Dad are!"

Timmy clapped his hands and called Mom and Dad in a childish voice, so cute.

Camille was still in Ayan's arms, and her mother-in-law and son saw such a scene again. She froze,

her face was even redder and hotter, and she lowered her face, not daring to look at Talia and Timmy.

Compared to her shyness, Ayan was fearless and not even slightly embarrassed. He even raised his

hand and gently covered Camille's head, whispering to Talia, "Mom, if you keep going, I'll have to kneel

on the keyboard when we get back."

Talia laughed even harder. "I'd love to see you kneel on the keyboard."

Ayan was helpless but Camille slowly sat up from his embrace. She didn't look at Talia and just

whispered, "Mom."

Talia couldn't stop laughing and said softly in response, "Oh well." She walked over with Timmy in her

arms and sat in another empty seat. She continued speaking softly saying,"After your Dad and I

accompany your Grandpa back to the countryside, Ayan will be responsible for the wedding photos.

We'll be gone for at most half a month until your Grandpa feels better then we'll come back."

Talia sighed as she spoke,"The reason why we decided to go down south temporarily is because your

Dad is worried about your Grandpa's health. He's afraid that he will always miss his old home so he

decided it would be best if he could be travel more while he still has good health."

Camille nodded along with Ayan as Talia gave them detailed instructions about Timmy's care including

everything from food to lodging.

After giving all the instructions, Talia suggested,"Since Timmy will move in with you guys along with his

nanny, it might not feel very spacious living near Maple Leaves Mansion. There are so many clothes

and toys. So how about moving back into Hanyama Mansion for a while?"

Her tone was gentle enough that it didn't make Camille uncomfortable.

Camille looked at Ayan before responding,"Mom, don't worry about us, Ayan will take care of

everything." This made Ayan visibly happy as he had always hoped that Camille would rely on him


Ayan responded by saying,"I'm already working on finding a house. We should be able to move soon."

Talia listened without asking too many questions since they were all adults who could handle things

themselves. It wouldn't do any good asking too much anyway.

The two of them stayed at the Simpson's mansion until around nine o'clock at night, but they didn't

bring Timmy with them. Talia and Fletcher were going to leave with the old Simpson in a couple of

days, so they would pick up Timmy after settling into their new place.

After leaving the Simpson's mansion, they drove back to Maple Leaves Mansion. On the way, Camille

couldn't help but ask Ayan: "Did you just tell Mom that we can move into the house soon?"

"Yeah, I told you before that it was already furnished. We just need to adjust some minor details."novelbin

"Will there be formaldehyde if we move in too quickly?"

"No, don't worry. I'll have a professional team test it."


Camille nodded and couldn't help but say: "I'm really looking forward to living with Timmy. It's not too

busy lately so I can spend more time with him."

Camille was happy and her lips curved into a faint smile at the thought.

Ayan glanced over calmly and asked in a gentle voice: "You're this happy just because Timmy is


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