My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 916: Lost In Thought
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Chapter 916: Lost In Thought

Chapter 916: Lost in Thought

Sienna had no objections and immediately said, "Sure, sure. I'll tell Rex tonight. I'll ask him to hurry up

and enroll in a crash course for cooking. Otherwise, eating his food would be like courting death by


She said it as if it were true, and Camille couldn't help but chuckle.

Sienna playfully reached out to tickle her, saying, "Alright, stop laughing. I'm serious."

Camille made a shushing gesture and replied, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Otherwise, Mr. Baxter's

image would be tarnished."

"I don't know if he'd be affected, but I'm pretty sure I'd be embarrassed," Sienna boldly stated. Then,

she suddenly shifted the conversation, saying to Camille, "By the way, let me tell you, my relationship

with my mother-in-law has improved significantly lately. I know it's all thanks to you and your mother-in-

law. If you hadn't spoken well of me and let my mother-in-law know I'm a good person, she would

probably have thought I was some seductive woman trying to lure her son."

Sienna genuinely appreciated Camille's efforts, and Camille responded with a thumbs-up and a casual

remark, "I like how you can be so harsh on yourself and still curse like a sailor."

Sienna playfully nudged her and advised, "I'm serious, talk seriously."

"I am serious. Although my mother-in-law played a significant role in this, the truth is, it's your likable

personality that really made the difference. Otherwise, no matter how much I said, it wouldn't have

made much difference, right?"

"Alright, I'll take that as a compliment."

Sienna accepted the praise without a hint of shyness and leaned against Camille, savoring the joyful

moment that belonged solely to the two of them.

Being with a close friend, someone you could talk about anything with, always made time fly by. It felt

as though they had only just begun to enjoy their time together when it was already time for Camille to

head back to the Simpson's mansion.

Camille informed Sienna that she was going back to the Simpson's mansion for dinner, so she didn't

wait for Ayan and went back with Sienna instead.

Since the Ward family's mansion and the Simpson family's mansion were in the same vicinity, and both

Camille and Sienna were closely related to the Simpson family, going together was natural.

However, Camille still sent Ayan a message to let him know, to save him the trouble of coming all the

way to the Maple Leaves Mansion.

Accompanied by Camille, Sienna first visited the Simpson family's mansion. Talia had spoken well of

her in front of Rex's family and Sienna hadn't found a suitable opportunity to express her gratitude. This

time, she came specifically to say thank you. She had even brought high-quality fruits as a token of her


Sienna had a way with words that brought joy to Talia. Talia said, "Sienna, you're Cami's friend, so

you're practically family. When it's family, there's no need to be polite. Besides, you're a good girl, and

I'm also thinking about your mother-in-law, my good friend. We can't let her lose a good daughter-in-law

just because you're new to the family. These are all minor matters."

Sienna subconsciously glanced at Camille, who gave her an encouraging look. With a cup of tea in her

hand, Camille handed it over to Talia, saying, "Auntie, even though you say that, I still have to thank

you for everything."

Talia graciously accepted the tea and continued to chat with them for a while. When Ayan returned,

Sienna said, "Auntie, it's getting late. I need to go back and see my mom. I'll come visit you again whennovelbin

I have time."

"Why don't you stay for dinner? This is your first time visiting our house since you married, and you

even brought so many fruits. If I don't invite you for dinner, your mother-in-law might not let me off the


Talia said with a smile.

Sienna quickly explained, "Auntie, I appreciate your kindness, but when I have time, I'll come over.

Cami has told me countless times that your desserts are top-notch. I won't miss the chance to indulge

in some free food. Just don't get tired of me in the future."

"Come over whenever you want. Of course, I won't get tired of it. I'm more than happy to have you


Camille chimed in, "Mom, Sienna also needs to spend some time with Aunt Madison. If we keep her

here, she might worry."

Talia didn't insist any further, allowing Camille to accompany Sienna out. She repeatedly reminded

Sienna to come back for a visit, treating their house as her own.

Talia's hospitality left Sienna showering her with praise even as she left, "Your mother-in-law is truly


"Your mother-in-law is pretty great too."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The two exchanged smiles, and Camille added with a faint smile, "Drive safely and message me when

you get home."

"OK." Sienna nodded, then drove away.

Camille stood in place, watching until the car disappeared from sight, before finally turning back inside.

Ayan's voice called out from behind, "Why haven't you come in yet?"

Camille retracted her gaze and turned around to face him. Her eyes met Ayan's, and she said, "I'm

coming in now."

She ascended the steps, moving closer to Ayan step by step, and then they entered the house side by


The servants had already set the table with food. Since it was just family members, there was no need

to be as formal and reserved as when entertaining guests.

Recently, Old Simpson's appetite had been poor, and he had lost some weight. Fletcher and Ayan had

discussed this issue multiple times and even consulted with the doctors. However, it wasn't a physical

issue; the problem lay within his emotions. That was why he couldn't eat or sleep properly.

Talia had also mentioned this to Camille, so Camille sat next to the elder Simpson, coaxing him and

feeding him food from the dishes. "Grandpa, you should eat a little more. If there's something you don't

like, just let us know. I've learned to cook two new dishes recently. How about I make them for you

some other time?"

The old Simpson was in a relatively good mood. He had eaten a bit of the food Camille had served, but

when Camille tried to serve him more, he covered his bowl with his hand and looked at her with cloudy

eyes. He spoke gently, "Cami, you eat. Don't worry about me. I'm not that hungry. I had some porridge

in the afternoon."

Talia expressed her concern, "Dad, you only had a small bowl of porridge in the afternoon. Even if you

don't want vegetables, you can have some soup."

Fletcher also chimed in, "Yeah, Dad, the soup tonight is really flavorful. Give it a try."

Camille pretended to offer him some soup, but the old Simpson lifted his other hand and gestured to

stop her. "You all eat, I'm fine."

With this, he had declined their offers, and further persuasion seemed futile.

The four of them exchanged worried glances, their eyes reflecting their concerns.

The old Simpson's lack of appetite for such a prolonged period and his apparent emotional burden

were not sustainable.

After dinner, Fletcher and Ayan went upstairs to the study, ostensibly to discuss company matters, but

in reality, they wanted to talk about the old Simpson.

Talia stayed with Timmy, feeding him his baby food, while Camille sat with the old Simpson in the living

room, watching TV.

Even though they were both focused on the television, Camille could sense that the old Simpson's

mind was not on the screen. Instead, he seemed lost in thought, his gaze distant.

Camille looked at him with concern and then picked up a cup of tea from the coffee table in front of

them. "Grandfather, would you like to chat?"

The old Simpson nodded, attempting to smile lightly, using conversation as a way to mask his inner


Camille asked, "Grandfather, is there something bothering you?"

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