My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 915: Settling Scores
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Chapter 915: Settling Scores

Chapter 915: Settling Scores

"I'll take them. As for the results, you can hold onto them until we arrive."novelbin

Those words conveyed the importance of the results. The friend nodded in agreement, putting Ayan's

mind at ease.

The whole process was quite swift. From departing the Simpson Group to reaching the test center, and

then meeting Ayan's friend, it had taken exactly one hour.

After they left, the two of them returned to the car. Camille remained silent all this while. Ayan asked,

"Why so quiet? Do you still doubt me even now?"

Camille pursed her lips and didn't respond. Her expression remained somewhat serious, reflecting a

mix of unspoken tension.

Ayan cast her a deep glance, then reached out to hold her hand.

The next moment, she softly spoke, "If they are indeed blood-related siblings, then my grandmother's

death must be connected to both of them."

Camille's words were firm, but her heart was conflicted.

She hoped Preston and Eileen were siblings. If that were the case, then Ayan's investigation would be

correct, and they could easily uncover Preston's main motive for targeting the Simpson family.

However, a thought flashed through her mind. If they were indeed siblings, did Eileen's involvement in

her grandmother's death implicate Preston as well? But what had Preston said to her before?

He had promised not to harm her grandmother, knowing how important she was to Camille. He

wouldn't do something like that.

But was that truly the case?

Camille's mind grew increasingly muddled. Once certain thoughts started to surface, they couldn't be

stopped from spiraling further.

Sensing her emotional turmoil, Ayan spoke softly, "Whether there's a connection or not, there will

eventually be results regarding your grandmother's death. Whoever it is, they'll have to face the


Camille nodded lightly, but added, "I know. I just don't want to wait any longer. How can my

grandmother rest in peace like this? She worked hard to raise me, treated me so well. I haven't even

figured out how she passed away. She probably doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, that's

why she hasn't appeared in my dreams all this time."

Camille lowered her head, stubbornly refusing to let the tears welling up in her eyes escape. She

clenched her lips and her expression revealed deep sorrow.

She missed her grandmother terribly. She hadn't even been able to properly repay her for everything

she had done.

Even though others might see her as having done well for herself, Camille felt it was still not enough,

no matter how much she did.

This incident cast a shadow over Camille's mood. When she returned to the Simpson Group with Ayan,

she didn't go upstairs with him. Instead, she said, "I want to rest for a bit."

Ayan furrowed his brow slightly but didn't press further. He simply said, "I'll drive you back."

"No need, I'll drive myself. You go attend to your business," Camille replied, already heading toward her

car. She didn't want Ayan to accompany her; she wanted to spend some time alone.

Ayan didn't insist and merely cautioned her to stay safe. He watched as she drove away before taking

out his phone and making a call. After a polite and courteous exchange, he ended the call and took the

elevator back to his office.

Camille, having driven out of the Simpson Group's parking lot, headed straight to the Maple Leaves


Upon arriving, she parked her car and was about to get out when she heard a voice coming from the

front window of her car, "Sweetie!!!"

Sienna's head popped out of the window, waving her hand with a big grin on her face.

Camille stood there, momentarily stunned due to being preoccupied with her thoughts throughout the


Seeing Camille's lack of reaction, Sienna pushed open the car door, got out, locked the car, and

approached Camille. She lifted her hand to wave it in front of Camille's eyes and asked playfully, "Why

are you ignoring me? What are you thinking about?"

Camille snapped out of her daze, her gaze shifting away from Sienna. She locked the car and then

reached out to hold Sienna's hand, saying softly, "Thinking of you. How did you come here?"

Sienna playfully huffed, "I don't believe you. You probably didn't think of me at all. Who knows, maybe

you were thinking about Ayan?"

Camille gave a faint smile and returned her gaze to Sienna. She asked, "Did Rex confront you about

that night when you got back? Did he settle the score?"

Sienna paused for a moment, a hint of embarrassment and shyness crossing her face. She

immediately denied, "Of course not. He didn't confront me. I just had a drink, that's all. I didn't do

anything outrageous."

True, he hadn't confronted her, but she had to placate him in bed.

Of course, she wouldn't divulge the awkward details to Camille. After all, those moments were quite

difficult to put into words.

Sienna didn't want Camille's attention to be focused on her, so she quickly changed the topic. She

looked at Camille and asked, "What about you? Tell me, how are you and Mr. Simpson? Did Mr.

Simpson settle the score with you?"

Camille shook her head, saying, "No, he's not like Rex. He wouldn't get so worked up. He knows I

wouldn't do anything like that, and he probably understands that I was taken by you."

"You sold me out?" Sienna widened her eyes and complained, "Although it was indeed me who took

you there, you sold me out. I'd be so sad."

"Don't pretend. You wouldn't be sad at all." Camille gave a dismissive snort, then continued, "I didn't

sell you out. We didn't talk about that. We did discuss Eileen's situation, though."

Camille didn't reveal too much, especially about Eileen's possible connection to Preston. Without solid

evidence, it wouldn't be wise to delve deeper into the matter.

Camille and Sienna went upstairs to their home in Maple Leaves Mansion. Ever since Ayan officially

moved in with Camille, Sienna had rarely come over. So today, she seized the opportunity to enjoy

some unrestrained lounging on the sofa, waiting for Camille to prepare some fruits and tea for her.

Stretching out on the sofa, Sienna propped up her head with one hand and watched Camille's service

with satisfaction. She chuckled, "I have a request. Do you mind hearing it?"

"If you're not going to talk about it, then forget it," Camille bluntly cut her off.

But Sienna wasn't one to give up easily. Instead, she continued with a mischievous smile, "I've been

watching a lot of videos lately where best friends take care of each other along with their husbands. I

want to experience that kind of service too. Your Mr. Simpson can cook, right? How about you have Mr.

Simpson cook a meal for me, and both of you can keep me company while I eat!"

Sienna wasn't actually interested in the meal; her main goal was to boast about having Ayan cook for

her the rest of her life.

She had already started fantasizing about it, but Camille immediately shattered her dream. Without any

sugarcoating, she responded, "Sorry, we're not remarried yet, so I can't promise you that. However, I

can suggest something. How about tomorrow? I'll come to your place, and you and Rex can take care

of me, okay?"

Camille silently shook her head, wondering what was going through Sienna's mind.

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