My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 926: Biased Heart
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Chapter 926: Biased Heart

Chapter 926: Biased Heart

Yeah, Timmy is amazing. Even though he's young, each stage in a child's world comes with its own


If he's always sheltered under the wings of parents, he'll never grow.

They must let go a bit. Let him solve his own problem and only seek adult help when necessary.

That's a different form of protection from parents.

Camille's worries eased after this little incident, and she agreed to send Timmy to the preschool class

at the kindergarten. However, the nanny would accompany him, and arrangements would be made for


The matter of Timmy attending preschool wouldn't involve Ayan or Camille directly. Their faces weren't

unfamiliar in Hance City, but they didn't want to reveal Timmy's identity for his own good.

After Timmy's preschool sorted out, Camille began to focus on her work again. The project at the

museum was wrapped up, and she returned to her own company. She was assisting Sienna in

preparing for an international design competition.

So, she wasn't idle. She and Sienna started discussing their work for the design competition.

They had a serious discussion about this. Sienna said, "Apart from the two of us, we need an


"Just one assistant?"

"I don't want too many people. More people means more complications, and that's just annoying,"

Sienna complained. "If two assistants have a falling out, it's us who will suffer. So, the fewer people, the


"Well, since you've decided, let's go with your idea," Camille had no objections. Whether it was a small

or large team, it didn't matter much. Fewer people might be easier to manage if any unexpected issues

arose. However, with too many people, everyone's thoughts could differ, making things more

complicated if any problems occurred.

Finding an assistant wasn't an easy task. They needed someone talented, sincere, and experienced in

the field.

Sienna had originally thought of Yessica, but Camille pointed out, "Yessica has to handle our

company's matters. If she becomes an assistant, who will manage the company?"

Camille had delegated most of the company's tasks to Yessica, so she couldn't abandon those

responsibilities to become an assistant.

The search for an assistant had to be meticulous. Camille and Sienna planned to visit the design

department at Hance City University. However, Ayan or Rex would have to reach out to arrange this,

saving them some time.

But this favor couldn't be unpaid, even for a couple.

So that evening, Camille and Sienna invited Ayan and Rex to dinner on behalf of the company.

As if it were planned, the two men arrived late, making Camille and Sienna wait for nearly an hour.

Seated in a private room, Sienna seemed to be in a bad mood, saying to Rex, "Tsk tsk, it's hard to see

you now, right? Don't you think now that you've married me, you can take me for granted?"

Rex chuckled, "Sienna, you invited me for dinner on behalf of the company. Of course, I have to keep it

professional. If you doubt it, ask Mr. Simpson. If you weren't my wife, you'd have to make an

appointment to dine with me!"

Sienna was infuriated, pushing Rex with her hand. She seemed like she was about to explode.

In contrast to their heated exchange, Camille and Ayan seemed much calmer.

Camille didn't ask, but Ayan volunteered, "Traffic was bad, which is why we're late."

Camille simply nodded, not saying much.

Though it was business, it didn't necessarily mean they would strictly adhere to it.novelbin

During dinner, the four chatted while eating. Camille explained her and Sienna's thoughts, saying, "By

using your connections, we can directly approach professors from the design department at Hance City

University. It should speed things up. So, we're counting on you for this favor."

Rex said, "Cami, you've made the right choice. Ayan has a relative who is a professor at Hance City

University. She's highly respected and accomplished. If you're in a hurry, Ayan will be able to make it


Camille subconsciously looked at Ayan. While she was sure he could arrange it, she was surprised to

learn that the Simpson family had a relative who was a professor at Hance University.

Ayan elaborated, "It's my mother's aunt. She's been a professor at Hance City University for many

years. Are you in a rush? If not, when I'm done with my work at hand, I'll take you to meet her."

"No rush, no rush. We'll wait for Mr. Simpson to finish his tasks and then accompany Cami to Hance

City University," Sienna promptly answered.

And so it was decided. When Ayan had some free time, he would take Camille to Hance City University

to meet his Aunt-in-law.

With everything sorted out so smoothly, they decided not to pay for the dinner. The bill naturally fell on

Rex, as Sienna put it, "You haven't contributed anything else, so you can contribute money."

When dinner concluded, the four returned to Franklin Bay. Sienna and Rex had moved there too, with

the two villas next to each other. They were so close that they could easily cross over the fence to visit

each other.

Upon returning to their villa, the two women bid farewell. There was a hint of reluctance in their eyes,

indicating their deep affection. Rex couldn't help but laugh, "You're just next door, not a world away. Is it

really necessary to be like this?"

Sienna retorted, "You wouldn't understand."

Camille chuckled and waved, "Alright, don't get too clingy. Otherwise, Mr. Baxter might hold a grudge

against me."

"He wouldn't dare!" Sienna huffed, then blew a kiss before leaving.

Camille and Ayan returned, and Timmy must have heard the door open. His short legs quickly carried

him over, his voice babyishly calling out, "Mommy, mommy."

He hugged Camille's legs directly, and she bent down to lift him into her arms. She gently asked, "Did

you have a good day?"


"Did you see lots of little friends at preschool?"


He nodded while answering, his enunciation becoming clearer by the day. He was already capable of

holding conversations with adults.

Watching the mother-son interaction, Ayan was left out and visibly upset. He snorted softly and said,

"Why not ask if I had a good day at work?"

Camille blinked, and both she and Timmy looked at Ayan, a shared look that seemed to say, "Are you


Camille chuckled softly, "Mr. Simpson, we just came back from dinner together. Is there anything else

you need me to ask?"

Ayan was clearly unhappy. In his mind, Camille's behavior might be seen as ignorance of him.

Camille had no intention of placating him. Holding Timmy, she started walking inside, a mischievous

glint dancing in her eyes. It was evident that she was doing it on purpose.

Ayan followed behind her, wearing a somewhat aggrieved expression. The gazes of the father and son

unintentionally met, but Ayan didn't back down. He locked eyes with Timmy, who refused to show

weakness. They remained in a standoff until Camille placed Timmy within the enclosed play area.

Timmy rode a small toy car by himself. Camille shifted her attention to Ayan. Walking up to him, she

reached out and linked her arm with his. Her voice was gentle, tinged with a hint of a smile. She said,

"Is Mr. Simpson really upset?"

Her playful tone showed that she was fully aware of Ayan's feelings.

Ayan responded coolly, "Don't ignore me next time."

"Timmy is not even two years old." How could he be so jealous?

Ayan didn't back down, "We're equals. No inequality."

"Okay, okay."

Camille chuckled helplessly.

Seated on the floor, surrounded by a children's carpet, the two leaned against each other. Their gazes

were fixed on Timmy. The atmosphere was particularly harmonious, radiating warmth.

Ayan's phone rang, interrupting the moment. He picked it up, glancing at the unfamiliar number.

He answered, "Who's this?"

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