My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 907: Selected
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Chapter 907: Selected

Chapter 907: Selected

Camille pursed her lips, her eyelids twitching slightly. A voice echoed in her mind: Has Eileen returned

to Hance?

Her eyes narrowed, her expression cold as ice. Preston's words didn't provoke much speculation in

her. She wasn't inclined to believe that his words held any genuine concern for her.

Many times, she had seen through Preston's manipulations, knowing he wanted her to create trouble

for Ayan. If her relationship with Ayan became tumultuous, Preston would take advantage of the

opportunity to achieve his own ends.

She was well aware of his motives.

She had foreseen this a long time ago, but she had refrained from confronting him.

But her silence seemed to give Preston the impression that he had successfully deceived her. He

treated her like a fool.

Camille took a silent breath, her expression aloof, her voice distant. "So, you know that he went to pick

up Eileen? You seem quite well-informed about his affairs. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder,

Preston, do you have any ulterior motives when it comes to him?"

Camille let out a chilly smile, devoid of warmth, her face showing no trace of emotion.

Preston was momentarily taken aback by Camille's focus. He had expected her reactions to revolve

around Ayan and Eileen, but it seemed that her attention had shifted to him…

Preston remained silent for a couple of seconds, then responded hastily, "Cami, you know I'm looking

out for you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Camille cut him off abruptly.

Camille's tone was cool as she stated, "If you truly cared about me, you wouldn't have made this call,

and you definitely wouldn't have told me something that would hurt me once I knew."

"Cami, I just don't want you to be kept in the dark. I want you to see things clearly and not be deceived

by Ayan over and over again. I told you a long time ago, Ayan won't fall for you. Your love and efforts

won't move him. I'm a man, and I understand how men think. But why don't you believe me?"

Preston was blunt, unaware of the potential hurt his words might cause Camille. His intention was to

open her eyes to Ayan's true nature, to shatter any illusions she had and encourage her to distance

herself from him.

This had always been Preston's goal, an unchanging one.

Once, he had said that if Ayan fell in love with Camille, he would sincerely bless their relationship. But

those were just empty words. He had never truly considered it.

It had always been like this.

Preston's bluntness prompted a faint smile from Camille. Her voice was calm as she retorted, "Believenovelbin

you? How can I believe you? Preston, your so-called concern for meg, honestly, I don't feel it at all. If

you're done speaking, then hang up!"

"Camille!!! Why can't you see the truth? Are you willing to give up everything for this man? Are you

willing to abandon your self-esteem?"

"If that's what you're implying, then so be it." Camille's strength to argue was waning. She knew that

you couldn't wake someone pretending to sleep. She had learned this countless times with Preston.

There was no point in trying to convince him anymore.

It was futile.

Camille ended the call, rubbing her temples with force. Her head was starting to ache.

Her expression didn't look good, her complexion turning pale. Summer noticed and asked softly, "Miss

Camille, are you okay?"

Camille lowered her hand and managed a faint smile. "I'm fine."

Summer seemed a bit concerned as she glanced at Camille again. Camille then asked, "Can I ask you

a question?"

"Sure, go ahead. What is it?" Summer replied gently.

Since that night, Summer and Camille had grown even closer.

Camille frowned slightly, her voice low and calm. "I have a good friend who has helped me a lot,

accompanied me through tough times. But recently, I've realized that he's taken advantage of me many

times, always under the guise of looking out for me. Do you think he's truly a friend to me?"

Camille had never asked anyone other than herself about this matter. She hadn't even discussed it with

Sienna. It was just because she had spoken to Preston on the phone that she brought it up.

Summer analyzed the situation thoughtfully before responding, "I think there are two possibilities. First,

maybe he genuinely sees you as a friend, but his methods are misguided. Second, he might not

consider you a friend at all, just someone he can use."

Camille squinted her eyes, her expression revealing a mixture of emotions that was hard to decipher.

She didn't respond immediately, her eyes fixed in a distant gaze. She finally met Summer's gaze and

offered a faint smile, shaking her head. "How could it be? Thank you for sharing your thoughts with


"No problem. It's not a big deal. Actually, I should thank you," Summer replied with a meaningful tone.

Camille just smiled without saying anything.

Camille didn't reveal her emotions and didn't let Preston's call affect her work. She had a meeting at

Simpson Group the next day, so she had finished a lot of her work today.

The architectural plans were almost finalized, and after a couple more days, the museum's

architectural team would select the architects to join the project.

Everyone wanted to be part of the team, but there were only two spots available. The final decision

would ultimately be made by the higher-ups. No one knew the outcome yet.

In the afternoon, Jenson came over to discuss this matter. He had a talk with all the architects in

advance, telling them, "If you don't get selected to join the team, don't be discouraged. There will be

more projects to collaborate on in the future. Don't let the outcome affect your relationships. Don't let

the project ruin the bond you've built."

His words were met with unanimous agreement, and after a few more words, Jenson left.

Once he was gone, the atmosphere relaxed, and the topic shifted.

Sophie said, "I wonder who will be selected? Whoever gets selected should treat me to a meal."

Sophie seemed hopeful for a treat, not even considering herself as a potential candidate. Her attitude

was very laissez-faire.

For every easygoing candidate, there was a competitive one. One of the architects Preston had

recruited to join the team exemplified this attitude. She directly pointed the conversation towards

Camille, her words tinged with envy. "Miss Camille must be a shoo-in, right? After all, Mr. Simpson

wouldn't let Miss Camille be left out. But the rest of us? Well, we might not have such luck without a

good boyfriend or husband to support us!"

Camille didn't bother responding. She simply glanced at the person who made the comment.

Someone who had a better relationship with her pulled at her sleeve, gesturing for her to stop, but that

architect didn't show any intention of stopping. She continued, even though her words were like a

fishbone stuck in everyone's throat, difficult to swallow and hard to spit out.

Camille paid little attention, and Summer chimed in, "If Miss Camille relied solely on Mr. Simpson's

support, they would have announced just one selected architect instead of implying there are two

potential candidates."

With Summer's words, the conversation died down immediately.

Sophie lightened the mood, and the topic was dropped.

After work, Camille drove back to Maple Leaves Mansion on her own.

She had driven to work in the morning, and now she was driving back home. If Ayan had driven her in

the morning, he would also be there to pick her up in the evening.

When she arrived at Maple Leaves Mansion, Ayan hadn't returned yet.

But she called him directly, and when he answered, she asked, "Where are you?"

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