My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 906: Comeback
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Chapter 906: Comeback

Chapter 906: Comeback

Much of the night was spent on it.

Afterwards, Ayan cleaned up briefly and fell asleep while holding her. But Camille, on the other hand,

remained unusually awake. She stared at the ceiling, listening to the steady rhythm of Ayan's

breathing, his hand lightly draped over her.

Since deciding to remarry Ayan, they were truly living together now. He had been patient, waiting for

her consent before crossing any boundaries. But they were no longer young lovers, and there was no

need for restraint in such matters.

After all, adults had their needs. Although their remarriage was slow, Sienna had told Camille that it

was perfectly okay to enjoy themselves without any pressure or embarrassment. Their pleasure was

what mattered most.

Given what happened just now, Camille found Sienna's advice surprisingly apt.

She raised her hand and gently patted her slightly flushed cheek, taking a deep breath before finally

closing her eyes to sleep.

A dreamless night passed.

The next day was a fresh start.

Ayan had Kian notify all the partners in Mr. and Mrs. Bell's project to gather in the Simpson Group

meeting room the following morning.novelbin

Kian contacted everyone, and finally, it was Preston's turn.

Kian dialed the contact number Preston had left for this project, and Preston picked up rather quickly.

Kian explained the purpose of his call and then inquired softly, "Can Mr. Walker attend the meeting

tomorrow morning?"

"I have other matters to attend to, and I won't be able to make it to the morning meeting. I'll personally

inform Mr. Bell about this. Kian, please convey the message to Mr. Simpson." Preston's response was

cool and collected.

Kian expressed his understanding and added, "If Mr. Walker won't be able to attend, should we arrange

for Quintus to come instead? Tomorrow's meeting might involve signing some completion agreements

and such."

"If that's necessary, I can join the meeting via video call. And for the signing, electronic versions will

suffice." Preston deflected the topic of Quintus, not affirming or denying, simply avoiding the issue


He said it like that, so Kian naturally didn't ask any further.

After contacting Preston, Kian immediately informed Ayan of Preston's intentions. Ayan didn't say

much, only advising Kian to truthfully inform Mr. and Mrs. Bell about the situation. Whether Preston

wanted to participate in the meeting via video or through other means didn't matter.

Ayan wasn't concerned about how Preston would arrange for this meeting. He was more focused on

Quintus's situation. He asked, "Is there still no news about Quintus?"

"Not yet. He checked into a hotel last night and hasn't come out since."

"Anyone of our people in that hotel?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I've looked into it, and there are no issues."

"Continue to keep an eye on him. Will Preston really let Quintus continue idling away like this?"

Ayan smirked, and the answer was obviously no.

With everything going on, would he really allow his secretary to indulge in leisure activities all day long?

Ayan instructed Kian to closely watch Quintus and avoid any complacency. After all, the one in a rush

should be Preston.

For Preston, caught between a rock and a hard place, he naturally wanted to quickly obtain something

about Ayan as leverage. Otherwise, how could he make a comeback without something up his sleeve?

Ayan's speculation turned out to be correct.

Quintus had spent a day and a night without any significant activity. However, he couldn't continue

remaining inactive.

Close to lunchtime, Quintus checked out of the hotel and left.

He then took a taxi to the station and boarded a bus to a small town near Hance City.

Throughout this journey, Ayan's people changed vehicles in batches to tail him until they saw him enter

a relatively remote apartment building. Less than half an hour later, Quintus reappeared, but he wasn't

alone this time; he was accompanied by a woman wearing a cap.

This woman was Cora.

The people watching him snapped a photo and sent it to Kian. At first glance, Kian confirmed it was

Cora and immediately showed the photo to Ayan.

Kian said, "Cora has shown up. She has been staying in Quintus's hometown. It seems she now feels

the timing is right to take Cora and confront Preston!"

Ayan didn't plan to intervene at this point; doing so would only make Cora feel more defiant.

Ayan sent Kian to observe the situation in person, to see how Quintus intended to bring Cora to Flento


Could they possibly grow wings and fly away?

While Quintus might not have wings, Preston's influence had already reached Hance.

Although he was in Flento, his eyes were constantly fixed on everything in Hance, especially matters

related to Ayan.

In fact, when Quintus went to pick up Cora, Preston purposely created trouble for Ayan by distracting

him. He made a direct call to Camille to divert Ayan's attention away from Quintus.

Each time he called, Camille was hesitant to answer. She had grown uncomfortable seeing his calls,

feeling uneasy at the thought of interacting with him.

Because she no longer knew how to get along with him.

Their relationship had become one of awkward silence, turning what should have been pleasant

interactions into uncomfortable encounters.

Camille hesitated for a while before finally answering.

Preston didn't seem to mind the delay and immediately began, "Cami, there's something I'm not sure if

I should tell you."

Preston's tone was unsure, as if he wanted to share something but didn't know how.

Camille remained emotionally detached, her expression consistently calm. She responded with a lack

of interest, "If you think you shouldn't tell me, then don't."

"Cami." Preston's voice grew tense. He continued, "This matter involves you and Ayan. I don't know if

he's talked to you about it. If he has, then maybe there's no issue. But if he's kept something from you,

deliberately hiding it, then that's not right."

Preston's tone was protective of Camille. He was trying to convey something, to let Camille know that

Ayan was hiding something from her, and it was serious.

Camille's reaction, however, was far from what Preston had anticipated. Her response was nonchalant,

and she countered, "Preston, if you're so sure he's hiding something from me, then why bother calling

me to tell me?"

Her voice carried a hint of a smile, a playful tone laced with mild mockery.

Of course, Preston wouldn't admit to ulterior motives. He continued to frame his words in Camille's best

interest, saying, "Cami, I just don't want him to deceive you. He's playing with your emotions, exploiting

your feelings for him. He's being selfish."

"Is that so?" Camille asked in a calm tone, "So, what exactly is this matter?"

"Haven't you noticed anything? He went to the airport to pick someone up, and you didn't feel

anything? His associates didn't mention anything to you?" Preston's words grew angrier with each

sentence. He felt that Ayan had hurt Camille, but he didn't realize that he himself was deeply involved

in causing that harm.

Camille continued to display minimal response to Preston's questioning. "We each have our own things

we don't share with each other. Isn't that normal?"

"Cami, can you stop being so submissive? Ayan doesn't really care about you. He hid Cora from you,

and do you really believe he's doing it to punish her? I'm not trying to badmouth him, I just don't want

you to be repeatedly deceived. Don't you know Eileen has returned to Hance? Ayan arranged her

accommodation, and not only that, he personally went to the airport to pick her up. Cami, are you really

okay with this?"

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