My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 905: Sixth Sense
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Chapter 905: Sixth Sense

Chapter 905: Sixth Sense

Camille's ability to avoid public appearances was due to Talia's understanding. Talia rarely insisted on

her presence, considering the Simpson family's status. No one dared to question Talia, and no one

would dare to use the daughter-in-law's absence as a reason for scrutiny.

This made Camille's life much easier, as she was free from such pressures.

The last time Camille asked Talia to talk with Madison, it had gone smoothly. Madison had been

perfectly at ease when meeting Sienna for the first time. Madison was already a kind person, but with

Talia's positive words, the situation had improved even more. She had directly given Sienna the Ward

family's heirloom, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was flourishing.

Having seen the successful example, Sienna naturally wanted her relationship with Madison to become

more stable over time. After all, there was an aura that needed to be harmonized between a new

daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law.

In a pleading tone, Sienna said to Camille, "Just think of it as accompanying your best friend, okay?"

"Can I say no?"

"Of course not!"

And so, the plan was set.

After hanging up the phone, Camille realized in hindsight that she wasn't the one who invited Sienna to

dinner, yet she seemed to be the one who was now obliged to make a contribution.

At seven o'clock in the evening, a group of six people arrived at the restaurant.

The restaurant was arranged by Kian, the old place, Darkmoor.

Three men and three women, no sense of distance as work colleagues, just friends enjoying each

other's company.

They sat in separate groups of men and women, and no one felt uncomfortable.

Mrs. Bell had met Sienna before, so they quickly struck up a conversation.

Upon learning that Sienna was now married to Rex, Mrs. Bell offered her blessings and then

whispered, "Are you planning on having a baby soon?"

Mrs. Bell's eyes twinkled mischievously, clearly very curious.

She spoke softly, so only the three of them could hear.

Sienna was caught slightly off guard by the question, her demeanor briefly freezing. It seemed the topic

of having a baby was unexpected.

After all, they had just gotten married, so the question of having children might be a bit premature.

They hadn't even properly enjoyed their newlywed phase, so there were no plans for children at the


This was the first time someone had asked Sienna about having children since she got married to Rex,

and she wasn't sure how to respond.

Her hesitation made Mrs. Bell quickly realize her misstep, and she hurriedly explained, "Sienna, I'm

sorry if my question made you uncomfortable. I'm just really fond of children, so I asked without

thinking too much. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Mrs. Bell shot Camille a pleading look, clearly feeling a bit flustered.

Camille offered Mrs. Bell a reassuring smile and then turned to Sienna, saying, "Mrs. Bell didn't mean

anything by it. If you're not comfortable answering, you don't have to."

Sienna shook her head and said, "It's not that I'm not comfortable, it's just that this is the first time I've

heard this question, so I didn't know how to answer." She smiled, covering her mouth with her hand

and whispered, "I haven't thought about having children yet. I still feel like a child myself, and I'm afraid

I wouldn't be a good mother."

Mrs. Bell couldn't help but chuckle, "Although you may still feel like a child, Cami, who is also a child

like you, is already a mother. So, there might be advantages to having children sooner."

"Mrs. Bell, if I didn't know that you and my mother-in-law aren't close, I might have thought you were

sent by her!" Sienna joked.

Mrs. Bell and Camille joined in the laughter.

The topic of having children didn't linger for too long. It was Sienna's personal matter, and Mrs. Bell had

only asked casually.

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere in the private room remained cheerful. The waitstaff

continued to bring dishes to the table one after another. Once all the dishes were served, the waitstaffnovelbin

left the room, and the group raised their glasses for a toast before starting their meal.

Mr. Bell raised his glass and said, "I hope we'll have more collaborations in the future. Apart from work,

I also hope that we can become the most loyal friends."

"Of course, you are always welcomed to Hance," Ayan tilted his glass slightly, clinking it with Mr. Bell's.

Rex followed suit and raised his glass, expressing his welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Bell.

With two gentlemen accompanying Mr. Bell, Mrs. Bell was left to chat with Camille and Sienna.

At this moment, Ayan's phone suddenly rang.

His phone was placed on the table, and he glanced at the caller ID before declining the call. However,

the caller seemed persistent and called again, repeating this twice more. Eventually, Ayan had no

choice but to answer the call, looking at Mr. and Mrs. Bell he said, "Excuse me, I need to take this call.

Please continue."

He stood up and left the room to answer the call. Camille's gaze followed his departure.

Sitting next to Camille, Sienna placed a dish into Camille's bowl and said, "Eat more. You've been

losing weight lately."

Sienna's gaze was fixed on Camille, pulling her thoughts back into the present.

Sienna chuckled softly and asked, "Are you really so inseparable from Mr. Simpson now? When are

you planning to remarry with him? Do you need Rex or my mother-in-law to give your mother-in-law a


"No need. If they could nudge him, I'd have to reconsider his motives for remarrying me," Camille

replied with an indifferent shake of her head. She whispered, "It's not that I'm inseparable from him all

the time. I'm just wondering why someone would keep calling him persistently."

If it were Kian who had been trying to reach him, someone would probably just knock on the door, since

the driver and the assistant secretary were dining in the adjacent private room. If there were an urgent

matter for Ayan, he wouldn't keep calling repeatedly.

Camille's thoughts were remarkably sensitive, not because she wanted to pry, but because certain

things naturally spread in her mind, perhaps what people referred to as a sixth sense.

Ayan returned to the room after about five or six minutes on the phone.

His expression wasn't very pleasant as he walked in, a slight frown creasing his forehead, displaying

an obvious coldness. Camille was the first to notice, but he quickly reined in his emotions, adopting a

composed and faintly smiling demeanor.

The rest of the dinner proceeded without any interruptions, going smoothly and pleasantly.

After the meal, they left Darkmoor, and it was already approaching 9:30 PM.

Time had flown by with their lively conversation and enjoyable meal, and no one had noticed how late it

had gotten.

Saying their goodbyes at the entrance of Darkmoor, everyone went their separate ways and headed


Ayan had some alcohol, and as soon as he got into the car, he leaned his head against Camille's

shoulder and closed his eyes to rest. Kian was driving and he took them back to Maple Leaves


Ayan's alcohol intake wasn't excessive, so he didn't require assistance. He knew to hold Camille's hand

as they walked through the building's entrance and then took the elevator upstairs.

Upon entering their apartment, Ayan immediately made his way to the couch and lay down. Camille

gazed at him with a faint emotion playing on her delicate features. She softly inquired, "Shall I prepare

a glass of honey water for you?"

Ayan let out a low sound of agreement, then closed his eyes.

It seemed that he hadn't drunk this much alcohol in quite a while, leading to his slight discomfort.

Camille prepared the honey water and walked over to his side. "Drink this before you go to sleep," she

advised gently.

Ayan opened his eyes, his brow slightly furrowed. His breath, tinged with a hint of alcohol, warmed her

cheek as he spoke hoarsely, "Why do you look unhappy?"

Despite the alcohol, his eyes remained clear.

Camille, though not making a fuss, her moods could easily be told.

She didn't respond, instead taking the empty glass from him and starting to walk towards the kitchen.

However, Ayan swiftly grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace.

He held her tenderly. "What's going on, really?" he murmured.

Camille pursed her lips, hesitating for a couple of seconds. She then asked directly, "Who called you


"Work-related matters."

"Is that so?"

"Of course."

He gently tilted her chin, a gesture that indicated his desire to steer the conversation away from this

topic. His mesmerizing eyes locked onto Camille's, unwavering in their gaze. And then, he leaned in,

capturing her lips in a kiss.

Once certain things are set in motion, they can become uncontrollable. This was especially true for a

slightly inebriated Mr. Simpson, who had been holding back for a long time. Once he started, he had no

intention of stopping.

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