My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 904: Making Amends
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Chapter 904: Making Amends

Chapter 904: Making Amends

Ayan rolled down the car window and, despite his usual habit of not smoking in a moving car, lit a

cigarette. His tone was indifferent as he asked, "Did Preston ask you to come back?"

He was direct, without any hint of delicacy.

Eileen looked at him through the drifting smoke, her heart still quickening at the sight of his handsome

face. That feeling, which had persisted from the past to the present despite all that had happened,

remained unchanged.

Eileen pressed her lips together, speaking softly, "Yes."

He asked, "Did he have any specific plans for you to come back?"

"He didn't say. He just asked me to return to Hance first."

Ayan glanced at Eileen from the corner of his eye, clearly skeptical of her words.

Eileen hurriedly explained, "Ayan, I'm telling the truth. Preston only asked me to come back. As for any

plans he might have, he didn't mention them."

Ayan's voice remained dispassionate as he said, "I didn't say anything. You don't need to get so

worked up."

Eileen's expression stiffened for a moment. She had thought she was well-prepared to face Ayan after

being away for so long, but seeing him again made her realize that she always felt uncertain in his

presence. She always seemed to be one step below him.

Did she really have to resort to those methods to be on equal footing with him?

A sense of confusion and hesitation crept into Eileen's mind.

She halted the spread of these thoughts and looked at Ayan, saying, "Ayan, I'm not worked up. I just

don't want you to misunderstand me. If Preston really has any plans for me, I could choose not to tellnovelbin

you. Since I reached out to you before coming back, you can be sure that I have no reservations about

being open with you."

Ayan didn't respond to her words, and the natural answer was that he didn't believe her.

Kian, who had been driving, reached the hotel-a property under the Simpson Group. Ayan said, "Since

you've just returned, take a few days to rest."

Ayan instructed Kian to accompany Eileen to her room. Throughout the process, Ayan remained in the

car, maintaining a distance from Eileen. His behavior made it clear that he wanted to keep some


Eileen wasn't in a hurry. She followed his arrangements.

However, once she returned to her room, Eileen immediately shared her return to Hance with Preston.

She was attempting to navigate a delicate balance, not wanting to offend anyone on either side. Her

desire was to reap the benefits from both sides, a goal she had held steadfastly throughout.

Yet, she couldn't help but question whether her ambition would truly lead to the desired outcome.

After seeing Eileen to her room, Kian left the hotel and got back into the car.

Kian glanced at Ayan in the rearview mirror, asking, "Mr. Simpson, are we heading back to Simpson

Group now?"

"Yes," Ayan responded in his usual detached tone. After arriving at Simpson Group, he instructed Kian,

"Get the car washed."

Kian nodded and was about to drive to the car wash when Ayan changed his mind, "Actually, never

mind. Get a different car."

Ayan returned to his office. Instead of diving into work immediately, he took a shower and changed into

spare clothes before tending to his tasks.

Around three in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, accompanied by their assistant, arrived at Simpson


They had been back for a few days, but their time had been occupied with other charitable endeavors,

delaying their visit to Simpson Group.

The project was ready, and the upcoming opening ceremony would mark its launch. Mr. Bell stated, "I

want this to be lively. I want the project to become well-known in Hance City. It's not just about the

Modest Temple Hotel; the main theme is charity, in line with our original intention."

Ayan nodded in agreement, "Yes, you're right. Please have your assistant list your requirements, and

I'll have Kian announce them in the group chat. If you need any specific channels for promotion or have

other needs, your assistant can directly communicate with Kian."

Mr. Bell was pleased with Ayan's attention to detail, and he couldn't help but engage Ayan in a casual

conversation beyond the project. He asked, "Mr. Simpson, what's really going on with Mr. Baxter? Is he

truly the same person as Mr. Walker?"

Ayan chuckled softly, saying, "You're quite direct in your question. It's a bit difficult for me to answer


Mr. Bell had his assistant step outside before he continued, "We're alone here. Give me an honest

answer. Is the museum incident related to him? As the initiator of this charitable project, I must ensure

that there are no unforeseen complications. We don't want any tarnish on this project."

His emotions grew slightly agitated as he spoke.

Mrs. Bell, who had remained silent, chimed in, "Mr. Simpson, we've known each other for a long time,

and we have a basic understanding of each other. We know you might be caught in the middle and

can't say too much, but can you at least tell us if there's any connection? That way, we can plan ahead

and make preparations."

Mrs. Bell's eyes were filled with earnestness as she spoke, hoping that Ayan would provide some


Ayan responded, "Rest assured, your project involves the Simpson Group as well. I am, after all, the

main person in charge of this project. I can assure you that there won't be any issues. What I can tell

you is limited, though, as there are certain things I can't disclose."

He wouldn't resort to backhanded tactics to tarnish Preston's reputation. Preston wasn't worthy of his

descent to such tactics.

Ayan's assurance eased Mr. and Mrs. Bell's concerns, and they refrained from pressing further. They

felt reassured with his statement.

Mrs. Bell then suggested, "We've been back for a few days. If you're available tonight, how about the

four of us have dinner together, with Cami?"

Ayan nodded, "Sure, you can contact Cami. She'll be delighted to hear about it."

"Okay, that's settled."

After the plan was confirmed, Mrs. Bell immediately messaged Camille. Mrs. Bell hadn't been in touch

with Camille since her return due to her busy schedule.

Receiving Mrs. Bell's message, Camille was genuinely delighted, just as Ayan had predicted. She

readily agreed to the dinner invitation.

Despite the significant age difference between Mrs. Bell and herself, they got along surprisingly well

and had a lot to talk about.

With the dinner plans in place, Ayan took the initiative to ask, "Since you've been in Hance for some

time now, and this project is nearing completion, there might be new collaborations in the future. How

about, for tonight, I introduce you to a new friend-someone I've grown up with?"

"That sounds great. Let's do it tonight. But let me be clear, I insist on treating you for this meal."

"Whether it's you or me treating doesn't matter. What's important is that everyone enjoys the meal and

has a good time," Ayan said with a faint, understated smile.

After bidding farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Ayan contacted Rex directly. While Mr. and Mrs. Bell had

met Rex before, their interactions had been limited, and this dinner would be a proper introduction.

Concerned that Camille might be bored, Ayan reminded Rex to bring Sienna along.

As Sienna, the accompanying guest, was mentioned, she immediately voiced her discontent. She used

the opportunity to complain to Camille, saying that it made her feel like she was being used as a tool.

Sienna exclaimed, "Mr. Simpson seems to favor you too much, don't you think?"

Camille, listening to Sienna's voice filled with frustration even over the phone, couldn't help but laugh.

She asked, "Should I scold him for you tonight?"

"Come on, Cami! Are you really enjoying this? I can practically hear the joy in your laughter. You're

finding pleasure in my suffering."

Sienna's impeccable acting skills could be felt even through the phone. Camille patiently endured,

waiting for Sienna's performance to play out.

Once Sienna finished, Camille asked nonchalantly, "So, how would you like me to make it up to you?"

"Fine. In a couple of days, I have to accompany my mother-in-law shopping and meeting her friends.

You should bring your mother-in-law and join us!"

"Ha, isn't this returning the favor with vengeance? I helped you out once, and now you're trying to drag

me into this mess?" Camille responded with a dismissive snort. She wasn't very eager to attend a

gathering of wealthy wives.

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