My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 908: Strolling Around
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Chapter 908: Strolling Around

Chapter 908: Strolling Around

She rarely checked up on him.

The term "check up" gave her the impression of being interrogated by the police, so she felt it wasn't

very pleasant.

Normally, she wouldn't have made this call. She would have just waited for Ayan to come back home.

But today, she wanted to ask.

Ayan's voice came through the phone, accompanied by a smile, "Back home?"

"Yeah, and you? Where are you?" Camille continued to inquire.

Ayan replied, "On my way back, about half an hour away. What do you want for dinner?"

Camille didn't have much of an appetite. She responded in a casual tone, "Let's decide when you're


Ayan faintly sensed that something might be amiss with her response. He asked in a lowered voice,

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

"No." She didn't have the intention to continue the conversation. Her expression was quite indifferent.

She said, "I'm tired, let's leave it at that."

Camille's response also indicated that something was bothering her. Ayan, however, decided not to

push further. He said, "Alright, then."

Camille seemed a bit exhausted, and she leaned back on the sofa, lost in thought.

Ayan arrived home in about half an hour.

Seeing Camille looking drained, Ayan took off his coat upon returning home and went over to sit beside

her. He reached out and gently touched her forehead to check her temperature, which was normal.

Then he asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Camille shook her head lightly, and Ayan cupped her cheeks with his hands. His clear eyes locked onto

her, and he asked, "Tell me, what's bothering you?"

She pressed her lips together and replied in a distant manner, "The preparations for the museum

project are almost done. In the next few days, we need to select two architects to be part of the project

team. The rest of the architects will return to their respective companies."

He withdrew his hand from her face and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

Camille didn't have a concrete idea. She simply said, "I haven't really thought about it."

Ayan's lips curved into a faint smile. "So, you won't even be honest with me? If you want to continue

with this project, you're guaranteed a spot. With your capabilities and qualifications, anyone with

discerning eyes would choose you. If you're worried, I can help you secure the spot. The reason I didn't

just give you the position directly is because I know you wouldn't like me using my influence to secure it

for you. But if this situation is affecting your mood, I might take this matter into my own hands.


Camille clearly understood Ayan's implications.

She hurriedly replied, "No, please don't. I don't plan to continue with this project. It's quite demanding to

work with the project team, and I have other plans."

Camille wasn't just speaking casually. Working for this project would consume all her time, which wasn't

her intention. After finishing her current work, she was planning to collaborate with Sienna and

participate in a designer competition held overseas.

She was going to work as an assistant for Sienna.

This had been arranged between them even before Sienna returned from Flento.

Therefore, that architect's comments in the museum that afternoon didn't affect her at all. From the very

beginning, she hadn't intended to continue with the project.

However, Ayan seemed a bit uncertain as he asked, "Are you really not participating anymore? And it

has nothing to do with your schedule or any other reasons?"

"Really, I'm not just lying to you. It's true." She looked up into Ayan's eyes, her gaze unyielding as she

met his, and asked lightly, "What about you? Is there something you're not telling me?"

She asked seriously, without a hint of playfulness.

Ayan paused for a moment, and his brows furrowed slightly. His voice deepened as he asked, "Are you

questioning me?"

"I'm just asking. It's not a question of whether I'm questioning you. Of course, if you don't want to tell

me, you can treat it as if I didn't ask." She raised an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at her lips. The smilenovelbin

was so subtle that it was barely noticeable.

Camille's response left Ayan somewhat puzzled, but he could definitely sense that she was emotionally

affected. Otherwise, her reaction wouldn't be as it was now.

He asked, "What do you mean?"

"Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"Cami, you're becoming more and more mischievous. Are you trying to play tricks on me?" Ayan

chuckled, and his handsome face carried a hint of probing. His voice was deep and hoarse as he

continued, "Is there something you can't tell me straightforwardly?"

Camille pursed her lips, her expression remaining neutral. She calmly said, "Nothing's wrong."

She didn't press Ayan further about today's phone call with Preston. She shifted her gaze from him and

changed the subject, "I'm hungry. Let's eat."

Lately, their meals were delivered to them daily. Besides the occasional desire for takeout or dining out,

they usually had meals delivered.

Camille went to the dining table, opened the food containers, and set the table with knives and forks.

After she sat down, she noticed that Ayan hadn't made a move yet. She looked up and asked, "Aren't

you going to eat?"

Ayan's gaze remained steady at her, and his expression didn't change. He simply rose from his seat,

walked over to the table, and sat down. His gentle gaze was fixed on her as he asked, "Is there really

nothing you want to tell me?"

"Nothing. Haven't I already said that? There's really nothing." Camille's tone remained as composed as

ever. Her emotions were practically imperceptible.

Ayan stared at her earnestly for a few seconds and then decided not to press the matter further. He

picked up his chopsticks and began to eat.

Today's dishes included their favorites. Camille had a decent appetite. She finished a bowl of rice, ate a

good portion of the dishes, and had half a bowl of soup.

After finishing her meal, she wiped her mouth and hands with a nearby wet napkin. Then she turned to

Ayan and said, "I need to go out for a bit. I'll be back later."

"Where are you going?" Ayan's gaze shifted towards her instantly. His brows creased slightly, and his

dark eyes showed a hint of concern.

Compared to his reaction, Camille's response seemed much more nonchalant. "Just going for a stroll."

"With Sienna?"


"Cami." Ayan's brows knitted slightly, and his tone became a bit stern. "Why are you going out alone at

this hour?"

"Mr. Simpson, it's not even 8 o'clock yet. It's still early. I'm just going out for a while. Is that okay?"

Camille felt like laughing. What was wrong with this man? Did she need permission to go out now?

Ayan seemed like he wanted to say something more, but he held back. His phone, which was on the

table, started ringing at that moment.

Ayan answered the call. After a brief conversation, he put down his fork, and a faint trace of

displeasure crossed his handsome face. He spoke in a low tone, "Alright, I understand. You deal with it


Camille glanced at him before leaving Maple Leaves Mansion to find Sienna. Once they met, she

shared the news about Eileen's return. However, since she hadn't seen Eileen in person, she couldn't

be certain if it was true or not.

But if Preston had the audacity to use Eileen to sow discord between her and Ayan, he must have

known that Eileen had returned to Hance.

Sienna's expression darkened as she listened. She felt quite annoyed, not because Eileen was

particularly formidable, but simply because Eileen had caused Camille so much trouble. Sienna said,

"Why didn't you just ask Ayan about it?"

"I mentioned it, but he beat around the bush. If he doesn't want to tell me, then there's no point in

asking." Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, sitting on the sofa with her hands resting on her knees.

She chuckled softly, "I actually don't know him that well."

Ever since the remarriage slowed down, she had wondered more than once about Ayan's intentions.

But she had never been able to figure it out.

Sienna fell silent for a moment and then advised, "If you don't want to ask, then don't. If he figures

things out, he'll tell you on his own. If he dares to do something that would hurt you, I'll be the first to

give him a piece of my mind, along with Rex. Don't worry."

Sienna comforted Camille with some less-than-flattering remarks about Ayan. She leaned in close and

whispered a few words into Camille's ear, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. "Do you dare?"

Camille cast a glance at her and didn't refuse. Instead, she tentatively asked, "So, should we go?"

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