My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 901: Boldness
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Chapter 901: Boldness

Chapter 901: Boldness

Ayan was taken aback by her straightforwardness and looked at her with a faint smile, "Are we all this

direct now?"

Camille stared at him without speaking.

He asked, "Did Summer just come to tell you that Jenson works for me?"

Camille remained indifferent and replied, "No one would bother coming all the way here late at night

just to tell me that." She sighed silently and her expression became a bit serious, "So, are you going to

tell me or not?"

Her gaze was serious and determined, clearly indicating that she wouldn't rest until she got an answer.

Ayan chuckled, "Why are you suddenly asking about him?"

She remained silent.

He sighed in resignation and said, "Yes, Jenson works for me."

Camille showed no surprise as she had already suspected it based on Jenson's behavior and what

happened tonight. She just wanted a definite answer from Ayan.

Now that she had it, she felt it was only natural, as she couldn't think of any other possibility.

Camille looked at Ayan and said, "Summer said that Preston asked Quintus to investigate Jenson. He

probably suspected if Jenson had other motives for his actions today."

Camille shared the information Summer told her with Ayan. He let out a light laugh and spoke with a

neutral tone, showing no emotions, "He's in Flento but still wants to meddle in the affairs here, doing

something beyond his reach. How bored he is!"

Camille asked, "So, aren't you worried that he'll uncover Jenson's identity?"

"He won't find anything for now. As long as you don't say anything, no one will know."

"Then you better not have told me. Be careful; if you make me angry, I'll tell everyone directly."

"Are you that ruthless to me?" Ayan smiled, lifted Camille's chin gently with his hand, leaned over, andnovelbin

gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then, he pressed his forehead against hers and said in a low voice, "I

treat you so well. Can't you treat me a little better?"

Camille pushed him away and her cheeks blushed slightly as she avoided looking directly into his eyes.

She said calmly, "What should we do about this matter?"

"It's not my business; it's a matter for the police," Ayan replied.

Camille nodded lightly, not saying anything further. After all, he was right.

They fell into silence, and Ayan's gaze gradually became profound as he instinctively felt that Camille

was upset. His voice turned low and husky, "What's wrong?"

Camille shook her head, "Nothing."



"Are you upset?" Ayan didn't believe her and said, "I didn't plan to get fully involved in this matter.

Thanks to Sean's video today, the police will contact Preston by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Although Preston isn't in Hance, he can't escape this investigation."

"I really am not upset. This matter has nothing to do with you or me, so why would I be upset?" Camille

felt a bit exasperated. Why wouldn't he believe her?

The two stared at each other for several seconds before Ayan finally decided not to pursue it any


Ayan's words were right. During the time Camille met with Summer, the police had already contacted


Since it was an unknown number, Preston didn't answer the call. Because the people who contact him

usually have identifiable labels, and a call without any label at this time would undoubtedly be from the

police station.

He left his phone on the coffee table, and Molly also heard the phone ringing, so she asked, "Brother,

why don't you answer the call?"

Preston's expression remained nonchalant, and he exuded a chilly aura. He said, "It's probably a

telemarketing call. I don't want to pick it up."

Molly didn't delve too deep into his words or overthink them. She simply nodded and sat beside him,

asking softly, "Tomorrow, I want to go pick a wedding dress. Would you like to come with me?"

She asked if he wanted to accompany her, not like before when she would decide for him and make

him go with her.

This subtle change was clear to Molly herself, but Preston didn't notice it at all.

Preston's mind was preoccupied with Sean's matter, so he naturally had no intention of going with

Molly to picking wedding dresses. He responded indifferently, "I have other arrangements tomorrow,

work-related matters, so I might not be able to accompany you. Have your friends go with you to see

the dress, and once you find one you like, send me a picture, okay?"

He gently ran his hand through Molly's long hair, his expression seemingly affectionate, but there was

no trace of emotion in his eyes.

In the past, Molly would have thought he was deeply in love with her when she saw this look, but after

everything that had happened, she knew very well that these expressions were not genuine affection

but merely something he was skilled at showing.

Molly wouldn't expose him; instead, she showed a understanding smile and said, "Alright, you do your

thing. But surely you won't leave me alone to take the wedding photos, right?"

She playfully teased, her eyes fixed on Preston, leaving him no chance to evade.

Preston could only reply calmly, "Of course not. It's our wedding, how could I let you take the wedding

photos alone?"

Molly grinned, "Alright, then it's a deal. Don't lie to me."

"Of course," Preston responded.

Molly didn't say anything more, and her face still wore a faint smile, though it seemed a bit too cold.

However, Preston didn't notice it at all because his mind was consumed by other matters.

That night, Preston could hardly sleep.

The Flento City police showed up at his doorstep early the next morning.

His residence wasn't a secret, so the police were well aware of it.

Two plainclothes officers rang the doorbell, and Molly answered. After confirming their identity and

purpose, Molly invited them inside and then called out to Preston from the bedroom.

Upon hearing that the police were looking for him, Preston sat up instantly from his bed, furrowing his

brows, and asked Molly, "Police?"

Molly nodded, "Yes, they're waiting for you in the living room. Is everything alright?"

Molly wasn't particularly interested what was going on in Hance, but she had paid attention to the video

Sean had released, which had led many to doubt Preston's innocence. However, she didn't show any

signs of that, assuming Preston had no intention of telling her, so she acted as if she knew nothing.

As she spoke, she kept her eyes fixed on Preston, noticing his dark and tense expression. His voice

sounded hoarse as he asked, "Why did you let them in without asking me first?"

Molly narrowed her eyes and replied in a low voice, "I thought it might be something urgent, and they're

police officers. I couldn't just leave them waiting outside. That would tarnish your reputation, wouldn't


Molly's response was considerate of Preston's image. She didn't want to give him any bad press by

leaving police officers waiting outside if there were ever a need for police assistance in the future.

Molly expressed all her thoughts, and Preston rubbed his hair with some irritation evident in his eyes

and expression. Despite his annoyance, he got out of bed.

He quickly freshened up, and by the time he came out of the bathroom, Molly had already prepared tea

and some fruits for the two police officers, engaging in a conversation with them.

When the police saw Preston, they also stood up politely. One of them spoke gently, "Mr. Walker, sorry

for disturbing you."

Preston nodded slightly; they addressed him as Mr. Walker instead of Mr. Baxter.

Preston asked calmly, "Is there something you need, officers?"

The officer replied, "Last night, the police from Hance City tried to reach you by phone, but you didn't

answer. We wanted to ask if there was any particular reason for that?"

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