My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 900: Danger
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Chapter 900: Danger

Chapter 900: Danger

Camille's reaction caught Ayan's attention, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Camille shook her head, turned down the volume of the TV with the remote, and answered the phone

call, "Hello? Summer!!"

It was Summer calling.

Though they had each other's numbers, they had never called each other before. The numbers were

kept just as a backup.

Summer calling at this hour meant something serious, right?

Summer asked softly, "Miss Camille, did I disturb you?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"Well, there's something I want to discuss with you. Can I meet you in person?"

"Right now?" Camille was surprised.

Summer replied, "Yes, now. I'm outside Maple Leaves Mansion. You mentioned your address earlier,

so I took a cab and came here."

"You're already at the entrance?" Camille stood up immediately. "I'll come down now. You can wait in

the security office."


After their brief conversation, Camille looked at Ayan and said, "I need to go out for a bit. One of my

colleagues from the museum is downstairs and wants to talk to me about something related to the


"Right now?"


Ayan picked up the remote and turned off the TV. He said, "I'll come with you."

Ever since the last kidnap incident, Ayan couldn't help but worry when Camille went out alone so late."

Camille smiled, "I'm not going out; I'll be in the security office. It's safe."

But Ayan insisted, "I still want to accompany you. I won't disturb your conversation."

Camille didn't refuse this time, and they went together in the elevator.

As they held hands, Ayan asked in a soft voice, "Are you close with this colleague from the project?

How come she's coming to see you so late?"

"We're just like regular friends. Summer is lively and cheerful. She talked to me after work before,

asking about the things that appeared online today. But since I didn't know anything, I just turned her

down. Now she's coming to see me again, and I'm not sure if it's related to what happened during the


Camille didn't think it was likely, as Summer didn't seem like the type of person who would insist on

pushing further after being turned down.

When they arrived at the security office, Ayan let go of Camille's hand. "I'll wait here. You go in."

"Okay, thanks." Camille smiled and patted Ayan's shoulder in reassurance.

Camille entered the security office, and Summer was sitting on the sofa, waiting. The two security staff

inside stood up politely when they saw Camille. "Mrs. Simpson."

Camille nodded, thanking them before they voluntarily left the office, leaving Camille and Summer


After they were alone, Camille sat down next to Summer and asked, "Is everything alright for you to

come here so late?"

Summer was holding a glass of water that the security staff had poured for her. She looked serious,

and her face was a little pale. She said, "I have something to talk to you about, that's why I came so


"Okay, go ahead."

"Is this place safe?"

"Of course, you can speak freely here."

Camille reassured her.

Summer then lowered her guard and gazed at Camille. "Miss Camille, do you know Mr. Walker? Do

you know who he is?"

When Summer mentioned Mr. Walker, Camille's expression immediately turned cold.

She furrowed her brows, fixing her gaze on Summer, and asked, "Mr. Walker? Where did you hear that

name? Do you know this person?"

Summer shook her head, "I don't know him, but Quintus seems to know him. After work today, I was

about to call a cab to go home, but I overheard Quintus on the phone. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but

what he was saying made me curious."

Summer then told Camille what she had overheard.

She was still feeling a bit astonished as she recounted it. Apart from astonishment, there was also an

indescribable sense of panic. It made her feel like she had heard something she shouldn't have.

Summer continued, "Miss Camille, you know I like Mr. Evans. I don't want anyone to harm him, but I

don't have much confidence right now. I don't know what Quintus meant with those words. Among the

people on this project, I trust you the most. I'm not saying this to flatter you because you're Mr.

Simpson's wife; it's sincere. I'm friendly with other colleagues, but I don't know how to say these thingsnovelbin

to them. However, with you, I can be completely open about it."

Summer's eyes were filled with pure honesty, and she held nothing back. She clearly explained her

thoughts and feelings to Camille.

Though she could be a bit proud at times, she knew when to be serious, especially when it came to

important matters. She knew whom to talk to and whom to keep silent with.

She looked at Camille and said, "Miss Camille, could you help me check if Quintus plans to do

something harmful to Mr. Evans under the influence of that Mr. Walker?"

Camille remained silent throughout Summer's explanation. She frowned slightly, looking somewhat

stunned. She met Summer's gaze and spoke in a calm tone, "I understand what you're saying. Don't

worry, since you trust me and have shared this with me, I won't bring it up with anyone else. But the

information you mentioned, we can't confirm what exactly Quintus said to that person. If you're worried

that Quintus might harm Mr. Evans, we can anonymously warn Mr. Evans. If you're not comfortable

doing it, I can help you."

"Your suggestion makes sense. We can send an anonymous warning. Thank you for being willing to

help. This way, Mr. Evans can be prepared early." Summer agreed with Camille's proposal. However,

she still felt uneasy. "Does Quintus's talk with Mr. Walker mean that there's something related to Mr.

Walker in the current public opinion that is unfavorable for him?"

Camille's expression remained calm as she said, "Well, don't ask any further. I can't answer your

questions. The police will investigate the matter thoroughly. What you've told me tonight, don't mention

it to anyone else. Pretend you didn't hear anything and don't keep seeking answers. Understand?"

Camille carefully reminded and cautioned Summer. Though she knew some things about the situation,

she couldn't disclose the whole truth to her because the more she knew, the more dangerous it could


Especially after what happened to Louise, Camille didn't want to see another person getting into


So, pretending to know nothing was the best way to avoid any unexpected situations.

Camille's serious tone surprised Summer, and she looked at Camille with some confusion. "Miss

Camille, why?" she asked.

Camille replied, "Because some things can bring danger to you."

Summer froze momentarily at Camille's words, but she quickly nodded and said, "Okay, I understand

your point. Don't worry, I won't mention this matter to anyone again."

"Good, as long as you understand. It's late now; let me have someone take you home. Remember, if

anyone asks where you were tonight, just tell them you came to discuss the project's drawings with me.

If anyone threatens you, tell them you plan to resign and join my company, but you don't want your

current company to know about it, so you've been discreet. Got it?"

Camille provided Summer with all the possible explanations and excuses that could happen or not


Summer looked gratefully at Camille and then walked out with her. Ayan was waiting outside the office.

When he saw the two of them come out, he raised his gaze to look at them.

When Summer noticed Ayan, she respectfully greeted him, "Mr. Simpson."

Ayan simply nodded, and Camille said, "Call the driver and have him take Summer home."

Ayan nodded and immediately contacted the driver. In about ten minutes, the driver arrived, and

Summer left with him.

Camille and Ayan returned home. Camille looked at Ayan and asked directly, "Is Jenson your man?"

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