My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 893: Coaxing
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Chapter 893: Coaxing

Chapter 893: Coaxing

Ayan's tone was indifferent, "No need to rush. Keep the video for now and let's talk after tonight.

Preston won't take any action right now. He's not in Hance, and just a secretary alone can't handle this

matter. Besides, his mood is probably not good. After all, he's dealing with such a frustrating situation

while having two women around him. How can he be in a good mood?"

Although Ayan implied that Preston was in a bad situation, he didn't mock him. Ayan didn't bother with

such petty actions and reactions.

Because he knew very well that Preston's current situation was only temporary. Preston had done so

much planning to deal with him and the Simpson family; he wouldn't be defeated so easily.

After finishing the call with Kian, Ayan switched his phone to silent mode.

If he continued to be busy with work, Camille, sitting on the sofa, would probably get ready to leave.

He put down the phone, walked to the sofa, and sat down. He took the initiative to pick up the glass of

water from the coffee table and handed it to Camille's lips, "Are you bored?"

Camille shook her head, "Not really."

Camille came to the company with Ayan in the morning. Because of Sean's confession, Louise's case

once again became a hot topic, attracting many gossip reporters and media to the museum. After

careful consideration, Jenson decided to take the morning off and wait until the afternoon when the

heat of this issue subsided before returning to work.

So Camille came to the company with Ayan. He had been busy and then had a phone call with Kian,

but she was fine on her own; it wasn't too boring.

As an architect, having good patience was the most basic requirement. If she couldn't even handle this,

then the days of drawing boring drafts would be too hard to bear.

Camille looked at Ayan and asked, "What did Kian say?"

Ayan truthfully informed her. Camille was curious and asked, "Did Sean contact you willingly?"

Ayan shook his head in denial, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. He said, "After Austin's incident,

Sean lost his reliance. If Preston wanted to find him at this time, it would be easy. So why would I let

Preston have his way? I know that Louise's death has nothing to do with Sean. If I let Sean take the

blame, it would be unfair to him, right?"

Ayan was open with Camille about this matter because he trusted her and wanted to be honest with


This made Camille smile. She asked, "You're telling me so much. Aren't you afraid I'll betray you?"

Ayan also smiled. His eyes narrowed into a clear arc, and he said, "Would you betray me?"

She didn't respond but continued to smile at him.

He said, "If you really betray me, then so be it. But I know you won't."

He trusted her, and she was delighted to hear that.

Camille didn't reply to his words directly but asked instead, "Regarding Louise's case, why do you think

Preston did this?"

Camille still couldn't figure it out. If it was indeed Preston who did it, then perhaps only Preston knew

what really happened back then.

Similarly, that was what Ayan was thinking as well.

When Camille mentioned Preston's call to her, Ayan didn't respond.

Curious, Camille stared at him. "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Ayan met her gaze and asked, "What do you think I should say?"

Camille was a little puzzled. "I didn't think you should say anything. I just thought that after I said

something, you should respond. Or do you dislike what I said, so you don't want to respond? If that's

the case, you should let me know, and I won't say such things again in the future."

Ayan said, "I didn't mean that. I was wondering about the purpose of Preston's call to you."

Camille furrowed her brows and looked at him questioningly. "Probably to share some good news?

About Molly's pregnancy, perhaps?"

Ayan denied, "Molly's pregnancy probably isn't that important to him. When did he call you?"

Camille replied, "The night when I couldn't reach you. It wasn't too late."

Camille casually opened her call log and handed it to him.

After glancing at the time, Ayan's deep gaze narrowed slightly, and his cheeks were covered with a

layer of coldness. He said indifferently, "As expected."

"As expected of what?"novelbin

"Did he ask you anything?" Ayan didn't directly answer but countered with a question. The coldness on

his face intensified. When he noticed Camille shaking her head, he continued, "After Cora escaped,

she probably contacted him, and I suspect he called you to inquire about me."

"But he didn't mention anything about you." Camille answered briefly. He just said that it was Ayan who

made her unwilling to contact him and avoid too much interaction with him. She didn't want to have too

much contact or conversation with Preston because she didn't want to be bothered.

Ayan had heard these words before. Listening to them again didn't change his mood, except that he

felt a little annoyed. So he let it pass without mentioning it again.

Ayan let out a soft sigh and slowly said, "You answered his call at this time, which means I wasn't

home. So, whatever he wants to find out from you, I don't know. But I'm sure it has something to do

with Cora."

Ayan wasn't a mind reader, so he couldn't accurately guess what Preston was thinking. However, he

was sure that Preston wouldn't do something without a reason. If he just wanted to contact Camille, he

could have chosen a daytime call instead of calling her so late.

That didn't fit Preston's style.

Facing Ayan's response, Camille was puzzled. "What's the significance of Preston calling me about


"Maybe he is trying to team up with Cora to get back at me?"

Ayan replied indifferently.

Camille furrowed her brows and asked, "Does Cora have something against you or Simpson Group in

her hands? Some leverage?"

"It's not leverage, just some old stories. So promise me, no matter what Preston or Cora tells you, don't

believe or trust them. Trust only me. Can you do that?" Ayan's expression was slightly serious, and he

looked directly at Camille, speaking earnestly.

His seriousness made Camille also furrow her brows, and her expression became solemn. She stared

at Ayan and asked softly, "Ayan, what do you want me to promise you? To promise that I will trust only

you no matter the circumstances? But what if I promise you with my mouth, but my heart doesn't really

agree? Wouldn't you not know?"

Camille's words received no response from Ayan. His deep gaze remained fixed on her, and the

pressure felt intangible but impossible to ignore. This pressure made Camille feel uneasy and start to

have random thoughts.

Camille tightly furrowed her brows, and her expression became heavy. She stared back at Ayan, and

her voice was very soft as she asked, "Ayan, what's wrong with you?"

"Cami, answer me."

His handsome face showed firmness, and his gaze focused on Camille, giving her an indescribable

sense of pressure. This pressure made her feel uneasy and confused.

Camille wrinkled her brows tightly. Her expression was serious as she stared at Ayan and asked,

"Ayan, what do you want me to promise you? To promise that I'll only believe in you no matter what

happens? But how can I promise that if you keep things from me? If you want me to trust you, then

make me feel secure. Without trust issues, I wouldn't hesitate to believe you. Don't you think so?"

Ayan didn't respond to Camille's words, but the seriousness on his face remained.

The two of them gazed at each other like this for almost half a minute before Ayan finally said in a

emotionless tone, "So, you won't even promise to coax me?"

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