My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 894: Regret
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Chapter 894: Regret

Chapter 894: Regret

In the end, Camille didn't answer the question because a knock on the office door interrupted their

conversation after Ayan asked.

Camille didn't want to continue the topic either. She reminded Ayan calmly, "You should focus on your

work. If there's anything urgent, it wouldn't be good to delay it."

Ayan remained silent, his deep gaze still fixed on Camille until the knock on the door came again. He

stood up from the sofa, walked back to his desk, and replied in a low and cold tone, "Come in."

The assistant entered the office with some documents for Ayan to sign. He sensed that something was

off in the office atmosphere and felt a chill down his spine.

Was the air conditioning too cold?

All he wanted now was to get Ayan to sign the documents and leave the office as soon as possible, or

he might freeze to death.

Ayan continued to work, and Camille sat on the sofa, looking at her phone.

The two of them spent the entire morning without much interaction.

At around half-past eleven, Ayan finished his work.

He looked up at Camille, who had closed her eyes and leaned against the back of the sofa. His

eyebrows furrowed unconsciously as he walked over to her.

He bent down and lifted her up from the sofa. Camille opened her eyes the next second.

Looking at him, she asked, "Done with work?"

"Tired?" he inquired softly.

The two of them almost spoke at the same time, their voices overlapping.

Both pairs of eyes met, and he asked, "Feeling sleepy? Why don't you rest in the lounge for a while?"

"I'm not sleepy. I've just been looking at my phone for too long and wanted to rest my eyes. So, can you

put me down now?" Camille shifted uneasily. If someone walked in and saw them like this, it would be

awkward. She just wanted to get down quickly since they were in the office.novelbin

After all, it was the office.

However, Ayan didn't seem to have the same notion. He showed no concern about being seen and

said, "I don't care if anyone will see it."

Camille felt he was still holding a grudge about their conversation earlier, so she changed the topic

directly. "I'm hungry. Can we go eat now?"


Ayan nodded and put her down before holding her hand and leaving the office.

He took Camille to a Cantonese restaurant near Simpson Group. As they arrived at the restaurant's

parking lot, Ayan noticed something amiss.

Furrowing his brows, he glanced through the rearview mirror and saw a van parked nearby with

someone inside, showing no intention to leave.

Camille had already unfastened her seatbelt and was about to get out of the car when she noticed that

Ayan hadn't made any move. She asked, "Ayan, why aren't you getting out of the car?"

Ayan glanced indifferently at the rearview mirror, then nodded softly. Only then did he unfasten his

seatbelt and get out of the car with Camille.

He didn't show any unusual behavior, calmly walking into the restaurant with Camille.

He deliberately chose a table by the window, from where he could see where he had parked the car.

Camille noticed Ayan ws looking at somewhere and followed his gaze. However, before she could turn

her head completely, Ayan's hand pressed against hers.

He said, "Let's order. Stop looking around."

Camille pouted in dissatisfaction, "Then what are you looking at?"

"Looking at a beautiful girl," he replied, flashing a faint smile, a teasing glint in his eyes. However, he

kept his peripheral vision focused on the parking lot.

Camille naturally didn't believe him; he wasn't that kind of person, and he wouldn't bother doing such


Camille let out a soft hum and replied playfully, "If they are good-looking girls, why can't I look too? I

also like admiring beautiful girls!"

"You want to look too? Aren't you jealous then?"

"I want to look, but I'm not jealous. All beautiful things are meant to be shared, right?"

"You are quite open-minded." Ayan scoffed lightly, his tone showing a hint of displeasure.

The two playfully bickered as the dishes arrived. During the meal, Ayan received two phone calls and

dealt with some work-related matters. Meanwhile, Camille chatted with Sienna about the incident with

the "beautiful girl."

She asked Sienna, "Do you think he actually saw a beautiful girl, or was he just trying to make me


Sienna burst into laughter. "I suspect you're getting love-struck again. How come your IQ drops to zero

when it comes to Mr. Simpson? Do you really think Mr. Simpson has never seen a beautiful woman?

Are you looking down on my taste? In my eyes, you're the most beautiful, so why would he be

interested in others?"

"Maybe he's tired of my looks?" Camille replied casually, glancing at the parking lot where Ayan still

remained focused. She subconsciously wanted to see it too, but Ayan stopped her again, not giving her

any chance.

She tried several times, but he always stopped her, not giving her any opportunity.

In the end, Camille decided not to continue and turned her attention back to her phone. Sienna's chat

box was still open, and she responded,"Come on, even if he is tired of you, he can still tell who looks

good, right? You should have some confidence in yourself. Mr. Simpson is pursuing you now, and you

can totally open up your heart!"

"Fine, I'll trust you this time, given that you're good-looking." After Camille replied, Ayan finished

answering his phone.

He put down the phone and served soup for Camille, his gaze gentle as he stared at her. He asked,

"Who were you chatting with?"

Camille locked her phone and took the soup from him, responding nonchalantly, "A handsome guy."

Ayan couldn't help but chuckle. "How handsome? Should we look together?"

"No, I'm afraid you'd get upset if you see," Camille shook her head, took a few sips of the soup, and

asked, "Ayan, won't it be dangerous for Sean if you ask Kian to withdraw the protection?"

This was a topic they had discussed on the phone earlier. Although Sean had recorded the video and

scheduled its release, he refused to let the police withdraw their protection. In fact, he wanted Kian to

be with him at all times. Sean was extremely anxious and afraid, fearing that Preston would harm him

or send someone to kill him. Thus, he lived in constant anguish.

However, having the police involved for too long wasn't appropriate. Not only did it waste police

resources, but it also left no room for Preston to make a move. If Preston didn't take any action, Sean's

cooperation would be relatively useless.

Ayan also took a deep breath without saying anything. His warm gaze remained fixed on Camille, and

he replied, "He won't be unsafe. Even if the police withdraw, our people will protect him. The reason for

withdrawing the police was to give those involved in this matter a chance to approach Sean. If we deny

them that opportunity, wouldn't everything we've done be in vain?"

Camille nodded slightly, not entirely understanding, but she didn't inquire further. She simply said, "If

this continues, it will probably end without resolution. The museum project is about to start, and if they

can't find any useful information soon, I believe the museum will use its connections to end the matter.

Once the project starts, they won't tolerate any negative publicity. After all, it represents Hance to the

outside world."

In the face of a grand construction and reputation, a single life or a seemingly insignificant individual

was rather inconsequential.

Sometimes, it was like a person and an ant.

This world was indeed harsh and pragmatic. It wouldn't halt its progress just because someone was no

longer present, and it wouldn't stop entirely due to someone's departure.

Although Camille didn't like Louise, her departure still brought a tinge of regret.

Even if one disliked someone, it didn't mean that person's life should be taken away. Disliking someone

simply meant not wanting much contact with them.

Camille sighed heavily and asked Ayan, "Do you think what I said makes sense?"

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