My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 892: Dealing With It
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Chapter 892: Dealing With It

Chapter 892: Dealing with It

Camille's words grew more distant and indifferent.

She was completely different from before, when she was willing to discuss and share anything with

him. Preston attributed all these changes to Ayan, believing that Ayan forbade Camille from talking to

him or having a close relationship with him, which led to Camille's current behavior.

But Preston never looked inward and always blamed others for everything, finding some consolation in

doing so.

This allowed him to openly direct his anger towards Ayan and give himself a reason to confront him.

Due to Camille's coldness, the phone call didn't last long and ended abruptly.

Camille didn't think much of it or take it to heart. After all, it wasn't something important to her.

However, Preston saw it differently.

Preston was on the phone with Camille while being with Eileen. She sought him out to discuss Austin's

situation, as she didn't know what to do and needed his advice.

Preston squinted at Eileen, his eyes filled with a calculating ruthlessness. He spoke slowly to Eileen,

"Don't you know what to do next? Let me tell you what to do. Follow my instructions, and whether we're

dealing with the Simpson family or Ayan, you'll live a luxurious life forever. Do you want to listen to


Eileen looked at him with a hint of fear in her eyes. She asked tentatively, "Do you have a good plan?

Should I wait for Austin or go to his family?"

Preston smirked, "Of course not. Now, both Austin and his family are nothing. We should aim for the


Preston's words were followed by a deeper, more cunning smile.

Eileen was genuinely shocked and stared at him. Some concern and unease arose in her heart.

But Preston didn't reveal the specific plan. He only told Eileen to trust his arrangements entirely.

Meanwhile, the situation with Sean continued to escalate. Following the clues he provided, the police

launched a new investigation. Louise's family kept pleading with the police to seek justice for Louise.

Sean stayed in the hotel arranged by the police, and the next morning, after the reporters dispersed,

Kian was guided by the police to enter Sean's room.

Sean had been living in fear and immediately got up to greet Kian. A worried expression appeared on

his face as he said, "Kian, I showed up in front of cameras today. Will he try something else against


Kian patted him on the shoulder gently and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, you have 24-hour police

protection now. What are you afraid of?"

Sean was still very anxious, his face showing panic and worry. He said, "Kian, he must know by now.

Now, Mr. Simpson is the only one I can rely on. Mr. Simpson can't give up on me!"

Kian made a hushing gesture and said softly, "Sean, be careful with your words. Loose lips may bring

trouble to those who are helping you. Keep a tight rein on your tongue, you know what I mean?"

Sean's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he nodded slightly.

Kian handed a piece of paper from his folder to Sean and said nonchalantly, "Take a look. Later, we'll

record a video and post it on your personal social account, and then the police can withdraw. After all,

there are more important things they need to attend to. We can't keep wasting their resources, right?"novelbin

"Kian, this won't work. If the police withdraw, I'll be in danger for sure. You have to take responsibility

for me, Kian!" Sean looked panicked and scared. He was already worried with the police around him,

but if they were to leave, his anxiety would only increase. They must not withdraw.

"Sean, don't worry. Take a look at the content first," Kian said in a low voice.

He handed Sean the paper, and it seemed to contain information about that Sean had guessed out the

person trying to harm him and using him as a scapegoat and that if something happened to Sean, he

would expose all the evidence and clues he had.

After reading the paper, Sean asked in a low voice, "Kian, won't I be charged with not cooperating with

the police if I say this?"

Kian shook his head, "Of course not. You are only insinuating; you don't actually know."

"But won't he think that way? You don't know him. Whenever anything threatens his interests, he will do

anything to take that person down. If that happens, I will never have a good day in Hance again. My

father will suffer in prison. What will I do then?"

Sean grew more worried, and his face became pale and helpless. He was full of fear and anxiety,

feeling like he had no other choice at this point.

Kian furrowed his brows slightly and looked directly at Sean. He said, "Sean, don't be too anxious.

Things that haven't happened yet are just baseless fears. If he really does something like that, we won't

sit aside and just watch it. Besides, the police are here to protect you. What are you afraid of? Besides,

your father is his uncle. If he really does anything to your father, don't you think your father has

leverage over him? So don't worry too much."

After Kian's words, Sean's expression gradually eased. He opened his mouth and asked softly, "Kian,

can I see my dad for a moment?"

Kian replied, "I'm not sure. I need to contact the prison and follow the procedures. Plus, getting special

permission takes time. What do you think?"

Kian's words clearly implied that there are no free lunches in this world. Any benefit comes with a price.

Sean understood the implications and remained briefly silent. Then he nodded and said, "Kian, let's

record the video now."

Kian smiled lightly and said, "Sure. To ensure the video is natural and complete, you need to relax and

not show any nervousness or concerns. This is not only to protect your interests but also to protect

yourself. Every word you say represents your attitude. If you appear nervous or unnatural, people might

think you are being threatened. In that case, it won't be good for you or anyone else. No one will dare

to speak up for you, and those who do will face trouble. You agree, right?"

Kian maintained steady eye contact with Sean as he spoke, his words carrying genuine concern and

advice, without any hint of threat or warning. When he finished, he handed the paper to Sean.

"Sean, take a look at it first. Have a glass of water and adjust your mood and emotions. I'll go outside

and make a call to ensure everything goes smoothly here," Kian said.

Throughout the conversation, Kian never mentioned Ayan, and he made sure to leave no room for

blame to be placed on him. No one could accuse Ayan of anything since he had nothing to do with the

situation. Even if Sean tried to blame him, it would only point back to Kian making decisions without

Ayan's involvement.

Kian left the room, and Sean sat on the couch, looking pale and weak, filled with worries and

speculations. But at this point, it seemed he had no choice left.

He had reached this point because Preston abandoned him, not the other way around.

Sean pressed his lips together tightly, took a deep breath, and then held the paper in his hand,

memorizing every word written on it.

Recording the video didn't take long. Sean managed to get it right in one take because it had to appear

natural. Being too smooth or rehearsed might raise suspicions that he had prepared in advance.

After finishing the video, Kian sent it to Ayan right away. He asked, "Mr. Simpson, should we release

the video to the media now or wait until Preston reacts?"

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