My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 891: Editing
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Chapter 891: Editing

Chapter 891: Editing

The police didn't give a positive response for the time being.

Due to the sufficient evidence, the police couldn't detain Sean, but they still questioned him, saying, "If

it's not related to you, why have you been hiding and evading for so long? You're obstructing official


Sean explained, "I was afraid that someone would use me as a scapegoat."

He had said the same thing to the media outside the police station, and the reporters questioned him,

"Mr. Clarke, can you tell us who you believe wants to harm you?"

Sean remained silent and only said, "The person who wants to harm me knows it well. Some things I

don't want to say too explicitly. The police will investigate and ensure my safety."

His words sparked many speculations and inquiries from the media, and the interest in the case

increased. Eventually, Sean left with the police escort.

The journalists immediately edited and posted the live broadcast as a video on their official websites,

which quickly garnered attention and comments.

Although the incident had occurred a long time ago, the recent development of Sean's situation, his

statement to the police, and the police investigation all proved his innocence, leading to questions

about the real murderer.

Preston's secretary, Quintus, was one of the first to see this news. He wasted no time and immediately

sent the video directly to Preston. Worried that Preston might miss it, he also called him personally.

When Preston answered the phone, Quintus said urgently, "Mr. Walker, please take a look at the video

I sent you. Sean has been caught by the police."

Preston immediately asked, "When did this happen?"

"I'm not sure. I saw it in the media's video. There was just a live broadcast at the police station, but it

was unexpected, so there was little advance notice, and the live stream didn't get much attention.

However, the video and its content released by the media have caused quite a stir. They even bought

trending spots, after all, this is a matter of murder," Quintus explained.

Preston had instructed Quintus to inform him of any news about Sean as soon as possible before

leaving Hance.

Not understanding Preston's true thoughts, Quintus unintentionally blurted out what he was thinking.

He continued, "Sean's words to the police and the media indicate that there is more to the incident than

meets the eye. Mr. Walker, did Sean do something illegal without your knowledge? Or was he

manipulated by someone? Could it be related to Austin? After all, Austin is also in deep trouble now.

He might have pinned everything on Sean."

Quintus kept speculating, completely unaware of Preston's silent reaction.

After he finished speaking, the atmosphere became quiet for a moment.

Quintus quickly apologized, "Mr. Walker, I'm sorry. I spoke too much."

Preston didn't respond to the apology. He simply asked in a detached tone, "Where is Sean now?"

"The police are protecting him. He requested it himself. I just checked. Sean is staying in a hotel not far

from the police station," Quintus informed Preston.

Preston didn't reply immediately, and there was a brief silence for several seconds before he said to

Quintus, "Keep an eye on the situation. Let me know if there's any other news."

Quintus nodded, and he asked, "Mr. Walker, when are you planning to return? Mr. and Mrs. Bell's

assistants have notified us in the group chat that we can start work again in the next two days. Mr. and

Mrs. Bell have returned from abroad, but Simpson Group hasn't made any moves and hasn't contacted

us about resuming work."

"Don't worry about that. Wait until Simpson Group arranges it. Tomorrow, go to the museum and get the

template of the design drawings from Jenson. Tell him it's my request."

Preston gave his indifferent instructions and ended the call directly.

Preston's time was now split between Molly, Zoie, and occasional contact with Eileen, making him very


The next day, Quintus followed Preston's instructions and went to the museum to find Jenson for the

design drawing, but Jenson refused.

Jenson said, "Quintus, Mr. Baxter is no longer in Hance City. Therefore, I am in charge of this project. I

don't agree to hand the drawings to someone else without his permission."

Quintus retorted, "Mr. Evans, Mr. Baxter is not just anyone else. He is also responsible for this project.

Even though he's not in Hance City right now, it doesn't mean he's no longer involved in the project. He

has the right to review the drawings. I hope you won't make things difficult for me."

Jenson continued to stand firm, saying, "If Mr. Baxter needs the drawings, he can call me personally.

Otherwise, I don't feel comfortable giving them to anyone else."

Quintus's expression immediately turned sour. He felt that Jenson didn't respect him, even though he

was representing Preston.

With a cold face, Quintus stared at Jenson, but the latter showed no intention of giving in.

Finally, Quintus left Jenson's office angrily and ran into Camille, who was coming over with the

drawings for Jenson.

When Camille saw Quintus, she simply raised her head and said, "Miss Armstrong."

Camille's expression was indifferent, showing no additional emotions. Since Quintus had expressed his

desire to leave the company without permission and had directly gone to work for Preston, abandoning

the company's ongoing projects, the company suffered significant losses. The company wasn't large

and was still growing, so such a loss put immense pressure on it.

But Camille had never sought Quintus out or held him responsible. She didn't want to make things too

tense or difficult.

This was their first meeting since Quintus left the company. He remained silent and didn't dare to meet

Camille's eyes, especially when she didn't respond to him at all, as if she hadn't noticed him.

The atmosphere gradually quieted down, and Camille no longer continued to stare at him. Only a faint

trace of her gaze lingered on him as she spoke in a calm voice, "Quintus, didn't you go to Flento with

Mr. Walker?"

Upon hearing the name "Mr. Walker," Quintus immediately reminded her in a low voice, "Miss

Armstrong, Mr. Baxter prefers not to mention that name in public. I hope you can understand. Mr.

Baxter went to Flento City for personal matters, and I stayed in Hance to handle the museum project,

Mr. and Mrs. Bell's project, and other matters on behalf of Mr. Baxter."

Quintus' words made Camille furrow her brows slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her face. She

said calmly, "You seem very protective of him."

Quintus was taken aback for a moment and instinctively wanted to explain, but Camille didn't give him

the chance. Instead, she brushed past him and walked towards Jenson's office.

Quintus stood still, silent for nearly half a minute. Then he hurriedly called Preston and told him what

had just happened.

When Camille came out of Jenson's office, Preston called.

His reason for calling was to apologize for Quintus's words.

Preston said, "You don't have to take Quintus' words to heart. You can call me whatever you want,

without worrying about others' opinions."

Camille replied, "It doesn't matter. It's not something important, so there's no need to make a big deal

out of it."

"Cami, you may not care, but I want you to understand that, as long as it's you, whatever you do, for

me, it's always right," Preston's tone was firm, making it clear to Camille that no matter what she does

or how she behaves, he believes it to be correct.

However, Camille remained indifferent, maintaining a faint smile as she said, "Preston, you don't havenovelbin

to be so intense about this. It's not a significant matter, and I haven't taken Quintus' words to heart.

After all, he hasn't stirred up any dissatisfaction or anger in me, so there's no need for you to apologize

on his behalf. I don't mind."

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