My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 890: Insider Information
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Chapter 890: Insider Information

Chapter 890: Insider Information

Molly's tone sounded a bit aggrieved as she stood outside the gates of the Walker Group. Due to her

pregnancy symptoms, she had become noticeably thinner, and today, her attire was somewhat thin too.

The gentle breeze caused her clothes to flutter, as if threatening to carry her away.

Preston couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

After a brief silence that lasted almost half a minute, he spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "I didn't say you

were wrong. I just don't want you to make a hasty decision. I'm afraid you'll regret it. Dad is only angry

right now, that's why he made such a demand. I believe I can handle everything. Dad just thinks I might

not take good care of you. After I talk to him, he'll accept us. I think you should leave everything to me.

You don't need to make any decisions."

Every word he said was in consideration of Molly, for her sake, and he didn't really want her to sign the

agreement relinquishing her inheritance from the Walker family.

He claimed it was to prevent things from becoming too strained between Molly and Luke. After all, they

were father and daughter, and there shouldn't be anything they couldn't talk about.

They were still connected, like bones and tendons.

After Preston finished speaking, Molly remained silent for a long time. Her fair face showed no change

in expression, and no one knew what she was thinking.

The silence seemed to stretch so long that they could hear each other's breaths.

After a while, Molly finally spoke in a soft voice, "I didn't think that much. I just don't want to put you in a

difficult position with my father, and I definitely don't want this situation to embarrass you. I believe with

your current abilities, you can make my father accept us. When that time comes, this agreement will be

just a formality, it won't affect us, will it?"

Preston had no further arguments. If he continued, Molly would probably ask if he wouldn't marry her

without the inheritance from the Walker family.

Preston decided not to say anything more, realizing that if he continued, Molly might ask the very

question he was trying to avoid: Does he not plan to marry her now that she has lost the inheritance

rights of the Walker family?

So Preston didn't continue and just told Molly, "Since you've already signed, there's nothing more to be

done. What do you plan to do next?"

"Shouldn't we get married as soon as possible? The baby has been over three months now, and I want

to get married as soon as possible. In a few more months, the baby will be born."

Molly's thoughts were straightforward.

Preston didn't say yes or no, just said, "You go back home. I'm dealing with something outside now,

and I'll come see you later."

"Brother, I plan to move out of the Walker family and move in with you."


"Yes, I've already agreed to give up inheriting anything. It wouldn't be right for me to continue living

there. The house I bought before hasn't been renovated yet, so I can only move in with you. Do you


"How could I?" Preston replied in a calm tone, "Wait until I finish my business, and then I'll find you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Molly responded gently, full of anticipation for the upcoming open cohabitation


After finishing the call with Molly, Preston didn't have the slightest anticipation. His face was as cold as

ice, and the chill in his eyes was evident. He stood by the window, unresponsive for a long time, until a

pair of hands encircled his waist, and he finally glanced down at the fair hand.

The woman behind him asked in a low voice, "Preston, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

Preston didn't speak immediately, but his face relaxed a little.

The woman behind him asked again, "Preston, did I cause you trouble?"

Preston's facial expression gradually softened and his voice was gentle, "No, don't overthink it."


"Of course."

Preston turned around and looked at the woman behind him.

He said in a gentle tone, "Later, I'll send you to a nearby hotel, okay?"

Zoie's expression immediately froze, but she still maintained a faint smile and asked, "Why? Did I

disturb you by staying here?"

Zoie had arrived in Flento yesterday afternoon, and Preston personally went to pick her up. She was

very happy about it. Later, Preston took her directly to his place, and besides him, there was no trace of

any other woman here.

However, Zoie didn't feel any joy because she knew Preston's thoughts very well.

At this moment, Preston suggested that she move to a hotel, which naturally surprised and shocked


The two of them stared at each other, and Preston didn't feel the need to explain further. He simply

said, "Go freshen up first, then pack your things. We'll have breakfast and then go to the hotel, okay?"

He didn't ask for Zoie's opinion, nor did he have any intention of discussing it. He had simply decided,

and Zoie should follow suit.

Zoie's eyes trembled slightly, and her face showed no emotion. She lowered her head and softly

nodded, her voice slightly hoarse, "Okay, I understand."

Preston didn't say another word and, after letting go of her hand, went straight back to the bedroom.

Zoie stood in place, her lips lightly pressed together in silence. Then she took out her phone from her

pocket, sent a message, and immediately deleted the message record. She put her phone away and

went to freshen up.

Zoie didn't show any dissatisfaction or throw a tantrum because Preston sent her to a hotel. She was

very obedient, and whatever Preston arranged, she would do. Who wouldn't love such an obedient and

well-behaved woman?

Compared to Zoie's obedient and gentle nature, Molly was much more difficult to handle.

Molly moved in without Preston's approval. Her reasoning was simple: since they were getting married,

it didn't matter whether they lived together now or later.

Molly's move put a lot of pressure on Preston, and the pressure was so forceful that even his personal

space seemed to be slipping away. However, everything had just begun, and no one knew how long

Preston could endure it.

The situation in Flento was under Ayan's control. With Preston now caught between a rock and a hard

place, he couldn't spare any extra time for Cora.

As a result, Cora had no chance to see Preston and could only hide, unable to see the light of day.

Ayan didn't want to waste unnecessary time searching for Cora, as he felt it was better to close off all

her options and let her show herself.

How could he close off Cora's options?

When Kian asked this question, his eyes were fixed on Ayan, waiting for him to speak.

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, gazing calmly at Kian before he said, "Who is she relying on now?"

"Preston," Kian replied with a determined look. "Right now, Preston is very busy, but he hasn't

completely cut off contact with Cora. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Ayan asked indifferently.

Kian said, "Unless something happens to Preston?"

"We both know very well who is behind Louise's death, and so does Preston. Otherwise, how could he

have brought Sean out as a scapegoat? Sean has been with Preston for so long. Do you think he can

bear this?"

"So, you mean to have Sean reveal the truth?"

"That alone wouldn't be enough to fully implicate Preston. I don't intend for him to be fully implicated

either, after all, he has countless excuses and reasons to absolve himself. Otherwise, he wouldn't have

dared to do this. What I want is just for Cora to know that Preston can't give her the support she needs,

and her only choice is to keep her mouth shut and cooperate with me."

Ayan's face remained cold, his eyes showing a hint of indifference. He didn't want to go too far with

this, otherwise, Cora wouldn't have had the opportunity she had today.

Kian asked in a low voice, "So, Mr. Simpson, should I go contact Sean now?"

"Yes, the sooner, the better. This way, Cora will also know that I know she has been in contact with


After Ayan's calm response, Kian immediately went to work.

That afternoon, the police released the news that Sean had been found, along with the transcript of his

statement and his timeline for the day of Louise's incident, which proved he had an alibi.

The police made everything provided by Sean public, and the media questioned, "Is there more to the

victim's death than meets the eye?"

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