My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 879: Tension
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Chapter 879: Tension

Chapter 879: Tension

Camille asked, "I just want to know, as a man, what do you think of Horace?"

Ayan lowered his gaze, meeting Camille's eyes with a tender look as he seriously considered her

question before responding, "If you're asking about his character from a professional standpoint, I think

he's okay. But as just a man, I don't know much about him, so I can't give you a definitive answer."

He didn't stop there, though. Ayan followed up, "What are you worried about? Is it about Horace

possibly hurting Grace?"

Ayan hit the nail on the head, revealing Camille's concerns.

Camille didn't deny it; she openly admitted that was what she was worried about.

She said, "Grace and I aren't incredibly close as sisters, but no matter what, we are still sisters. So, I

don't want her to get hurt."

Ayan reached up and gently fixed the stray strands of hair on her cheek, his voice carrying a hint of a

smile, "So, what do you want me to do?"

"Help me investigate Horace?" she said without hesitation, stating her thoughts and intentions plainly.

She then stared at Ayan, as if she wouldn't relent until he gave her a satisfying answer.

Ayan couldn't help but chuckle at her persistence. He said, "Alright, but I have a request."

"What request?"

"I'm helping you out. Don't you think I deserve a reward?"

Camille furrowed her brows, observing his playful demeanor. She decided not to continue the


Her silence brought a wide grin to Ayan's face. He added, "I'll take your silence as a yes."

At that moment, the elevator doors opened, and Ayan took Camille's hand, leading her out and heading


Sienna had returned, and Camille's life returned to its usual rhythm. Sienna's restaurant business was

booming, keeping her busy every day. So, after work, Camille would go there to help out and have

dinner before heading home.

Camille's life became more fulfilling, while Ayan's days became monotonous since he couldn't spend all

the time with his wife after work.

This routine continued for several days. Ayan had protested, but Camille had rejected his complaints

every time. Eventually, he would her him to the restaurant.

One evening, Camille arrived at the restaurant before Ayan did. Sienna informed her that they had

prepared new dishes for the night and wanted her to taste the flavors. She also invited Rex, asking him

to join Ayan for a drink.

But Camille refused, "He has a weak stomach, so he shouldn't drink."

"Tsk! You really care about Mr. Simpson, huh? Your relationship with him makes me suspect if you guys

are already secretly remarried," Sienna teased.

Camille's eyes instantly dimmed, and she shook her head, looking down at the ground absentmindedly.

Sienna immediately sensed Camille's worry and couldn't help but think if Camille had found out


Quickly, Sienna asked, "What's wrong?"

Camille revealed her thoughts to Sienna, saying, "I feel like he doesn't want to remarry. We've been

getting along well recently, but there seems to be something he's hiding. I'm bothered by his attitude,

and maybe he hopes that I won't clash with him over remarriage."

Sienna firmly rejected Camille's thoughts, saying, "That's not possible."

"What's impossible?"

"Your assumption," Sienna couldn't believe it. After all, didn't Ayan want to remarry? Otherwise, why

would he hide their fake divorce from Camille? Wasn't it because he was afraid that Camille would

insist on divorcing him once she found out the truth?

Sienna's reaction was strange, and Camille couldn't help but scrutinize her, asking, "You believe him so


Sienna's furrowed her brows, unable to persist any further, and a somewhat stiff and distant expression

appeared on her face as she looked away, explaining, "I just think it's highly unlikely. Everyone can see

how he treats you, so how is that possible?"

"That's what I find curious too. I even thought maybe it's the case of wanting what we can't have, and

when we have it, we no longer desire it," Camille retorted sarcastically.

Sienna's frown disappeared as she tried to keep her emotions in check. She wanted to revealnovelbin

everything she knew to Camille, but this matter was something she couldn't disclose, considering she

and Ayan were the people involved.

Sienna's voice turned serious as she said, "Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Simpson isn't like that. Maybe he's

planning a surprise for you? Or, as he said, maybe he wants to remarry officially after the wedding?"

"Those don't contradict each other, do they?" Camille asked nonchalantly.

Sienna fell silent, unsure how to respond to that question. Her expression became stiff.

Camille sighed and said, "Okay, let's drop this topic. Talking about it will only make me more agitated. If

it reaches Ayan's ears, he might even think I'm too eager to remarry and cause conflict between us."

"You must be silly to say such things," Sienna scolded Camille with a playful glare. Camille just smiled;

she knew these words only came out when emotions were running high, and she would only say them

in front of Sienna.

As they had just finished the topic, Rex arrived. He had come directly from the Ward Group and asked

when he saw Camille and Sienna, "Has Ayan not arrived yet?"

Camille replied with a soft sound, looking at her phone for the time, "He should be on his way now."

Usually, Ayan would have left the company by this time, so he was probably on his way.

Since Ayan hadn't arrived yet, the three of them stayed in the lounge and chatted. In front of Camille,

Rex told Sienna, "My family knows that I brought you here. We have time in the next few days; let's go

have dinner with them?"

Although Sienna knew that she would eventually have to face this situation, she couldn't help feeling

nervous and avoiding it for a little longer. So, when Rex suddenly mentioned it, she felt tense and


She subconsciously said, "So soon? I just came back a few days ago."

Rex laughed helplessly, "It's just dinner, nothing will happen. Don't worry too much."

Sienna pouted, still concerned, "Dinner means spending several hours together. I'm already feeling a

bit anxious."

Sienna wasn't socially anxious, but they were Rex's parents, her father-in-law and mother-in-law. To be

honest, she was a little afraid. It was more like fear of the unknown-how should she interact with them?

Camille chuckled lightly, "You guys are already married. Every ugly bride is bound to meet her in-laws.

Besides, Mr. Baxter will be there, so what are you afraid of?"

Sienna reached over and pinched Camille's arm, grunting softly, "I'm not ugly. I'm just nervous. Don't

tell me you weren't nervous when you first met your mother-in-law?"

"Well, not at all," Camille met Talia for the first time at a restaurant dinner, with families from both sides

present. She felt it was okay, so compared to meeting her mother-in-law, meeting Ayan's parents would

make her more nervous.

Because she had liked Ayan for many years, the feelings that had been hidden deep inside her heart

seemed like they would never see the light of day. Then suddenly, she found out she was going to be

married to him. The nervousness she felt wasn't less than when she met her mother-in-law for the first


Sienna still couldn't calm down. She said, "I'm still a little nervous. What should I do? Should we wait a

little longer?"

Rex said, "It's just one meal. It's just my parents. After you get used to it, we can meet the rest of the

Ward family."

"Why did you agree without even asking me?" Sienna panicked a bit. The experiences with The King

family made her feel insecure, lacking confidence, and unsure if she would be likable.

The tone of her voice carried blame and dissatisfaction. As the atmosphere grew heavy, Camille

quickly interrupted, "Don't be too nervous. I'll say hi to my mother-in-law later and have her chat with

Aunt Ward. With her there, everything will go smoothly. Plus, why worry so much? Maybe Aunt Ward

and Uncle Ward will really like you. You're just overthinking. It's not time to meet for dinner yet, so don't

be so anxious, okay?"

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