My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 878: Imparting
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Chapter 878: Imparting

Chapter 878: Imparting

A handsome face appeared with a gentle expression, and the tenderness in his eyes was apparent.

However, it was hard to imagine these sweet words coming from the mouth of a domineering CEO.

Camille felt from the bottom of her heart that if these words were not spoken by Ayan, they would feel

somewhat put off.

Although Ayan's delivery wasn't that much, it still felt somewhat awkward, as if such words shouldn't

come from his mouth.

Nevertheless, she smiled faintly and looked up at him. "Then I'll wait and see."

Ayan lightly pinched her cheek, and just then, the waiter knocked on the door of the private room.

When Camille saw the person already seated in the room, she froze in place. After glancing at the

person and then at Ayan, whose hand was still intertwined with hers, she asked, "Why didn't you tell

me she was back?"

Ayan explained in a low voice, "She said she wanted to surprise you."

Camille was somewhat bewildered. Well, it was indeed a surprise.

Sienna had stood up from her chair and quickly approached Camille. She opened her arms for a hug.

"Darling, I'm here to keep you company. Are you happy to see me?"

Sienna had a radiant smile, obviously in a great mood.

Camille also smiled and snorted lightly, looking at her. "You didn't even tell me you were coming back. I

could have gone to the airport early to wait for you."

"How could I trouble Mrs. Simpson? I grew a pair of legs. I can walk to you on my own." Sienna held

Camille's hand and led her to the dining table. Ayan and Rex were also engaged in conversation, so

the two women had their own space to chat.

Camille asked Sienna, "Did you really get married?"

"Yes, do you think I would lie to you?"

"It's not about whether you would lie to me, it's just that it's a little sudden. Why did you suddenly

decide to get married? What benefits did he offer you to make you agree to marry him so suddenly?"

Sienna pursed her lips, realizing that the occasion wasn't suitable to talk about these things. She took

out her phone, typed a few words, and passed it to Camille.

She whispered, "Since we're going to get married eventually, it doesn't matter if it's sooner or later. As

for those owed formalities, let him take his time to fulfill them!"

Camille nodded, understanding Sienna's point, but the words Sienna had written left her shocked.

Sienna said it was because she had completely cut ties with the King family, and also because Mario

had pressured her too much. She couldn't catch a breath or find an opportunity. Perhaps doing this

could give her a slight sense of reliance and the feeling that someone was willing to bear the burden

with her.

But a question also arose in Camille's heart. She asked in a low voice, "With your understanding of

Mario, can he really let go completely?"

Grace's question stunned Sienna for a moment. She put on an unnatural smile and her voice turned

hoarse. "You really do understand him."

There were many implications in that sentence, but Sienna didn't continue speaking. She simply said to

Camille, "I understand what you're thinking. Let's talk one-on-one after I settle down."

Camille glanced at the two men and didn't want Rex to know, so she just nodded and didn't continue

the topic.novelbin

The dishes were quickly served.

The four of them sat facing each other. It had been a long time since they had gathered together, so the

atmosphere of the dinner was very pleasant.

Rex looked at Camille and Ayan and said, "When everyone else is available in the next few days, we

should have dinner together. Today, we mainly invited the two of you to be the first to witness our

marriage. Thank you both for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us."

Rex raised his glass and clinked it with Ayan and Camille. He continued, "You two are preparing for

your weddings, so we'll wait for you to impart your experience to us."

Rex was brimming with smiles, clearly looking forward to his wedding with Sienna.

Camille didn't have much of a response, and Ayan just nodded in agreement.

After the meal, the four of them left Darkmoor. They each got into their cars and headed home.

Ayan was driving, and Camille sat in the passenger seat, the atmosphere feeling somewhat quiet and


Ayan took a quick glance at Camille and noticed her sitting quietly, staring out of the window, lost in


His brows slightly furrowed, and a touch of concern appeared in his deep, gentle eyes. He reached out

and gently held Camille's hand, asking softly, "What's wrong?"

Camille shook her head. "It's nothing. I might just be a little sleepy after eating and drinking."

Ayan looked at her deeply, fully aware that this wasn't the truth.

His eyes became profound and somber, and a hint of warmth filled his voice. "Then take a nap. I'll

wake you up when we get home."

"Okay." She replied softly and closed her eyes.

Camille maintained like this until they reached the entrance of Maple Leaves Mansion. As soon as the

car stopped, she opened her eyes.

Both of them unfastened their seat belts and got out of the car. As they were about to head to the

elevator, Camille accidentally caught sight of two familiar figures.

Camille immediately halted her steps and didn't continue walking forward. This caught Ayan's attention,

and he followed her gaze, seeing the two people coming towards them. It was a man and a woman

holding hands, drawing attention under the dim lighting.

The two people also noticed Camille and Ayan standing by the car. The woman instinctively let go of

the man's hand, but the man held her hand even tighter.

The woman raised her other hand, and her voice trembled nervously, "Camille."

Camille looked at the person in front of her and, apart from the initial surprise, quickly returned to her

usual self. She gave a soft "hmm" and then looked at the other person.

The two people approached, facing each other.

The man's voice rang out, "Mr. Simpson, Miss Camille."

Ayan nodded and glanced back and forth between the man and the woman, his voice carrying a hint of

amusement. "Mr. Burris, Miss Armstrong, what a coincidence."

Ayan deliberately acted as if he didn't know. Grace instinctively looked at Camille. She felt uneasy all


Horace, on the other hand, remained composed and calm. He didn't hide anything and responded to

Ayan's inquiry, "Mr. Simpson, Miss Camille, I am dating Grace."

Horace was very straightforward about clarifying his relationship with Grace, his attitude sincere,

indicating that he was taking Grace seriously.

Camille also smiled and looked at the two of them. "So if we hadn't run into you, were you not planning

to tell me?"

This question was directed at Grace.

In fact, Camille had already anticipated this. Horace had asked her about Grace before, and then he

took responsibility for everything related to Grace. It wasn't something a mere business partner or

friend would do.

Perhaps the two of them had already expressed their feelings long before that, right?

After Camille's question, Grace hurriedly explained, "No, that's not it. I never intended to hide it from

you. It's just that I've been looking for the right moment to tell you. I didn't want to keep it from you, I


Grace was somewhat agitated, afraid that Camille wouldn't believe her. Her reaction made Camille

smile, but she didn't truly doubt Grace.

Camille said, "Alright, I believe you. Does Mom and Dad know about your relationship?"

Grace instinctively looked at Horace, and then she looked back into Camille's eyes. She said, "Not yet,

I haven't figured out how to tell them."

Grace sighed silently, her expression instantly turning melancholic.

Horace spoke gently, taking over from Grace, "Once you're ready, we'll go to the your family. With me

there, nothing will happen."

Grace mustered a faint smile and nodded.

Camille observed their interaction, and she could tell that Horace seemed responsible and dependable.

As it wasn't suitable for a lengthy conversation right there, they exchanged a few simple words before

parting ways.

Camille and Ayan took the elevator upstairs. There were only the two of them in the elevator. Unable to

resist, Camille asked Ayan, "What do you think of Horace?"

Ayan looked at Camille, his eyes gentle, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

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