My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 877: Daydreaming
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Chapter 877: Daydreaming

Chapter 877: Daydreaming

Kian immediately understood what Ayan meant with those words.novelbin

His eyes widened, and he quickly walked up to Alicia, blocking her view of Ayan. He made a gesture of

invitation with his hand and whispered, "Miss Nores, Mr. Simpson is about to have a meeting."

The meaning of his words was evident.

But Alicia refused to leave. She stood up and bypassed Kian to approach Ayan directly. She said, "You

haven't even started the meeting yet. Is it because of Camille that you're treating me like this? Camille

is so petty, she's not suitable to be your wife. Your wife should be a broad-minded woman who can help

you, not someone who will make you offend people because of her jealousy."

Alicia believed that Ayan was a man who prioritized his work. With the vast industry of Simpson Group,

he needed a woman who could support him.

But what she didn't expect was Ayan's merciless response. He even replied with a hint of mockery, "Do

you think I and Simpson Group need that? I don't need a broad-minded woman, nor do I need a

woman who can help me. If I indeed need a wife who can support and assist me, do you think it's you

who's suitable or Nores Group? Do you believe that Nores Group is the only powerful and formidable

enterprise in this world?"

Ayan's impatience was evident, and his cold gaze swept over Alicia, chilling her like the freezing winter


Alicia was stunned by his look, and for a while, she couldn't find her voice.

Ayan didn't waste any more time on her. He walked straight to his desk, sat down, and didn't spare her

another glance. He said coldly, "Don't waste your time on me, and don't try to challenge my bottom line

again and again just because you have the support of Nores Group. My patience is limited. Don't let

your foolishness jeopardize Nores Group, as it will be more harm than good."

Ayan's words were crystal clear, but Alicia couldn't accept it.

She thought that since Ayan spoke so much to her, he must care about her. If he didn't care, why would

he say so much?

Alicia stood at the desk, looking at Ayan's icy expression. She said, "I'm sorry. Maybe my directness

made you uncomfortable, but don't worry. I understand what you mean. There must be some feelings

for me if you can talk to me so much. I'm willing to wait for you."

Alicia was completely immersed in her own world. She didn't have many twists and turns in her

thoughts. She straightforwardly told him that she liked Ayan and wanted to be with him.

Whether Ayan was single or not had nothing to do with her. She didn't even consider such matters or

think that falling in love with Ayan was wrong.

After saying her piece, Alicia didn't wait for Ayan's response and turned to leave the office.

Seeing this, Kian looked at Ayan and saw his dark and solemn expression. He quickly followed Alicia

and instructed the security not to allow her to come up without permission.

Ayan sat silently at his desk for a long time. Alicia's attitude made him feel like dealing with a delusional


Such a person lacked reason, so he couldn't simply dismiss this incident.

After sending Alicia away and instructing Simpson Group's security, Kian returned to Ayan's office.

Ayan's face was stern as he said, "Do not have any contact with Alicia in the future. Go to Nores Group

yourself and find Alicia's father to tell him to take good care of his daughter. While Nores Group may

have the land I want, it doesn't mean they can control me. Whether Simpson Group cooperates with

them or not, it won't cause much loss. Let him watch Alicia closely and avoid embarrassing the Nores


Kian nodded immediately and explained, "Mr. Simpson, I apologize. Because Alicia told me the location

and time of your dinner with Mrs. Simpson so clearly, I believed her."

Ayan glanced at him coldly and said without any warmth, "Don't let it happen again."

Kian quickly agreed, relieved that the stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

In the evening, after work, Ayan drove to the museum to pick up Camille.

Then he took her to the Darkmoor. Camille asked, "Is it just the two of us?"

Ayan replied, "There are others."

"Your friends or clients?" Camille asked in a low voice.

Ayan didn't explain, only saying, "You'll know when we get there."

Camille furrowed her brows, unsure of what he was up to, but she didn't pursue the question any


The atmosphere in the car was quiet, and when they stopped at a red light, Ayan turned to Camille. He

proactively mentioned Alicia, telling her, "If Alicia comes to the museum to confront you or calls you,

just ignore her and tell me immediately. Let me handle it, okay?"

Camille nodded, indicating that she understood.

However, she had some doubts, "Why are you suddenly saying this?"

Ayan's face looked slightly tense and cold, and he mentioned what happened when he returned to the

company earlier. He also spoke about his attitude towards Alicia and the sarcastic remarks he made. It

was only after saying all this that he realized Alicia might get angry and come to Camille for trouble.

If he had thought of it from the beginning, he wouldn't have confronted Alicia like that but would have

asked Kian to contact the Nores family to remind them.

But since it had already happened, he could only deal with it in the present manner.

After listening, Camille also nodded, "If she contacts me, I'll tell you right away, and I'll try not to

confront her directly."

Ayan smiled lightly, his eyes full of tenderness. He reached out and gently pinched her cheek, saying

softly, "You're really adorable."

What is he talking about?

"Really adorable?"

Can these words come out of his mouth?

Camille unconsciously furrowed her brows. She didn't respond to his words but instead gazed at him

calmly, saying, "Don't try to make me forget the many facts about those women around you with this

kind of approach."

He chuckled at her teasing. "So, it's my fault, huh?"

"Then who else?" she retorted. "If only you were a bit less good-looking, things wouldn't be like this.

Why not consider getting plastic surgery to look less attractive?"

Camille offered this suggestion in a seemingly serious manner.

Ayan replied softly, "It's not for me to decide, my looks were given by my parents. If you're angry

because I'm too good-looking, blame my parents for that. I didn't have a choice, did I? So, go back to

the Simpson's mansion and have a heated argument with my mom to let off some steam."

"Ha! You're such a mama's boy. Others hope for a good relationship between their mother and wife, but

you seem to want us to argue," Camille teased.

"It's because your relationship with her is too good that I have no place in our home. I have no choice

but to hope for a slightly less perfect relationship between you two, even if it means you're pretending

to deceive me," Ayan explained.

"Keep dreaming!" Camille replied without hesitation, causing a deeper smile to form on Ayan's lips. The

traffic light turned green, and their conversation paused.

They arrived at Darkmoor, and Ayan held Camille's hand as they entered.

Along the way, Camille had no idea who they were meeting for dinner.

At the entrance of the private dining room, Camille whispered, "You should have let me go back and

prepare. I'm dressed so casually. Don't blame me if I embarrass you later."

Ayan chuckled, "Having you by my side is the greatest honor. Your casual appearance is just a facade.

As long as it's you, anything looks good."

Camille couldn't help but tease him, "Mr. Simpson, did you enroll in a sweet-talking course recently?"

Ayan responded, "These are all heartfelt words, no training needed. When feelings run deep, words

naturally come out."

Camille shivered unconsciously, "Mr. Simpson, please be more serious. I'm not used to this."

"Am I usually bad to you?" Ayan couldn't help but ask.

Camille replied, "It's not that. It's just that some words coming from you feel insincere."

"Then you have to officially get used to it from now on. After all, more sweet words might come out of

my mouth at any time." He said it very seriously, as if it was only natural.

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