My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 876: Ruined
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Chapter 876: Ruined

Chapter 876: Ruined

Camille and Ayan were both somewhat taken aback, especially Camille, who couldn't believe it and

stared at this woman.

Ayan also got up and walked over to Camille after she sat down. His expression was indifferent as he

glanced at Alicia, and he spoke with a touch of displeasure, "Miss Nores, do you have something

important? This is my private time with my wife. If it's work-related, it would be more appropriate for

Miss Nores to make an appointment with my secretary at Simpson Group."

Ayan's tone was cold, but Alicia seemed unfazed.

She said, "Mr. Simpson, I just feel that we have a lot of fate. We even run into each other while having

a meal. Simpson Group and Nores Group might have business collaborations in the future, and Mr.

Simpson and I also seem to have this fate. Mrs. Simpson shouldn't mind, right?"

Alicia's gaze was full of hostility as she looked directly at Camille.

But Camille didn't mind at all and simply smiled lightly, saying, "As long as he doesn't mind, of course, I

won't mind."

Camille's words were spoken calmly, and she paid no further attention to Alicia, focusing on her meal


Having met Alicia once before at Ayan's office in Simpson Group, Camille wasn't surprised to see her.

She was also aware of Alicia's intentions toward Ayan and her attitude toward her.

Thus, Camille didn't want to engage in a lengthy conversation with Alicia. The best way to deal with

someone like her was probably to ignore her.

However, Camille underestimated Alicia's character. Alicia had grown up in a open and lively family.

She directly looked at Camille and said, "If Mrs. Simpson is saying it that way, then it means you don't

mind, right? In that case, could Mrs. Simpson spare some time for me and Mr. Simpson to talk alone?

Mrs. Simpson should be understanding, right?"

Alicia made an unreasonable request, but she seemed convinced of her righteousness. Her eyes

locked onto Camille, telling her that she should cooperate.

After all, she had Nores Group backing her up.

But Camille simply smiled and wasn't interested in confronting Alicia directly. She looked at Ayan

beside her and asked, "She wants me to leave. What do you think?"

Camille's voice was warm, without any hint of anger.

This made Ayan frown slightly, and his expression became even more solemn. He spoke in a cold

voice, "Alicia, you'd better take back what you just said. Otherwise, never mind the fact that Simpson

Group and Nores Group haven't started cooperating yet; even if we do cooperate, I can end it at any

time. Want to try?"

Ayan's threat made Alicia's face turn sour immediately. She glared at Camille before turning her gaze

back to Ayan and said, "Mr. Simpson, I was just joking. Do you really need to take it so seriously?"

Ayan remained silent, and Alicia turned her attention to Camille again, saying, "Isn't Mrs. Simpson

being too difficult? It's just a chat between you and me. Why do you have to involve Mr. Simpson in

this? Mr. Simpson will be collaborating with Nores Group in the future, which is a good development

opportunity for Simpson Group. Do you want to ruin it for yourself?"

Alicia's words accused Camille of being unreasonable, and she seemed almost ready to say that

Camille was deliberately trying to discredit Ayan, and her actions were of no help to him.

Alicia's words made Ayan very displeased, and he was about to speak up and ask Alicia to leave.

However, Camille suddenly reached out and pressed his arm to stop him from speaking.

Putting down her chopsticks, she wiped her lips with a tissue and then faintly smiled, saying, "Miss

Nores, are you here to teach me how to be a good wife and Mrs. Simpson?"

Alicia was slightly stunned, not understanding the meaning of Camille's words.

Camille didn't wait for her to recover and continued, "Miss Nores, you're still single, so there's no need

for you to worry about me. We already have a child. As for whether I am a qualified Mrs. Simpson, you

don't need to worry about that either. After all, you are not Mr. Simpson, nor are you the Simpsons. One

knows best about their own situation. Miss Nores, you'd better mind your own business."

Camille's words implied that Alicia shouldn't meddle in her affairs. Alicia wasn't related to the Simpson

family in any way, so what gave her the right to interfere?

This was none of her business.

After Camille finished speaking, her gaze remained fixed on Alicia, unwavering and unyielding. Her

eyes showed no signs of avoidance or retreat.

Camille's response caught Alicia off guard. Alicia had always assumed that Camille might be the type

of person who would be bullied and wouldn't confront others directly. After all, she was Ayan's wife and

the mistress of the Simpson family, and such a status would naturally not allow her to show any

aggressive or confrontational side.

However, to Alicia's surprise, Camille was straightforward and didn't intend to spare her any dignity.

Similarly, Ayan indulged Camille's behavior, gazing at her with obvious affection. He didn't seem to

mind her words and was ready to let her say whatever she wanted.

Alicia was finally silenced, not knowing what to say in response. Coupled with Ayan's displeased

expression, she had no choice but to leave.

Once Alicia had gone, Camille's expression turned cold. She looked at Ayan and snorted, "Mr.

Simpson, you are indeed very popular!"

Ayan's amused expression caused a slight frown to appear on Camille's face. She asked in an

indifferent tone, "What's so funny?"

Ayan's voice carried a hint of amusement as he asked, "Are you jealous?"

It seemed that Ayan was in a cheerful mood, likely deriving amusement from Camille's reaction.

Camille felt even more displeased, and her eyes coldly glanced at him. She asked, "Do you really want

me to be jealous?"

Ayan tried to hold back his laughter but didn't manage to hide the amusement in his eyes. He said, "I

didn't mean that. It's just rare to see you jealous. I find it delightful."

What was he saying?

She was jealous, and he found it delightful?

Camille couldn't find words to describe her current speechlessness.novelbin

She looked at Ayan with a calm and indifferent tone, asking, "Didn't you tell me that Nores Group is just

a company you're considering to cooperate with? Why does Alicia persistently chase after you like


Ayan's happy expression froze in an instant because Camille's tone was too serious and somber. Her

eyes were no longer devoid of emotions like before, causing him to become serious as well.

He explained, "The collaboration with Nores Group hasn't been finalized yet, and Simpson Group

hasn't mentioned it in any official occasion. There's a piece of good land under Nores Group, and

Simpson Group intends to acquire it. The initial idea remains the same: either cooperate and share the

benefits or buy it outright, cutting ties with Nores Group. As for Alicia, it's her own decision. We haven't

met privately, and I haven't done or said anything to give her any misunderstandings."

Ayan was afraid that his explanation might be inadequate, so he made sure to clarify the situation

between him and Alicia.

Camille didn't immediately respond to his explanation. She simply gave him a glance that revealed

nothing about her thoughts.

Ayan hurriedly asked, "Don't overthink it. If you don't want to see her, I'll ensure future occasions

exclude her."

Camille had no such intention. Avoiding Alicia completely would only make matters worse and give

Alicia the wrong impression that she was bothered.

Besides, some things were already destined, and no precaution could change that.

After lunch, Ayan escorted Camille back to the museum before driving back to Simpson Group.

However, as soon as he stepped into his office, he found Alicia sitting on the sofa.

He was visibly displeased and turned to Kian. Kian tried to explain, "Mr. Simpson, Miss Nores said she

already scheduled a meeting with you."

Alicia directly had Kian bring her to the office and even mentioned that Ayan was dining with Camille,

providing all the details of the time and place. Kian had no choice but to believe her.

Ayan's irritation didn't subside, and he retorted, "Kian, I think the Chief Secretary position is not suitable

for you anymore if you can't differentiate between what's true and false."

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