My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 875: Tactful
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Chapter 875: Tactful

Chapter 875: Tactful

Camille furrowed her brows, her expression becoming cool and distant. She turned to Ayan, her voice

somewhat cold, and asked, "Do you really think that's what I'm thinking?"

Ayan met her gaze, and in their eyes, there was something unspoken, a mixture of excitement and


His brow tightened, his voice low and hoarse, "You don't want to see me, do you?"

Camille's face turned cold and rigid, her voice distant, "Then why am I even here?"

Camille didn't quite understand why he was putting all the blame on her when he was the one who had


She didn't want to explain too much because she didn't even know what to say.

The atmosphere became heavy, and the two fell into a momentary silence without exchanging a word.

Ayan thought Camille didn't want to see him, which was why she had been so cold lately. But Camille,

on the other hand, thought that Ayan didn't want to remarry her, despite her efforts to reconcile. Did he

really feel that achieving it was not worth the effort?

These thoughts spread through Camille's mind, making her feel increasingly confused these days.

The topic between the two did not continue because Kian came in after finishing the hospital discharge


There was nothing serious with Ayan; he just needed to take his medicine on time and pay attention to

his diet.

After leaving the hospital, since Camille had driven herself there, she didn't need Ayan to drop her off,

so they parted ways in the parking lot.

He went to the company, she went to the museum.

The words hidden in their hearts had no chance to be spoken or questioned.

Their relationship seemed to be getting more tense, and they went an entire day without any contact.novelbin

However, Camille had contacted Kian, asking him to remind Ayan to eat and take his medicine on time.

Other than that, there was no further communication.

And so it continued until the evening, when Camille returned home, and Ayan was already there.

Though their relationship was strained, they still lived together and shared a bed. But there was no

communication throughout.

This situation was not good, as the silent treatment hurt their relationship more than any big argument.

But both of them were unwilling to take the initiative or back down.

Camille didn't want to return to the bedroom, so she stayed busy in the study. The company had

recently taken on a project, and Yessica was uncertain about some ideas. Camille helped by providing

suggestions and advice she thought were good.

So she remained busy in the study and lost track of time. Moreover, she wasn't even tired, which was

probably due to the fact that she felt this way whenever she had a disagreement with him.

But when she was focusing on editing the graphics, the door to the study suddenly opened.

Ayan walked in with large strides, his expression looking grim. He went straight to her, lifting her up

from the chair without saying a word, and carried her to the bedroom.

Camille looked at him with an annoyed expression and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ayan replied, "It's getting late; I want to sleep."

Camille looked at his profile, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and asked, "Then you can go to sleep,

and can I disturb you by staying in the study room?"

"You not lying beside me is already a disturbance," he said matter-of-factly, without any hint of


If it weren't for the fact that she understood the meaning behind every word, she might have actually

thought it was her fault.

Camille glared at him, puzzled and confused. Without giving her a chance to recover, he placed her on

the bed and leaned over, kissing her passionately.

Camille felt dizzy after the kiss and didn't say anything else before falling asleep.

Both of them slept soundly that night and woke up to a bright morning.

When Camille woke up, Ayan was no longer by her side. However, he left her a note: "I've gone to the

company. Breakfast is warming up on the stove for you; remember to eat. I'll come to pick you up for

dinner tonight."

Next to the note, he had even drawn a heart, something quite unimaginable coming from Ayan.

Camille looked at the note, a faint smile forming on her lips. She stared blankly at it for quite some time

before putting it down and getting up to freshen up.

She had breakfast and then went to the company. The weather was nice today, and her mood seemed

to have improved.

So, after work, she decided to drive to Simpson Group to find him and have lunch together. Since he

had invited her for dinner, she decided to surprise him by coming for lunch.

When she arrived at Simpson Group, she bumped into Kian at the lobby. Kian was escorting a client

and seemed surprised to see her. "Mrs. Simpson, what brings you here suddenly?"

Camille joked, "Is it inconvenient?"

"No, of course not. It's just a bit unexpected," Kian replied in a low voice.

Camille had heard him clearly. She asked, "Why is it unexpected?"

Kian hesitated for a few seconds before explaining, "Because we didn't know that you and Mr. Simpson

had reconciled. But since you've come here to find him, I guess you must have made up. I think that

Mr. Simpson will have an improved appetite for lunch."

"Is it that obvious?" Camille asked without revealing too much emotion, although there were many

ripples in her heart.

She had never thought Ayan would be the type to bring personal matters into work. He had always

given the impression of being able to separate life and work.

Kian had noticed that he wasn't in a good mood lately, and it was evident from his emotions that

something was amiss between them. This indicated that Ayan must have shown his feelings at work.

After Camille asked, Kian nodded with exaggeration and whispered, "Mr. Simpson's mood has been

really bad these past few days. The entire Simpson Group's upper management knows about it, and

they are all on edge, fearing they might get scolded by Mr. Simpson."

Camille didn't say anything further, but she felt like something had touched her heart, giving her a

feeling that she couldn't quite put into words. Yet, she knew it was a somewhat pleasant sensation.

When they reached the floor where Ayan's office was located, Camille suggested, "Kian, you can go

ahead. I'll find him myself."

Kian nodded, understanding that she wanted to surprise Ayan.

He was also a beneficiary of Camille and Ayan's reconciliation. He wouldn't need to work cautiously

anymore, fearing that he might become a scapegoat.

Of course, Camille had no idea about Kian's thoughts. She simply didn't want to bother him any further.

As she stood outside Ayan's office, she gently knocked on the door before twisting the doorknob and


Inside the office, Ayan was looking down at some documents on his desk. He didn't look up, so he

didn't realize who had entered.

Camille didn't say anything and simply walked over to stand beside him quietly.

When he finally raised his head, his deep gaze met Camille's eyes. His eyes were so deep that it felt

like immersing in sea, making people easily get lost in them.

His face showed a gentle expression, and his eyes displayed a hint of tenderness. He asked softly,

"Why did you suddenly come? Have you had lunch?"

Camille shook her head. Though they hadn't fully resolved their issue the previous night, they seemed

to have reconciled.

Camille said, "I came to invite you to have lunch."

Ayan put down the pen in his hand, his voice gentle, "What do you want to eat? Shall we order in or go


"What's convenient for you?"

"Either option works for me."

"Then let's go out."


And without hesitation, he stood up and held Camille's hand, leading her out of the office. He even told

Kian to postpone the afternoon meeting by an hour.

Camille didn't know about his meeting, so she was worried and asked, "Will it affect your schedule? We

can eat at the office if we're short on time."

Ayan said, "No need. We'll eat outside. What does it matter if they have to wait a little longer for the


He spoke assertively, making it impossible to refuse.

After leaving Simpson Group, Ayan drove them to a Thai restaurant.

The atmosphere was good, but an unwelcome guest appeared just as the dishes were served.

It was Alicia, whom Camille had met once before. She took a seat beside Ayan without asking, "Mind if

I join you?"

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