My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 874: Drunk
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Chapter 874: Drunk

Chapter 874: Drunk

The empty room was unusually quiet. Camille sat on the sofa, looking at everything in the room that

remained unchanged, but she felt an inexplicable emptiness inside.

She didn't have to wait long and prepared to rest after washing up.

Her phone rang at that moment.

It was Kian calling.

On the other end of the line, Kian said, "Mrs. Simpson, are you available now? Can you come over?

Mr. Simpson drank and is feeling unwell. He just arrived at the emergency room. Can you come?"

Camille immediately sat up, and her voice showed concern as she asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"He's feeling uncomfortable in his stomach after drinking. The situation isn't very good. Mrs. Simpson,

can you drive over here yourself?"

"Yes, I'm coming now." Camille's concern spread through her heart, and her face darkened.

She changed her clothes without even drying her hair and immediately rushed out.

She arrived at the hospital, and Kian was at the payment counter in the lobby. He saw Camille as soon

as she entered.

Camille asked, "How is he now? What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor is conducting tests, and they've already expedited the CT scan. The initial diagnosis is that

Mr. Simpson experienced stomach cramps due to drinking and not having regular meals recently. But

we'll have to wait for the results for more details." Kian explained in a low voice. He also mentioned that

Ayan was reluctant to come to the hospital at first, but the pain became severe, and Kian took the

initiative to bring him here.

Ayan had a business dinner tonight, and Mr. and Mrs. Bell returned, so they all had dinner together and

had a few more drinks, which led to this situation.

But Kian knew that the problem wasn't solely caused by the alcohol; Ayan's mood had not been good

lately. So he carefully asked, "Mrs. Simpson, did you have a fight or some conflict with Mr. Simpson?"

Camille looked at Kian, and she didn't give an immediate answer. Kian hurriedly explained, "Mrs.

Simpson, I'm not questioning you. I just wanted to say that Mr. Simpson has been in a bad mood these

days, always working and not eating on time. Sometimes, he just eats a little to fill his stomach. He

doesn't look too good, so..."

Kian wasn't talkative, but he knew a lot about Ayan and Camille's situation. Although he was an

employee, he still wished for the boss's well-being, as the boss being well meant Kian would be well


After Kian finished speaking, Camille also nodded. She didn't say anything, but her heart was in


After a while, Ayan finally finished his examination.

Since it was expedited, the results were quickly available to the doctor.

It wasn't a serious problem, but it required extra attention, as there was a risk of stomach perforation.

Ayan had been drinking, and although he took hangover medicine, he fell asleep now. He needed to be

observed at the hospital overnight.

It was already late at night, and Camille said to Kian, "Kian, thank you. You should go and rest now!"

Kian replied, "Mrs. Simpson, I'll stay. You go and rest. Tomorrow morning, you can come and pick up

Mr. Simpson when he's discharged."

"It's okay. I'm fine staying here."

"Mrs. Simpson, if you stay, Mr. Simpson won't be at ease when he wakes up. I'll stay, and I'll have the

driver come to take you back to rest. Tomorrow morning, you can bring breakfast and pick up Mr.

Simpson to go home."

Kian insisted because it was already late at night, and leaving Camille alone at the hospital overnight

wasn't a good idea.

If Ayan found out, he probably wouldn't be pleased.

In the end, Camille returned to Maple Leaves Mansion, and Kian stayed to watch over Ayan.

When Ayan woke up in the early morning and saw Kian sleeping by the bed, his face turned icy, and

his deep eyes seemed as dark as ink.

He sat up from the bed, and the sun was already rising. He took the medicine, and his stomach wasn't

as painful as last night, but there was still a slight ache.

Just as he was about to get off the bed, Kian woke up beside him.

Kian quickly got up and handed Ayan his shoes. He asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, are you feeling


Ayan gave a hoarse "yeah" and then asked calmly, "Have you been here since last night?"

Kian nodded lightly, "Yeah."

Ayan's face became even more somber.

He put on his shoes and clothes, squinting his eyes. His voice didn't show any emotion as he said,

"Back to the company."

Kian hesitated for a moment and quickly said, "Mr. Simpson, just wait a little longer. The doctor will

arrange other examinations for you later, and Mrs. Simpson probably will be here soon too. It's not the

right time for you to leave now, and if Mrs. Simpson comes..."

"Did she tell you she's coming?" he interrupted Kian, his tone indifferent.

Shaking his head gently, Kian whispered, "Last night, as soon as you arrived at the hospital, I

contacted Mrs. Simpson right away. She rushed over to wait for you to finish the examination.

Originally, Mrs. Simpson wanted to stay here, but I insisted that she should go back to rest. After all,

you wouldn't want her to stay overnight, right?"

Kian had a vague idea that Ayan might be upset because he didn't see Camille, so he didn't dare to

delay and quickly said everything he needed to. Otherwise, Ayan might just kill him.

After Kian spoke, he noticed that Ayan's expression had eased slightly, and the deep gaze was no

longer as dark as before.novelbin

However, Ayan remained silent, without saying anything unnecessary. He didn't bring up the idea of

returning to the Simpson Group immediately, and Kian knew better than to ask further. He quietly

waited in the hospital room for Camille to arrive.

Camille arrived after half-past seven in the evening, carrying a thermos of freshly cooked pumpkin

millet porridge – gentle on the stomach.

As she entered the hospital room, she saw Ayan already sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. Kian

greeted Camille as soon as he saw her, "Mrs. Simpson."

Camille nodded gently in response and said, "Kian, go wash up. I got breakfast for you too."

Kian glanced at Ayan and quickly thanked Camille, "Thank you, Mrs. Simpson."

Camille smiled warmly, "You're welcome. You've worked hard staying here all night."

Camille opened the thermos and poured some porridge into a bowl, which she then pushed gently

toward Ayan. "Have some food to soothe your stomach. You'll need to take medicine later."

Although Ayan had his eyes closed, Camille knew he wasn't asleep. However, when she spoke, he

didn't immediately react or open his eyes.

The atmosphere became unusually quiet.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Camille reached out and gently nudged Ayan's arm. Her voice was

soft and low, "Are you sleeping?"

She sat down beside Ayan, not too close, but not too far either. They could both feel each other's


Ayan's eyes opened in response to Camille's words, and their gazes met. Camille was the first to look

away, retracting her hand. "Have some porridge. You can't eat anything else right now, just something


She turned away, sitting upright, and took a deep breath, choosing not to say anything more.

Ayan remained silent, but he reached out and started eating the porridge that Camille had prepared for


Kian had been gone for quite some time since he left with the breakfast. He was probably handling the

discharge procedures. Thus, the hospital room was filled with the presence of only Camille and Ayan.

After finishing breakfast, Ayan closed the thermos. He wore a slightly heavy expression, and with

furrowed brows, he seemed to be struggling with something to say. After hesitating for a moment, he

finally spoke in a deep voice, "Are you... not willing to come? And, not willing to see me much either?"

Camille pursed her lips together, her hands lightly clasped together. She gazed ahead, looking out of

the window, her emotions seemingly calm but complex underneath.

She replied softly, "Not like that."

"Really? But from the way you look, it's obvious that you don't want to say much to me. Am I

mistaken?" Ayan's tone carried a self-mocking smile.

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