My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 880: Delay
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Chapter 880: Delay

Chapter 880: Delay

Sienna nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

Rex also gave Camille a grateful look, and the atmosphere returned to calm.

The three of them waited for Ayan for quite some time, but he still didn't show up. Camille decided to

call his phone. It connected quickly, but after several rings, no one answered.

Camille thought he might be at the entrance and ignored the call, but even after waiting for a while, he

didn't appear.

Her brows furrowed slightly, her expression showing a hint of concern. Ayan wasn't answering his


She then dialed Kian's number directly.

Both Kian's and Ayan's phones rang, but no one answered.

Seeing this, Sienna suggested, "Let Rex try calling."

Rex immediately made the call, but received the same result-no answer from Ayan.

Ayan not picking up the phone made Camille worry.

They had just chatted at noon, and if something came up, he should have informed her in advance.

Rex said, "Maybe something urgent came up at work? Why don't we eat first and have the kitchen

prepare his food for later?"

Camille nodded, and Rex got up to leave the lounge. Camille also picked up her phone and dialed

another number.

The call was quickly answered.

She introduced herself and the purpose of the call, "Hello, I'm Camille. Is Mr. Simpson still at the


She had directly dialed Ayan's assistant's office, and the person who answered was one of Ayan's

assistants, someone Camille had met many times before.

The assistant was familiar with Camille and politely replied, "Madam, hello. Mr. Simpson and Kian left

the company together. They should be on their way home now."

Camille furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "How long ago did they leave?"

"It's been about forty minutes."

"Alright, thank you."

After ending the call with Ayan's assistant, Camille's expression remained serious. She had a feeling of

unease because Ayan wouldn't usually not answer his phone, unless something held him up.

He would at least send a text if he couldn't talk.

Camille remained silent for a long time, lost in her thoughts, without any response. Sienna returned to

the lounge and saw Camille sitting on the couch staring at her phone in a daze. She asked, "Cami, Mr.

Simpson still hasn't answered the phone?"

"Yeah, I wonder if something happened," Camille asked calmly.

Sienna quickly reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll ask Rex to find out."

Camille murmured softly, and her phone rang at that moment. It was Kian calling, and she quickly told

Sienna that she didn't need to bother Rex and answered the call.

"Hello, Kian?"

"Mrs. Simpson, it's me."

"Where are you guys? Why isn't he answering his phone?"

"Mrs. Simpson, Mr. Simpson is dealing with some business, so he can't answer the phone right now.

He asked me to tell you that he won't be able to have dinner with you. You can go back to Maple

Leaves Mansion after dinner and he'll come straight home after finishing up."

Kian's tone didn't reveal any strange emotions, which gradually eased Camille's worries and


Still, she asked, "What... is he dealing with? Why can't he personally call me even once?"

"It's related to the company, so I can't say much. If you're curious, you can ask Mr. Simpson about it

when he's done."

"Okay, I understand," Camille replied calmly.

Since Ayan was fine, she didn't continue to press for answers and ended the call with Kian.

After hanging up, her expression remained somewhat stiff and indifferent. She looked at Sienna with a

hint of uncertainty, "Am I being too sensitive, or is Ayan really hiding something from me?"

"I don't think it's because you're too sensitive, and I don't believe he's intentionally hiding anything from

you. It's just that you miss and care about him so much that you start overthinking things," Sienna said,

pulling her hand to lead her out of the lounge. "Let's have dinner. Even if the world is falling apart, we

still need to eat. Mr. Simpson is just held up with something. Don't give me that 'I don't want to eat or

drink' look, or I'll get angry."

Sienna guided her to the dining table, and Camille gradually calmed down. Perhaps Sienna was right;

she might have been overthinking.

Camille pursed her lips, shaking her head to keep herself calm and stop her wild thoughts.

During the meal, the three of them ate together. Camille didn't continue her wild thoughts, but she also

didn't have much appetite.

Throughout the dinner, Sienna and Rex chatted, showing a bit of restraint in their intimacy and

interactions, probably to consider Camille's feelings.

After finishing the meal, it was nearly nine o'clock.

Since there were no other customers in the restaurant, Sienna didn't need to stay any longer. She

offered to drop Camille off, but Camille declined as she had driven herself there.

So, one after another, the three of them left the restaurant.

Camille drove back to Maple Leaves Mansion alone, and Ayan hadn't returned yet.

Although she had talked to Kian on the phone, she still felt a sense of unexplainable anxiety.

Just as Camille hesitated about whether to have Yessica contact Kian, her phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number.

She furrowed her brows, subconsciously recalling Ayan's earlier warning. Her first instinct was to think

that this call was from Alicia.

After a moment's hesitation, she decided to ignore it since she could already guess what Alicia might


After she hung up, the same number called again, but seeing that nobody answered, they didn't


Camille couldn't help but ask herself, where could Ayan have gone? Why was he in such a hurry?

Had something happened?

Camille pursed her lips, unable to find any answers. Her mind felt heavy, and she couldn't conceal her

sense of melancholy.

At the same time, in Flento City, Preston had just brought Molly back to the Walker family. He was still

standing outside their home. Molly's parents had temporarily agreed to his relationship with Molly, but

with one condition-Preston could marry Molly, but she had to sign a document renouncing all

inheritance from the Walker family, and it had to be publicly notarized.

The intention of the Walker family's request was evident-they were deliberately guarding against

Preston, testing him.

Tonight's dinner with Molly was also for this matter, and Preston had no objections. He was curious

about Molly's decision.

Molly needed some time to think, so nothing had been decided yet.

Preston got into his car but didn't immediately drive away. Instead, he lit a cigarette and started


Then, his phone rang again, and he saw the number on the screen. His brows furrowed slightly, and henovelbin

answered, putting it on speaker.

A gentle female voice came through the phone, "Preston? Can we talk now?"

"Yeah, what's up?" He responded indifferently.

The woman hesitated for a moment, seemingly disappointed by his cold response. She spoke softly,

"How long will you stay in Flento before coming to Hance?"

Preston showed no extra emotions and spoke calmly, "It's still uncertain. What do you want to say?"

"I miss you. Can I come to Flento to be with you?" Her voice was tender, but it also contained a touch

of stubborn persistence. She continued, "Don't you miss me at all?"

Hearing her words, Preston couldn't help but envision a face hidden in his heart. After a brief hesitation,

he agreed directly, "I'll arrange a flight for you to come tomorrow, but I'm quite busy, so I won't be able

to be with you all the time. You'll have to entertain yourself, okay?"

"Sure, I understand. I won't disturb your work, don't worry." The woman happily accepted his offer and

ended the call satisfiedly.

If Preston had known that this call from Zoie would cost him dearly in the future, he probably wouldn't

have agreed to Zoie coming to Flento.

However, at this moment, Preston had no such foresight. His thoughts were simple-he could handle

Molly's affairs while being with Zoie, the surrogate. It seemed like the perfect balance.

Having just finished the call with Zoie, Preston's phone rang again.

He glanced at the screen and saw that it was a call from Hance. Nonchalantly, he pressed the answer

button, "Who's calling?"

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